I have the first card. Who has the body of water that a lot of Equatorial Africa ship goods through? I have the Gulf of Guinea Who has a major political issue in most of equatorial African government? I have corruption Who has the cause for the drop in exotic wild life? I have poaching Who has the country that is in conflict with South Sudan? I have Sudan Who has what is burned in order to cook food? I have biofuels Who has a zone that is majorly populated by tropical rainforests? I have Equatorial Africa Who has the major river that flows through Equatorial Africa? I have the Congo River Who has the reason why Equatorial Africa is named that? I have that it is near and on the equator Who has from where Equatorial Africa ranges from? I have from 10° North to 10° South. Who has the landform that dominates Equatorial Africa? I have the Congo Basin. Who has the mountain range called, “Mountains of the Moon?” I have the Ruwenzori Mountain range. Who has “the year of independence?” I have 1960. Who has the group considered as the “population of concern” in Equatorial Africa? I have refugees and internally displaced persons. Who, arguably, has the poorest country in the world? I have the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a GDP of $300. Who has the main climates of Equatorial Africa? I have Tropical Wet and Tropical Dry? Who has the main way of life for most people in equatorial Africa? I have subsistence farming and herding. Who has the last card? I do. Who has the first card? I do. Who has the natural wonder that cuts through much of East Africa? I have the Great Rift Valley. Who has the biggest agriculture exports of East Africa? I have coffee and cotton. Who has the Arabic definition of “Sahel”? I have “shore” or “edge”. Who has the only country in East Africa that was not colonized by Europe? I have Ethiopia. Who has why nature conservation is helping East African countries? I have because it brings in ecotourism which provides jobs and brings in international aid. Who has the major pollution threat to coastal ecosystems? I have Oil Pollution. Who has cities have become overcrowded and water supplies are insufficient? I have Urbanization Who has the important source of food and contributes to the economy? I have fishing. Who has what the economies rely on? I have agriculture and tourism. Who has the tallest mountain in Africa that is located in the East Africa region? I have Mount Kilimanjaro. Who has the peninsula in Africa that lies along the southern side of the Gulf of Aden? I have the Horn of Africa. Who has one of the largest plains in the world that is also in East Africa? I have the Serengeti Plains. Who has the largest rift valley on Earth that ranges from Tanzania to Ethiopia. I have the Great Rift Valley. Who has the duties of women in rural areas? I have farming and selling items in local markets. Who has the name of the event between Hutu and Tutsi that killed almost a million people? I have the Rwandan Genocide. Who has the main type of crops in Eastern Africa? I have cash crops. Who has the consequence of overfarming? I have the depletion of the soil's nutrients. Who has the name for a common language shared so that business can take place? I have lingua franca. Who has large waterfalls that are a result of rivers leaving plateaus? I have cataracts. Who has the largest body of water on the African continent? I have Lake Victoria. Who has the last card? I do. I have the first card. Who has the northern border of West Africa? I have the Sahara Desert. Who has the largest and only active volcano in West Africa? I have Mt. Cameroon. Who has what corruption causes in West Africa? I have that it leads to violent political conflict. Who has the name of the first empire of West Africa? I have the Ghana Empire. Who has the traditional oral historians who tell stories to preserve cultural identity and were originally a social caste that worked for nobles? I have griots. Who has the 4th largest reservoir in the world? I have Lake Volta. Who has the effects of Europeans creating territory borders without African input? I have strong ethnic tensions that would later lead to many wars. Who has the family structure found in cities? I have nuclear instead of extended like most of West Africa. Who has the maximum population of any given species that an environment can sustain? I have carrying capacity. Who has what many NGOs are doing to help reverse desertification, feed the population, and retain moisture in West Africa? I have they are planting food producing-drought- resistant trees and plants. Who has the country in Africa with a booming population? I have Nigeria. Who has the Mali king that took over Timbuktu? I have Sundiata. Who has where most of the people live in West Africa live? I have along the coast and river plains. Who has two major issues in West Africa? I have lack of sanitation and access to clean water. Who has a landlocked country in West Africa? I have Burkina Faso. Who has a non-colonized country of West Africa? I have Liberia. Who has the West African island nation? I have Cape Verde. Who has the 3rd longest African river? I have the Niger River. Who has the last card? I do. Who has the first card? I do. Who has the river that empties into the Gulf of Guinea? I have the Niger River. Who has the type of people that make up the Transition zone? I have herders, farmers, nomads, and city dwellers. Who has the resources that helped the Mali flourish? I have gold and salt. Who has why farmers are migrating to cities? I have drought Who has the plan that calls for walls of trees to divide the semi-arid Sahel from the Sahara? I have the Great Green Wall. Who has a hot dry wind that blows from the northeast or east in the Western Sahara? I have harmattan. Who has to adapt plants and animals from the wild for human use? I have domesticate. Who has the definition of animist? I have pertaining to traditional religious beliefs in which nature and objects are thought to have spirits. Who has the practice of passing down stories from each generation by word of mouth? I have oral tradition Who has the longest river in the world? I have the Nile. Who has the semi-arid region of grasslands that extends from Senegal to Sudan? I have the Sahel. Who has the degradation of land by becoming increasingly arid? I have desertification. Who has the country with an economy reliant on its location as a port in the transition zone? I have Djibouti. Who has the country with the biggest pirate problem? I have Somalia. Who has the most commonly practiced religion in the transition zone? I have Islam. Who has the capital of Sudan? I have Khartoum. Who has the last card? I do. Who has the first card? I do. Who has the river flows west across South Africa, then forms part of the border between South Africa and Namibia? I have the Orange River Who has the system that many subsistence farmers engage in? I have shifting cultivation Who has where the Okavango River ends and what it creates? I have an inland delta. Who has why the east side of Sub-Saharan Africa is densely populated? I have because of the Namib and Kalahari Desert. Who has the definition of a rain shadow? I have the dry side of the leeward side of a mountain Who has what most rivers of Southern Africa are used for? I have for generating hydroelectricity. Who has the effect upon population due to HIV/AIDS? I have a decreasing population across decades. Who has two animals that are commonly poached? I have Elephants and Rhinos. Who has the main mountain range of Southern Africa? I have the Drakensberg. Who has another name for Lake Nyasa? I have Lake Malawi. Who has the “Big Five”? I have African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, African leopard, and White/Black rhinoceros. Who has the group of people that created 500 related languages? I have Bantu. Who has the last card? I do.