Please Note: This consensus map is a work in progress. We will continue to engage in conversations, reflection and revisions as we explore how to more clearly align and articulate our Chinese consensus map. CHINESE – Level 1 First Quarter Essential Question (s): How does a Chinese greeting differ from a greeting in English? How are greetings used in different situations? Theme/Unit “Hello” Content Pinyin plus tones Focus at beginning vs. stretch through year Greetings Formal & informal Pronouns Numbers 1-10 Moon Festival Chinese Names Country Introduction Students can… (I1, I2, P) - Read and write the Pinyin table - Greet teachers, peers, and other adults - Respond to greetings - Use Pronouns: plurals and possessive Teaching Strategies Resources Inflatable Globe Game: throw globe and locate country as it is called out from the person who threw it Chanting - Count, read & write to 10 in characters -Know and identify their spoken Chinese name -Write Chinese and English names on assignments -Say their country of origin, China, & USA in Chinese -Explain the Moon Festival in English I1=Interpersonal I2=Interpretive P=Presentational Salt Lake City School District/Chinese Level1/82011 Assessment Strategies (I, I, P) I1=Interpersonal I2=Interpretive P=Presentational Salt Lake City School District/Chinese Level1/82011