Synthesis of the Macedonian action document 2014-15

IPA - Civil Society Facility and Media
Synthesis of the Macedonian action document 2014-15
----------------DRAFT---------------1) Conducive Environment
(ref. to national
baseline reports)
2) Changing relations-CSOs and Government
3) CSOs Capacities
NB: Please see attached the Country Baseline brief
Main expected
results (ref. to CS
Civil Society Facility 2014:
Total of 5 MEur
Component 1: Civil Society Horizontal Measures
Financing actions in 3 measures:
a. Enabling legal and financial environment
b. Cooperation between the Government and CSO's
c. CSO's effectiveness, transparency and accountability
In the period 2014-2015, this component will contribute to achieve Objectives 1 to 6 of the EC
CSF Guidelines:
All individuals and legal entities can express themselves freely, assemble peacefully and
establish, join and participate in non-formal and/or registered organisations
The policies and legal environment stimulate and facilitate volunteering and employment in
National and/or local authorities have enabling policies and rules for grass-roots organisations.
Easy-to-meet financial rules for CSO, which are proportionate to their turn-over and noncommercial activities;
Donations are stimulated with adequate legislation and regulations
Financial (e.g. tax or in-kind) benefits are available
Public institutions recognise the importance of CSOs in improving good governance through
CSOs’ inclusion in decision making processes
CSOs' internal governance structures are transparent and accountable to members/ constituents/
CSOs are able to publicly demonstrate the results of their activities
CSOs participation with Government is representative and with mechanisms in place to
engage/inform constituents and beneficiaries
CSO activities are guided by strategic long-term organisational planning
CSOs regularly network within and outside country borders and make use of coalition-building
for increased impact in campaigning and advocacy
Fund-raising activities are rooted in CSOs' long-term strategic plans and the core mission of the
Component 2: Freedom of expression and media (FEM)
Financing actions in 2 measures:
Enabling Media environment (Capacity-building to regulatory environment, including selfregulator of the journalists, etc)
Supporting media-related initiatives (monitoring the work of media and journalists; free legal
assistance provided to journalists for defamation or libel; civil society and think tanks
becoming active participant in media environment, etc.)
In the period 2014, this component will contribute to achieve Objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the EC
Media Guidelines and achieve the following results:
Independent and professional regulators preserve media pluralism and prevent unfair
competition in media market.
Media outlets (owners/editors) assume responsibility for improved internal governance and
production. Increased resilience of media against external pressures. Growing audience’s
confidence in them.
Improved conditions for quality investigative journalism and Increased cooperation between
journalists, their groups and CSOs for benefiting investigative journalism, ensuring qualitative
and trustworthy investigative journalism
Component 3: Intercommunity Relations
Financing actions in 2 measures:
Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (watchdog and monitoring activities of
CSOs including partnership with municipality councils, etc);
Improving intercommunity relations (CSOs networking in this area to act on community level
vis- a vis intercommunity relations and involving also relevant community stakeholders –
possible re-granting component).
In the period 2014, this component will contribute to achieve Objectives 3 and 5 of the EC CSF
Guidelines and achieve the following results:
Public institutions recognise the importance of CSOs in improving good governance through
CSOs’ inclusion in decision making processes
CSOs use research and other forms of evidence to underpin their activities
CSOs regularly network within and outside country borders and make use of coalition-building
for increased impact in campaigning and advocacy
Civil Society Facility 2015:
Total of 5 MEur
Component 1: Civil Society Horizontal Measures –
Financing actions in 3 measures:
a. Enabling legal and financial environment
b. Cooperation between the Government and CSO's
c. CSO's effectiveness, transparency and accountability
In the period 2014-2015, this component will contribute to achieve Objectives 1 to 6 of the EC
CSF Guidelines, as listed above.
Component 2: Public Administration Reform
Financing actions for ssupporting civil society in watchdog and monitoring activities to the
public institutions in the following specific action measures:
Public procurement, budget expenditure and execution
Public employment
Access to information and regulatory impact assessment
Quality of public services.
In 2015, this component will contribute to achieve Objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the EC CSF
Guidelines and EC Media Guidelines Objective 3 and 4 to achieve the following results:
Government support to CSOs is provided in a transparent, accountable, fair and nondiscriminatory manner
Public institutions recognise the importance of CSOs in improving good governance
through CSOs’ inclusion in decision making processes
Public institutions include and collaborate with CSOs in the implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of public policies, strategies and operational programs
CSOs monitor and evaluate the results and impact of their work
CSOs activities are guided by strategic long-term organisational planning
CSOs use research and other forms of evidence to underpin their activities
CSOs regularly network within and outside country borders and make use of coalitionbuilding for increased impact in campaigning and advocacy
Increased cooperation between journalists, their groups and CSOs for benefiting
investigative journalism.
Regular dialogue within the media community established on press freedom and
integrity issues. Broad platforms (journalist professional organisations, NGOs, thinktanks, editors and owners) formed.
Component 3: Fundamental rights/Justice and Education & Employment Purpose
Financing actions in enabling non-discrimination environment for Roma, marginalised groups and
LGBTI group, in the following action measures:
a. Rights of the child (need to increase child protection in residential care, detention,
awareness rising on human and fundamental rights for pre-school children, child
protection over internet and media, empowering Roma children, etc.)
b. Combating different forms and manifestations of non-discrimination (improving the
redress and monitoring and reporting mechanisms, methods and practices of hate
speech in media and society, establishing a dialogue platform within the state
institutions on central and local level and advocacy for the key role of civil society
and media in promoting fundamental rights and non-discrimination)
c. Enhanced/Improved understanding and tolerance of LGBTI community (increasing
tolerance and prevent homophobia, support of LGBTI networks, ect).
In 2015, this component will contribute to achieve Objectives 1, 3 and 4 of the EC CSF
Guidelines and Objective 1 of the EC Media Guidelines and achieve the following results:
Public institutions recognise the importance of CSOs in improving good governance
through CSOs’ inclusion in decision making processes
Public institutions are legally obliged to include CSOs in the process of planning,
programming and development of public policies, strategies and operational programs,
in particular those related to EU integration
Public institutions include and collaborate with CSOs in the implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of public policies, strategies and operational programs
Creating a functional system for communication between public institutions and CSOs
(adoption of legally binding document)
All individuals and legal entities can express themselves freely, assemble peacefully
and establish, join and participate in non-formal and/or registered organisations
National and/or local authorities have enabling policies and rules for grass-roots
The policies and legal environment stimulate and facilitate volunteering and
employment in CSOs
CSOs are able to publicly demonstrate the results of their activities
CSOs participation with Government is representative and with mechanisms in place to
engage/inform constituents and beneficiaries
Initiative and creativity by state institutions in using tools at their disposal to promote free
speech and media diversity
Main activities
The EUD will launch not more than 8 calls for proposals awarding of action grants. The
Grants will be concluded from 12 to up to 48 months maximum period.
Budget (EU
Total EUR 10 000 000
2014: EUR 5 000 000 (contracting deadline 31/12/15; end of operational implementation
Contracting deadline
End of
Modes of
management) &
Expected date
(quarter) of the
Cfp/ ToR
contracting, etc.
period 31/12/2019)
2015: EUR 5 000 000 (contracting deadline 31/12/2016; end of operational implementation
period 31/12/2020)
Grants to CSOs:
- 7 Call for proposal (approximately 50 contracts)
Grants to CSOs& Media:
- 1 Call for proposal (approximately 20 contracts)