2012-2013 Calendar Proof SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY General Office: Tilley Hall, Room 20 Mailing Address: Department of Sociology, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N. B., Canada, E3B 5A3 Phone: (506) 453-4849 Fax: (506) 453-4659 Email: socio@unb.ca Website: http://www.unbf.ca/arts/Soci/ FACULTY Ballucci, Dale, BA (Guelph), MA (Wind), PhD (Alta), Adjunct - 2011 Tramonte, Lucia, BA, MA, PhD(UNIMI), Asst Prof - 2009 Bowden, Gary, BA (W. Wash), MA, PhD (Calg), Assoc Prof - 1990 Gill, Carmen, BA, MA, PhD (Qc), Assoc Prof & Dir MMF Ctr for Family Violence Study - 2004 Haan, Michael, BA (Dordt), MA (Wind), PhD (Tor), Assoc Prof & CRC - 2010 Harrison, Deborah, BA (Qu), MA, PhD (York), Adjunct Prof - 1995 Hornosty, Jennie M., BA (Cal Berkeley), MA (Dal), PhD (York), Prof - 1980 Kufeldt, Kathleen, BSW, MSW, PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Prof - 1997 Low, Jacqueline, BA, MA (Conc.), PhD (McM.), Prof - 2001 Miedema, Baukje, BA, MA, PhD (UNB), Adjunct - 2011 Nason-Clark, Nancy BSc (Houghton Col. NY), MA (Wat), PhD (Lond), Prof and Chair - 1984 Neilson, Linda, BA, LL.B (UNB), PhD (Lond), Prof - 1993 O’Donnell, Susan, BA (Ott), MA (Cardiff), Prof - 2004 Rehorick, David A., BA, MA, PhD (Alta), Prof Emeritus - 1974 Rideout, Vanda, BA (Qu), MA, PhD (Car), Prof - 1998 Sahni, Isher-Paul, BA, MA (Conc.), PhD (McGill), Assoc Prof - 2008 Thériault, Luc, BA (Qc), M.Sc, (Montr), PhD (Tor), Prof - 2004 Torri, Maria Costanza, BA (University of Ancona, Italy), MA (IAMM-CIHEAM, France), PhD (Paris1-Pantheon-Sorbonne), Asst Prof - 2011 van den Hoonaard, Will C., BA (UNB), MA (Nfld), PhD (Manc), Prof Emeritus - 1979 General Information First-Level Courses First-year students in the Faculty of Arts interested in Sociology will normally take any 6 ch of Level 1 Sociology courses. First- and Second-year students enrolled in other Faculties and/or planning to transfer to another university will normally take SOCI 1503 -but may, with approval of their Faculty, substitute for SOCI 1503 another Level 1 Sociology course and/or take an additional 3 ch of Level 1 courses. After completion of 60 ch of their program, students may not enroll in Level 1 Sociology courses but may enrol in Level 3 or 4 Sociology courses without having taken Level 1 Sociology courses. After completion of 30 credit hours of their program, students may enrol in Level 2 courses without having taken Level 1 Sociology courses. Students must satisfy the prerequisites (if any) of advanced-level Sociology courses. Minimum Academic Standards A grade of C or better must be attained in each of the courses taken to meet the minimum requirements of any of the programs listed below. Upper Level Courses 2012-2013 Calendar Proof Teaching methods and approaches are not tied to level but will vary from year to year depending on class size and the preference of the instructor for lecture, seminar or other formats. Minor, Majors and Honours Programs Minor The Minor in Sociology consists of 24 ch in Sociology, approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 12 ch must be advancedlevel courses. Majors and Honours Students intending to Major or Honour in Sociology should complete at least 12 ch of Sociology courses in Sociology prior to entering their third year. Majors 1. Single Majors must complete a minimum of 39 ch of Sociology, of which 24 ch must be advanced-level courses. Double Majors must complete a minimum of 30 ch of Sociology of which 15 ch must be advanced-level courses. Permission may be obtained to count an advanced-level course in a related subject as one of the Sociology options. Both Single and Double Majors must have their program approved by Sociology’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. 2. The following courses are compulsory for Single and Double Majors: 6 ch of Level 1 Sociology courses, SOCI 3004 , SOCI 3014 , and SOCI 3103 . Honours 1. A minimum of 48 ch in Sociology is required for Single Honours. At least 36 ch must be advanced-level Sociology courses of which at least 6 ch must consist of Level 4 Sociology courses. A minimum of 42 ch of Sociology is required for Joint Honours. At least 27 ch must be advanced-level courses of which 3 ch must consist of Level 4 Sociology Courses. Students seeking admission to a Single or a Joint Honours program are directed to the General Regulations of the Arts Degree, BA (Honours), and must make written application to the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Both Single Honours and Joint Honours must have their program approved by Sociology's Director of Undergraduate Studies. 2. Compulsory courses for both Single and Joint Honours are 6 ch of Level 1 Sociology courses, SOCI 3004 , SOCI 3014 , SOCI 3100 , SOCI 3123 , SOCI 5000 ,and SOCI 5200 . For Single Honours 6ch of Level 4 Sociology courses and for Joint Honours 3 ch of Level 4 Sociology courses are required. SOCI 3004 , SOCI 3014 , and SOCI 3100 , are prerequisites for Level 5 courses. 3. An Honours Essay is required in the final year. The paper will be completed as SOCI 5200 .