V1 Physiology Questions Hierarchies of RFs and visual areas Is prediction equal to understanding? Is predicting the mean responses enough? General versus structural models? What should a theory of V1 look like? How is information represented in V1? The cortex Visual Areas in the Nonhuman Primate Felleman & van Essen Visual Areas in the Nonhuman Primate Monkey LGN Monkey LGN Monkey V1 – Laminar organization Monkey V1 – Inputs Monkey V1 – Outputs Monkey V1 – Oculodominance Columns Monkey V1 – Oculodominance Columns Monkey V1 – CO patches (or blobs) Monkey V1 – Orientation Tuning Receptive field Monkey V1 – Orientation Columns Monkey V1 – Orientation Map Orientation map What generates the map? How does it develop? What is the role of experience? What is its functional significance (if any)? How are receptive field properties distributed with respect to the map features (such as pinwheels)? What is the relationship to other maps (retinotopy)? Monkey V1 – The Ice Cube Model Orientation columns LGN cell V1 simple cell V1 complex cell Hierarchy of Receptive Fields Concentric on/off Simple cells Complex cells Hyper-complex Grandmother Simple cells receptive fields Models v0.0 Monosynaptic connectivity from thalamus to layer 4 Analysis of monosynaptic connections Alonso, Usrey & Reid (2001) Monosynaptic connectivity from thalamus to layer 4 The “sign rule” of thalamo-cortical connectivity Reid & Alonso (1995) Alonso, Usrey & Reid (2001) Expected response of linear RF to moving gratings Yet F1/F0 distributions are bimodal Skottun et al (1991) There appears to be a continuum of responses Priebe et al, 2004 Beware of bounded indices Priebe et al, 2004 Laminar distribution of F1/F0 Same in cat (Peterson & Freeman; but see Martinez et al) Standard Models v1.0 Conditional Stimulus Stochastic stimuliDistributions p s P(s) P(s | spike) How are the original and conditional stimulus distributions different? Standard Models v1.1 Elaborating the LN model Simple-cell nonlinearities: Saturation Carandini, Heeger & Movshon (1996) Saturation depends on orientation Carandini, Heeger & Movshon (1996) Simple-cell nonlinearities: Masking Carandini, Heeger & Movshon (1996) ‘Non-specific’ gain control can shape tuning selectivity Prediction = Understanding? The linear-nonlinear model Simple cell receptive fields in V1 Simple cell receptive fields in V1 Simple cell receptive fields in V1 Simple cell receptive fields in V1 Simple cell receptive fields in V1 Why this particular set of filters? Going the modeling of mean responses Why beyond is the cortical state important? Cortical State, Stimulus, s (t ) x (t ) Response, r (t ) The response to sensory stimulation at any one time is a function of both the recent history of the stimulus and the cortical state. If the ongoing cortical activity is noise then: • Measure the mean response to sensory stimulus • Measure how the mean response varies with stimulus parameters. The vending machine analogy The ‘vending machine’ analogy Current State, Stimulus, x (t ) s (t ) Response, r (t ) Count up to 75¢ and deliver a coke (a deterministic machine) The vending machine analogy The ‘vending machine’ analogy 50¢ 25¢ 0¢ Count up to 75¢ and deliver a coke (a deterministic machine) The vending machine analogy The ‘vending machine’ analogy Current State, Stimulus, x (t ) s (t ) Response, r (t ) Count up to 75¢ and deliver a coke (a deterministic machine) The vending machine analogy The ‘vending machine’ analogy Saturday 23, 2004. The response appears very noisy. On average, we get one positive response every 3 stimuli. The vending machine analogy The ‘vending machine’ analogy Saturday 23, 2004. The response appears very noisy. On average, we get one positive response every 3 stimuli. The source of the noise may be in the mechanism delivering the coke, the one accepting the quarter, or both. Modeling the Mean Response – Is it sufficient? Arieli et al (1996) Mean response Single trial prediction Single trial response Modeling the Mean Response – Is it sufficient? Supèr et al (2003) Seeking invariants of the population response Stimulus Response Percept 8 spikes Vertical grating 17 spikes Vertical grating 3 spikes Vertical grating There must be some invariant feature in the population responses. Asking about the ‘neural code’ is equivalent to asking what is this invariant (‘best clustering’ approach of Victor et al). Theory of Visual Area X Representation: Area X is about representing natural signals optimally. Estimation/Bayes: Area X is all about estimating the most likely stimulus (motion/contours/etc) given the statistics of natural signals. Processing: Area X is doing some interesting image processing (for example, face detection) Behavior: Area X is about using visual information for visually guided behavior (‘active vision’) Half-Time