Funding Request

University Assessment Panel Funding Request Guidelines and Rubric for 2016-2017
Academic degree programs and academic support units submitting status reports during the 20162017 review cycle may request financial resources to support the development of authentic (direct)
assessment initiatives. For example, in the past, degree programs and academic support units have
used these funds to purchase equipment (e.g., software, clickers), provide faculty/staff/GA stipends,
or conduct surveys. Funding may not be used for the maintenance of ongoing assessment activities
beyond initial startup. Funds must also be expended in FY17. The request should include:
A statement of significance establishing a need or problem to be addressed.
A description of the assessment tasks (initiatives or activities) in enough detail to understand
how the desired results will be achieved.
A description of how the results of assessment initiatives or activities will be used to report
student learning outcomes.
A description of sustainability indicating how the assessment process will continue beyond
initial funding and support continuous program improvement.
A statement indicating the qualifications of individuals who will be responsible for carrying
out the project.
A timeline indicating who is responsible for what, and when.
A budget with items directly related to the proposed assessment initiatives or activities.
A plan for a follow-up report to the University Assessment Panel describing how success of
the project will be evaluated and reported.
Please contact the Office of Assessment Services (753-8659) if you have questions about specific
projects that may eligible for funding or for help in developing a funding proposal. Proposals are
submitted at the same as the assessment plan and status report. Proposals will be reviewed by the
University Assessment panel in early December.
A rubric for evaluating funding requests follows on the next page.
Submit an electronic version (MS Word) of your proposal to the Office of Assessment
Services at
Due Date: Early December, 2016
University Assessment Panel Funding Request Guidelines and Rubric for 2016-2017
Plan for
Lacks problem or needs assessment;
vague and difficult to understand
Capacity to continue developed
assessment processes beyond initial
funding is not demonstrated; initiative
doesn’t appear it will support continuous
program improvement.
Relationship between proposed initiative
and the reporting of student learning
outcome data is unclear.
Provides clear documentation to support
need or problem.
Capacity to continue developed
assessment processes beyond initial
funding is evident; initiative holds
promise to support continuous program
Linkage between proposed initiative and
eventual use of results in reporting
student learning outcomes is described.
Individuals involved are not identified or
do not appear to have the necessary
qualifications to develop and sustain the
Methods of proposed tasks are absent or
incomplete; it is difficult to understand
how desired results will be achieved.
Timeline is not presented or is
Named individuals have not been
involved in assessment before but
indicate strong interest in continuing
participation for the next several years.
Includes description of how proposed
tasks will be accomplished.
Fails to provide budget; inaccurate or
unrealistic budget; or budget item not
relevant to the proposal.
No indication of how program will
provide the University Assessment Panel
a report of results.
Budget is realistic and items are related to
specific proposed initiative.
Realistic, but skeletal, timeline is
Provides description of how success of
project will be evaluated; indicates
responsible party and how program will
provide the University Assessment Panel
Clearly establishes compelling needs to be
addressed or the problems to be solved.
Capacity to continue developed assessment
processes in future years is demonstrated with
detailed plan outlining the use of new
assessment processes. Processes support
continuous program improvement.
Detailed linkage between the proposed
initiative, how it fits with the current
assessment program, and use of results in
reporting of student learning outcome data is
Individuals were chosen based on their roles
within the program, commitment to the
assessment process, and understanding of
previous assessment efforts.
Description and scope of activities to achieve
desired results are clearly stated.
Realistic, detailed timeline presented. Indicates
persons responsible and tasks that will occur
(Who, What, By When, By How Much).
Provides detailed and clear budget explanation;
budget items are referenced to proposal topics
and are realistic.
Provides plan for clear and comprehensive
evaluation; identifies benchmarks to monitor
progress; indicates responsible party and how
program will provide the University
Assessment Panel results.
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