SOCIOLOGY 2013-2014 Calendar Proof

2013-2014 Calendar Proof
General Information and Curriculum
Unless otherwise indicated, students must complete Sociology 1001 before taking any sociology
courses at the 2000 level or above. Students are required to complete at least 3 term-courses in
Sociology at the lower level (1000–2000 courses) before enrolling in any upper level Sociology
courses. Students who are not majoring or honouring in Sociology will be admitted to a 4000 level
course only if they have completed 6 term-courses of Sociology and have consulted with the
instructor. A minimum grade of C (2.0) is required for all sociology courses taken to meet the Majors,
Honours requirements or prerequisites.
Admission to Major, Double Major and Honours Options
Students apply for permission to Major in Sociology in the term in which they complete 20 termcourse of study. In addition to SOCI 1001, students intending to Major or Honour in Sociology must
have completed at least 3 term-courses in Sociology with a grade of C or better prior to admission into
the program.
Note: Most courses have a prerequisite; students are responsible for ensuring they have completed
the appropriate prerequisites.
Students choosing Sociology as a Major must have their program approved by the Department, and
must complete a minimum of 14 term- courses in Sociology, including the following required 6 termcourses:
SOCI 1001
Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 3000
Theoretical Foundations of Sociology
SOCI 3104
Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences
SOCI 3105
Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences
1 term-course 4000 Level Sociology Courses
A student who wishes to do a double major in Sociology and another discipline must complete 12
term-courses of Sociology, including all compulsory courses for the single major in Sociology.
Students must apply to the Department for permission to honour in Sociology in the term in which
they complete 20 term-courses of studies. Only under exceptional circumstances will students be
permitted to enter the Honours program after this time.
To be eligible to apply for the Honours program in Sociology, a student must meet the requirements
for admission to the major and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3. The decision
to admit a student to the Honours program rests with the Sociology faculty.
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
For the award of a High Honours degree, a grade point average of 3.6 is required in Sociology courses
above the introductory level and for an Honours degree an average of 3.3 is required. In both cases a
minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 is required.
Students choosing to Honour in Sociology must have their program approved by the Department, and
must complete a minimum of 16 term-courses in Sociology including the following required 10 termcourses and an honours thesis:
SOCI 1001 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 3000 Theoretical Foundations of Sociology
SOCI 3104 Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences
SOCI 3105 Qualitative methods in the Social Sciences
SOCI 4014 Designing Research Proposals
SOCI 4015 Honours Thesis
3 additional term-courses of 4000 level SOCI courses.
An honours thesis is required in the Final Year.