Classroom Observation and Feedback Tool TEACHER INFORMATION Teacher Name School Date Grade/Course _____________________ Observer _______________________________ This observation tool is intended to validate observable actions/behaviors in a classroom setting. The tool focuses on the Utah Effective Teaching Standards 1-7 in the areas of; The Learner and Learning, and Instructional Practice. It should be used to collect evidence and provide feedback to all teachers using consistent language. 1. Student Engagement: Are all students engaged in the work of the lesson from start to finish? 2. Essential Content: Are all students working with content aligned to the appropriate standards for their subject and grade? 3. Academic Ownership: Are all students responsible for doing the thinking in this classroom? 4. Demonstration of Learning: Do all students demonstrate that they are learning? Follow up: What skill(s) did you see the teacher using most effectively? Was there evidence that action steps from the previous feedback session were implemented? What specific skill or technique will you and the teacher need to practice and develop over the next cycle? Is instruction tailored to address and meet the needs of all students; linguistically, culturally, developmentally, etc.? Are all students appropriately included? This rubric was adapted from the TNTP Core Teaching Rubric (CC BY-NC 4.0) The Salt Lake City School District prohibits discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Core Teacher Skills Student Engagement Maintaining High Behavior Expectations Providing specific, concrete, sequential, and observable directions for behavior and academics Addressing all negative and off-task student behavior immediately and in a way that does not slow or disrupt lesson momentum Issuing logical and appropriate consequences as needed without hesitation, such that consequences are successful in changing student behavior Using voice and presence to maintain authority and convey caring for students Investing time in knowing individual students and in forming relationships to best support their learning Developing an active interest in students’ well-being and demonstrating that interest through his/her engagement with students Maximizing Instructional Time Using efficient techniques for starting and ending lessons Using efficient routines and procedures Responding to student requests without interrupting instruction Planning for and providing work for students to “say yes to” and using strategies to maintain a quick pace throughout the lesson Essential Content Planning Effectively Allocating instructional time to address the most important content for the grade or course Developing and clearly communicating a well-framed, standards-aligned and appropriately rigorous objective to describe the goal(s) of the lesson Developing and/or using appropriately demanding instructional materials, such as texts, questions, problems, exercises and assessments Developing a vision for student success and standards-aligned, big goal(s) that are ambitious, measurable and appropriate for all students Developing and/or using a long-term, sequential plan that leads to mastery of the most important content for the grade or course Developing and/or using daily lesson activities that are well sequenced and move students toward mastery of grade-level standards Developing and providing accommodations and modifications as needed to ensure all students are able to attain learning goals Considering students’ IEP goals and other specific learning needs in developing learning goals and preparing lessons (where applicable) Anticipating common student misunderstandings given the content, and ensuring strategies are in place to overcome those misunderstandings Academic Ownership Maintaining High Academic Expectations Promoting student persistence to get correct, defended responses Using an appropriate tone when responding to student answers Requiring that students use complete sentences, correct grammar and academic language Building Thinking Skills Structuring and delivering lesson activities so that students do an appropriate amount of the thinking required by the lesson Posing questions or providing lesson activities that require students to cite evidence to support their thinking Providing opportunities for students to respond to and build on their peers’ ideas Providing support necessary for students to complete instructional tasks requiring higher-order thinking skills Providing individualized instruction so that all students can access content and participate in the class Demonstration of Learning Leading Instruction Conveying or providing accurate content and all content necessary for students to achieve the learning goal(s) Using explanations of content that are clear, coherent and support student understanding of content Differentiating instruction as needed in response to student learning needs, including enrichment and extra support Checking for Understanding of Content Accurately checking for whether students understand the key content needed to master the lesson at key moments in the lesson (e.g. during direct instruction, before independent practice, at a transition and with an exit ticket at the end of a lesson) Developing and/or using informal and formal assessments that yield useable data on students’ progress toward grade-level standards Responding to Student Misunderstanding Providing feedback that affirms correctly understood content and student progress toward the lesson objective, and clarifies misunderstood content Recognizing the root of student errors and re-teaching or re-framing content to address the underlying cause of student misunderstanding This rubric was adapted from the TNTP Core Teaching Rubric (CC BY-NC 4.0) The Salt Lake City School District prohibits discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Performance Descriptors Student Engagement Not Effective Very few or no students complete instructional tasks, volunteer responses and/or ask appropriate questions. Very few or no students demonstrate a clear understanding of behavioral expectations and/or directions through their actions. Students do not execute transitions, routines and procedures in an orderly manner. Students are left without work to do for a significant portion of the class period. Emerging / Minimally Eff. Effective Highly Effective Some students complete instructional tasks, volunteer responses and/or ask appropriate questions. Some students demonstrate a clear understanding of behavioral expectations and/or directions. Students execute transitions, routines and procedures in an orderly and efficient manner only some of the time and/or require substantial direction from the teacher. Students are idle while waiting for the teacher or left with nothing to do for one or two minutes at a time. All or almost all students complete instructional tasks, volunteer responses and/or ask appropriate questions. All or almost all students follow behavioral expectations and/or directions. Students execute transitions, routines and procedures in an orderly and efficient manner with minimal direction or narration from the teacher. Class has a quick pace and students are engaged in the work of the lesson from start to finish. Students who finish assigned work early engage in meaningful learning without interrupting other students’ learning. All descriptors for Level 4 are met, and at least one of the following types of evidence is demonstrated: Students assume responsibility for routines and procedures and execute them in an orderly, efficient and selfdirected manner, requiring no direction or narration from the teacher. Students demonstrate a sense of ownership of behavioral expectations by holding each other accountable for meeting them. Applicable Utah Effective Teaching Standards: 1a Creates appropriate and challenging learning experiences 3a Develops routines and procedures that engage students 3b Establishes a positive climate of respect, support and inquiry 3c Uses a variety of management strategies 3d Engages students by managing time, space and attention 3e Extends learning by using technology, media and other resources Essential Content Not Effective Emerging / Minimally Eff. Effective Highly Effective The lesson does not focus on content that advances students toward gradelevel standards or expectations and/or IEP goals. Most of the activities students engage in are not aligned to the stated or implied learning goal(s) or to each other. Instructional materials students use, such as texts, questions, problems, exercises and assessments, are not appropriately demanding for the grade/course and time in the schoolyear, based on guidance in the standards and/or students’ IEP goals (ex. Lexile level and complexity of text). The lesson partially focuses on content that advances students toward grade-level standards or expectations and/or IEP goals. Only some activities students engage in are aligned to the stated or implied learning goal(s). Some instructional materials students use, such as texts, questions, problems, exercises and assessments, are not appropriately demanding for the grade/course and time in the school-year, based on guidance in the standards and/or students’ IEP goals (ex. Lexile level and complexity of text). The lesson focuses on content that advances students toward grade-level standards or expectations and/or IEP goals. All activities students engage in are aligned to the stated or implied learning goal(s) and are wellsequenced and build on each other to move students toward mastery of the grade-level standard(s) and/or IEP goals. All instructional materials students use, such as texts, questions, problems, exercises and assessments, are high-quality and appropriately demanding for the grade/course and time in the school-year, based on guidance in the standards and/or students’ IEP goals (ex. Lexile level and complexity of text). All descriptors for Level 4 are met, and the following evidence is demonstrated: Students make connections between what they are learning and other content across disciplines. Students independently connect lesson content to real-world situations. Note to observers: When assessing the content of the lesson, your goal is to first examine what students are being asked to do during the lesson, and with what materials. Then, compare this to the expectation of the relevant Utah Core standard for that particular subject/grade to assess whether or not the students are working with appropriately rigorous content Applicable Utah Effective Teaching Standards: 2b Designs instruction to address diverse strengths and needs 2e Incorporates tools of English language development 4a Knows the content and conveys accurate information and concepts 4b Uses the Utah Core in planning and teaching 4d Uses multiple representations and explanations to capture key ideas 6a Plans instruction based on approved state curriculum 6b Creates appropriate, effective and relevant learning experiences 6c Differentiates instruction for individuals and groups 6e Integrates cross-disciplinary skills into instruction 7a Understands and practices a range of appropriate strategies 7b Uses appropriate strategies and resources to adapt instruction This rubric was adapted from the TNTP Core Teaching Rubric (CC BY-NC 4.0) The Salt Lake City School District prohibits discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Academic Ownership Not Effective Emerging / Minimally Eff. Effective Highly Effective Very few or no students provide meaningful oral or written evidence to support their thinking. Students complete very little of the cognitive work during the lesson, such as reading, writing, discussion, analysis, computation, or problem solving; the teacher completes all or almost all of the cognitive work. Students respond negatively to their peers’ thinking, ideas, or answers. No students or very few students try hard to complete challenging academic work or answer questions. Some students provide meaningful oral or written evidence to support their thinking. Students complete some of the cognitive work during the lesson, such as reading, writing, discussion, analysis, computation, or problem solving, but the teacher or a very small number of students complete most of the cognitive work. Students do not respond to their peers’ thinking, ideas, or answers, or do not provide feedback. Some students try hard to complete challenging academic work and answer questions. All or almost all students provide meaningful oral or written evidence to support their thinking. Students complete an appropriately challenging amount of the cognitive work during the lesson, such as reading, writing, discussion, analysis, computation, or problem solving, given the focus of the lesson. Students respond to and build on their peers’ thinking, ideas or answers. Students routinely provide constructive feedback to their classmates and respond productively when a peer answers a question incorrectly or when they do not agree with the response. All or almost all students consistently try hard to complete academic work and answer questions, even if the work is challenging. All descriptors for Level 4 are met, and at least one of the following types of evidence is demonstrated: Students synthesize diverse perspectives or points of view during the lesson. Students independently show enthusiasm and interest in taking on advanced or more challenging content. Applicable Utah Effective Teaching Standards: 2c Allows students to demonstrate learning in diverse ways 2d Creates a culture that encourages perseverance 3f Encourages use of speaking, listening, reading, writing, analysis. 4c Engages students in inquiry and standards of the discipline 4e Supports students in learning and using accurate academic language 6d Creates opportunities for students to generate creative work 7d Uses a variety of strategies to support and expand communication 7e Provides multiple opportunities for students to develop higher skills 7f Provides opportunities for questioning and analyzing real-world prob. Demonstration of Learning Not Effective Emerging / Minimally Eff. Effective Highly Effective Questions, tasks or assessments do not yield data that allow the teacher to assess students’ progress toward learning goals. Students have very few or no opportunities to express learning through academic writing and/or explanations using academic language. Very few or no students demonstrate how well they understand lesson content and their progress toward learning goals. Student responses, work and interactions demonstrate that most students are not on track to achieve stated or implied learning goals. Questions, tasks or assessments yield data that only partially allow the teacher to assess students’ progress toward learning goals. Students have few opportunities to express learning through academic writing and/or explanations using academic language. Some students demonstrate how well they understand lesson content and their progress toward learning goals through their work and/or responses. Student responses, work and interactions demonstrate that some students are on track to achieve stated or implied learning goals. Questions, tasks or assessments yield data that allow the teacher to assess students’ progress toward learning goals and help pinpoint where understanding breaks down. Students have extensive opportunities to express learning through academic writing and/or explanations using academic language. All students demonstrate how well they understand lesson content and their progress toward learning goals through their work and/or responses. Student responses, work and interactions demonstrate that all or almost all students are on track to achieve stated or implied learning goals. All descriptors for Level 4 are met, and at least one of the following types of evidence is demonstrated: Students self-assess whether they have achieved the lesson objective and provide feedback to the teacher. Students monitor their own progress, identify their own errors and seek additional opportunities for practice. Applicable Utah Effective Teaching Standards: 2a Understands learner differences and holds high expectations 5a Designs assessments in a variety of formats to match objectives 5b Teaches elements of quality work and provides timely feedback 5c Adjusts assessment methods and makes appropriate accommodations 5d Uses data to assess effectiveness and make adjustments 7c Analyzes student errors to redirect and deepen learning 7h Uses a variety of questioning strategies This rubric was adapted from the TNTP Core Teaching Rubric (CC BY-NC 4.0) The Salt Lake City School District prohibits discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sexual orientation.