OPM 188 - Daly

Spring 2013
Professor Daly
OPM 188 - Operation Strategy + Design - SECTION 01
Course Description:
In-depth study of the decision situations facing managers in charge of planning and control of
work-in-process inventories and the flow of goods. Emphasis is placed on inventory control,
manufacturing and operations scheduling, and production activity control.
Prerequisite: OPM 101
Course Objectives:
• Understand the manager’s role in strategy development and design as it relates to Operations
• Demonstrate an ability to develop and drive strategy for an organization to solve operational
Office hours: Thursdays directly after class or by appointment
E-mail: deannadaly34@yahoo.com (the best way to get in touch with me)
Web Site: http://webpages.csus.edu/~deanna.daly
Office Phone: 916-278-6003 (no voicemail)
Textbook: Factory Physics by Wallace J. Hopp and Mark L. Spearman, Waveland Press,
2011. Available through the Hornet bookstore, in bookstores, and on line.
Course Requirements:
Exams 3 @ 100 points ea
Homework 2 @ 20 points ea
Participation 1 @ 10 points ea
Semester Group 1 @ 50 points ea
300 points/75%
40 points/12.5%
10 points/2.5%
50 points/7.5%
400 points
Communication: If you need to get in touch with me, the best way is through e-mail.
Grading: Grades will be assigned in accordance with the following percentage/points.
93.0% to 100%
80.0% to less than
B68.0% to less than
372 – 400 points
320 – 327 points
272 – 279 points
90.0% to less
A78.0% to less
62.0% to less
than 93.0%
than 80.0%
than 68.0%
360 – 371 points
312 – 319 points
248 – 271 points
88.0% to less
72.0% to less
60.0% to less
Dthan 90.0%
than 78.0%
than 62.0%
352 – 359 points
288 – 311 points
240 – 247 points
82.0% to less
70.0% to less
CLess than 60.0%
than 88.0%
than 72.0%
Less than 240
328 – 351 points
280 – 287 points
Definition of grades: Refer to the university website:
Homework: Homework may consist of problem sets and cases. The assignments will be done in
groups of no more than 5 people.
Semester Group Project: This project will be done in groups of no more than 5 people and will
be an amalgamation of the topics we cover.
Exams: I will administer 3 exams on the dates indicated in the schedule. Exams may include
multiple choice, computational, and essay questions. Exams will cover material from class
discussions, the textbook, and lecture notes. An optional final exam will be given. It will replace
the lowest exam score.
Make-up exams will not be given. You may take an exam early through the testing center if your
request is reasonable and you have made prior arrangements with me. Please let me know at
least two weeks before the test that you intend to take it in the testing center. Their website is:
Cell phones are not permitted for use as calculators on exams.
Course Policies: All of these course policies are designed to provide an environment that is
conducive to learning and teaching.
Attendance: Attend class. If you don’t attend class, you tend to fall behind and miss out on
important information and helpful hints for homework. If you miss class please obtain notes
from a classmate. Please don’t e-mail me asking what you have missed. The class plans will tell
you what you have missed. Exceptions will always be made for illness. Do not come to class if
you are contagious!
Preparation: Prepare for class. Read assigned material before class. Be prepared to ask and
answer questions. The rule of thumb is that students put in 3 hours outside of class for every
one hour in class. This means that you should be spending, on average, 9 hours outside of class
every week on preparation, homework, and studying.
Submission of assignments: I may request that assignments be submitted on SacCT or by hard
copy. Please note specific instructions on each assignment.
Late assignments: I do not accept late assignments. All assignments are due at a designated
time and date. Exceptions will be made only if you have made prior arrangements with me, or if
an emergency arises.
Cell phones: The use of cell phones in class is prohibited. They may not be used as calculators
on exams. Texting during class is disruptive and I will ask you to stop if it becomes distracting to
others. If it continues, I will address the issue with the associate dean to determine further
Incomplete: An incomplete grade may be assigned only if the student has completed at least
85% of the course work, and an event beyond the student’s control has prevented their
completion of the course, and the student signs a written agreement describing the work to be
completed by a specified date. Failure to fulfill all of these three conditions will result in the
assignment of an “F”.
Grades: If you dispute a grade that you have received on any graded assignment, you MUST see
me within 1 week of receiving a copy of the graded assignment to be considered for a grade
e-mail: I do not always check e-mails on weekends. Except for weekends, I will respond to
student e-mails within 48 hours, although I usually respond much sooner. I prefer that you send
me e-mails on my regular, (not SacCT) account, which is given on the first page of this syllabus.
Academic Honesty: These behaviors include cheating and plagiarism. Details and descriptions
of cheating and plagiarism can be found at the website. Sanctions for cheating and plagiarism
are described on the website, but generally will result in an “F” on the assignment, an “F” in the
course, and/or further administrative sanctions. In this course, cheating or plagiarizing once will
result in an F on that particular assignment. Cheating or plagiarizing more than once will result
in failing the course and referral to the associate dean in the College of Business for further
consideration. *: This course complies with university policy regarding academic honesty, which
can be found at http://www.csus.edu/umanual/AcademicHonestyPolicyandProcedures.htm.
Disruptive Behavior: The following practices constitute disruptive behaviors: use of cell phones,
engaging in activities unrelated to the class, using laptops without permission, talking to the
point that other students and/or the instructor is distracted, and any other behavior that
distracts from a learning environment. The university policy can be found at
* This section was added upon the recommendation of the College of Business
† This section was added upon the recommendation of the College of Business
Tentative Schedule: The schedule below is subject to change.
Jan 31
Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 21
Feb 28
Mar 7
Mar 14
Mar 21
Mar 28
Apr 4
Apr 11
Apr 18
Apr 25
May 2
May 9
May 16
May 23
Overview of Course
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 13; Exam review
Exam 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16; Exam review
Spring break
Exam 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Group presentations
Exam 3 and Final review
Exam 3
Final exam
Other Info
Homework 1 Due
Group Proj. Proposals Due
Homework 2 Due
Group Project Due