PreAP Biology Syllabus

Ridge Point High School
2015– 2016 Biology I Pre- AP Syllabus
Lauren Merkel
This course is designed to present basic biological concepts from a molecular approach, with an emphasis
placed on synthesis and critical thinking, as well as on laboratory and process skills. Biology is the study of
living organisms, their origins, how they survive, reproduce, change over time, and interact with each other
and their environments. The Pre-AP Biology curriculum is an introductory yet rigorous course taught in two
semesters of high school. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with a fundamental
understanding of modern biology and scientific processes, building a foundation for success in the college level
AP courses to follow. Course material is roughly divided as follows:
Pre-AP Biology is recommended for high-achieving students and for students who have a particular interest in
biology and the natural sciences. Students will be ultimately responsible for their learning; therefore, they
should be organized, prepared, and motivated to learn every day.
The Pre-AP Biology curriculum differs from the regular Biology curriculum in meaningful ways. The Pre-AP
course places a higher priority on developing critical thinking skills by examining real world problems. The PreAP curriculum examines topics with more depth, sometimes at an increased pace, and includes more advanced
resource material in addition to the adopted text. Laboratory investigations play a more prominent role in the
Pre-AP course. Labs are more sophisticated than in the regular curriculum and students are expected to design
and carry out experiments using appropriate methods and resources.
1. The student possesses reading comprehension skills at a level that allows:
a. Independent identification of main ideas
b. Correlation of current information to previously studied concepts
c. Conceptual vocabulary development
d. Pre-assessment and evaluation in the form of reading quizzes
2. The student demonstrates prior knowledge of basic chemical principles or demonstrates the ability to
quickly master basic chemistry concepts related to the study of Biology.
3. The student is able to produce well-written (including spelling and grammar) essay responses that involve
synthesis, application and/or evaluation of concepts.
4. The student establishes and maintains a pattern of study that is structured, regular, and paced.
5. The student displays appropriate organizational and time management skills.
 Nine Weeks Averages
o 50% - Major Grades (tests, projects, and lab reports) - minimum of three per nine weeks
o 50% - Daily Grades (homework, quizzes, labs) - minimum of eleven per nine weeks
Text: Biology by Stephen Nowicki
 Online Access will be announced in class and via Edmodo. A class set will be provided for student use
while in the classroom, if required.
 Supplies - 2 College Ruled Composition notebooks (one for each semester), a 1 ½ inch binder with
dividers (this may be shared with another class) or a spiral with pockets for notes and returned papers,
Notebook paper, pens and pencils , 1 box of Kleenex, 1 paper towel roll, gloves (nitrile, latex, or vinyl),
2 bottles of liquid glue
 Suggested supplies – scissors, ruler, colored pencils
 *Please check Edmodo for updates on our “Class Wish List” for supplies that we may need students
to bring in for labs and activities.
Major Topics
Lab Safety and Scientific Process
Cell Structure and Function
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Processes in Plants
Cell Reproduction
*Processes in Animals
*Genetics and DNA Technology
*Infectious Diseases
*This unit involves graphic images as they pertain to the state and district curriculum – TEKS 6E, 10A, and
Progressive Testing Policy
Progressive testing is one in which each test that is comprised of 50% new material and 50% of material from
the previous test within the current 9 week period. Re-teaching is integrated into class time and spiraled in
with the new material. The progressive test grade will replace the original test grade only if it is a higher score,
if it is lower, the original test grade will remain. Every student has the opportunity to improve his or her grade
with this type of testing.
Classroom Expectations
Any behavior that interrupts instruction or interferes with the learning process is unacceptable. Please
be respectful of others.
Be prepared to begin class when the tardy bell rings. Once that bell rings, you are tardy. We have been
instructed to close and lock our doors and you will have to go to the sweep station to receive your
tardy and be escorted to class. To avoid all of this, get to class on time!
You will NOT be allowed to leave within the first 10 minutes of class or during the last 10 minutes of
Courteous behavior will be expected at all times. Remain seated unless given permission otherwise.
Please raise your hand if you have a question or wish to make a contribution.
For the safety of all, aisles must be clear.
CHAMPS will be utilized throughout the campus – please follow all directions given in lab setting and
follow the CHAMPS guidelines that will be discussed.
It is expected that all students will follow dress code as stated in the student handbook. Teachers will
be performing sweeps and if you are not in dress code, you will be sent to the sweep station and the
necessary discipline action will be taken. To avoid all of this, come to school in the proper dress code!
Absences/Make-up Work
A. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out about and complete make-up work. Please
discuss make-up with me before school on the day you return or before the tardy bell for your class
B. On short term assignments, you will have one day for each day you are absent to turn in your work.
Any assignment due on the day you are absent becomes due the day you return.
C. If you are absent on a test day, you should be prepared to take the test during class, on the day you
return. If you are absent the day before a test is given and no new material is covered, you will be
expected to take the test with the class.
D. If you are absent on a lab day, be prepared to complete make-up, during the first available tutorial
A. RPHS’s late work policy: Daily Grades: First day late - maximum 70%; any later - max. grade 50%
Major Grades: First day late – maximum 75%, any later – max. grade 50%
Cell Phones
a. The use of cell phones in the classroom can be very beneficial at times for students; however, they
can also be a distraction. Use of cell phones in this class will be handled at the teacher’s
discretion. Cell phones should not be out at any time unless the teacher has given permission.
Failure to comply will result in confiscation of the phone and disciplinary action.
b. During all exams, students will place cell phones in the designated location. Phones should be off
so as to not disrupt the testing environment. If you are found to be in possession of a cell phone
during a test, you will automatically receive a test grade of 0.
Care of Equipment and Materials
a. Chairs, desks, and tables are to be kept orderly and clean.
b. Please respect my property and the property of your classmates. ASK before borrowing something
and return it when you are through.
c. Food and drinks are NOT permitted in the room, including the lab tables!
d. Follow all safety instructions when dealing with the laboratory equipment. Follow all written and
verbal directions when completing a lab – if you have a question, ask!
Every teacher has a set tutorial time. Students may go to any teacher who teaches the subject they are taking
for tutorials. Students are not restricted to attending their teacher’s tutorials. Tutorial schedules are posted on
Edmodo, outside of the classroom, and on
Study Habits
The most common problem new students have is that their study skills are not adequate for high school level
classes. Remember a Pre-AP course is technically a higher level class preparing you for advanced placement
courses in which to earn college level credit. Studying for classes involves more than just "cramming the night
before a test." Here are some suggestions to utilize in order to maximize your efforts.
1. Prepare for class before coming by reading over your notes soon after you have written them and also
read over the sections of your text that will be covered in that day's lecture.
2. Make and use a vocabulary list and outline as you go.
3. Do all worksheets, study questions, etc.
4. Keep your handouts, lecture notes, and study questions organized in a notebook.
5. Always read assigned material and make sure you outline all the main ideas and not just a single item
in a section.
6. Pay attention and don't daydream in class.
7. Study frequently and in small doses. Cramming does not foster long term understanding that will
stick with you!
8. Set up a study group and study with friends. You may use my room for your study groups if you would
9. Understand figures and diagrams from lecture and from your text and ask questions when you don’t.
10. If you are having trouble with the material, get help early. Utilize the one- on- one availability of
tutorials. Do not wait until TEST DAY!!!
Please email me any time if you have questions or concerns about your student’s performance or student
progress. Please schedule parent conferences in advance. My conference period is 3rd period, but I’m also
available both before and after school. The best way to reach me is through email, please allow 24 hours to
If you need to reach me by phone, my extension is : 281-634-0944. (My phone does not ring during the school
day. All messages will be checked after school).
Please sign up on Edmodo to access class notes and information; login or sign up if 1st time user. The class code is
Ridge Point High School
Biology I – Pre AP
Lauren Merkel
Signature Page – to be returned to Ms. Merkel
I have read and understood all items in the syllabus and I will follow all procedures listed.
Student Name – Print
Student Signature
I have read and understood all items in the syllabus. I understand the major topics that will be
presented and how the re-teach and re-asses policy will be implemented. If I would like a parent
conference, I know how to contact you and I will set up the conference in advance.
**Please ask your child for the student safety contract! This must be signed by you (front and back)
and returned ASAP so he or she can participate in labs and receive credit!!**
Parent/Guardian Name – Print
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent e-mail address (please print clearly!)
I will do my best to have my Edmodo page up to date with homework, posting of test dates and any
electronic versions of materials that I have.
Please fill out the All About Me page and return to Ms. Merkel!!
All About Me!
Student name: ________________________________ Period: _______
Parent name(s): ____________________________________________________
How many siblings do you have? __________ What are their ages? ______________________
Favorite subject in school: __________________ Least favorite subject in school: ____________
Favorite musician/group: _____________________________
Favorite candy: _______________________ Favorite restaurant: _____________________
List any hobbies or interests outside of school:
Do you like science: _______ Why or why not? ____________________________
Do you have a computer at home? __________ Do you have internet? ____________
Do you have a working printer at home? ______________
Where at home do you usually do your homework/study? __________________________________
What helps you learn? ______________________________________________________________
What do you think makes a good teacher? ______________________________________________
What clubs/activities are you currently involved in or would like to be involved in?
What college do you think you might want to go to? _______________________________________
What do you want to do once you graduate? ____________________________________________
Favorite color: _______________ Birthday: ____________________________________________
Any pets? ___________________ If so, what kind? ____________________________________