
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
University Skills for Science Students
2 ch (2C)
This course introduces first year students to skills which will assist in their success in first
year university. Helps students develop their self-assessment skills and their approaches
to problem solving.
What On Earth Isn't Chemistry (Cross-Listed: CHEM 1831) 3 ch
Intended for students (with limited chemistry background) who wish to gain a better
understanding of the chemistry in the world around them. The course will cover aspects
of ; atomic and molecular structure, the periodic table, what chemical names mean,
balancing equations (and the relationships involved), acids and bases, nuclear chemistry,
radiation and organic compounds. The concepts will be examined in the context of
understanding "everyday" chemistry. This course cannot be used as a substitute for any
other first level Chemistry course.
Shaping the Earth's Surface
3 ch (3C)
Designed for the non-scientist. Examines the basic geological forces that shape the earth's
surface and our environment. Subjects include volcanism, earthquakes, erosion, soils,
groundwater, rivers, coastlines, deserts, landslides, and the earth's past, present and
possible future climates.
Basic Physics and Astronomy for Non-Scientists 3 ch (3C)
Overview of physics and astronomy from the perspective of historic development and
fundamental principles of science. Topics include: concepts of force, energy and wave;
survey of astronomy tracing development of our view of the universe. Offered in
alternate years with SCI 1862 (Shaping the Earth’s Surface).
Prerequisite: High School math and science courses are an asset.
An Introduction to Space Studies 3 ch (3C)
Examines aspects of humankind’s interaction with space: the scientific, the technological,
the economic, the political, and the social components.
Prerequisite: 24 chs.
Women and Science 3 ch (3C)
An overview of women’s historical and contemporary participation in science, issues in
science and math education, feminist critiques and theories on science and gender, and
the impact of technology on women’s lives.
Prerequisites: GEND 2001 (pre– or co– ) or 30 ch of any SASE program.
Women, Development and the Environment
3 ch (3C)
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
An examination of the effects of the status of women, poverty, population growth and
economics on the state of the environment and conservation in developing nations.
Environmental issues to be discussed include: over cultivation and deforestation, over
fishing, poaching, antibiotic resistance, migration, biodiversity, extinction and resource
Prerequisites: GEND 2001 (pre– or co– ) or 30 ch of any SASE program.