Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy for the

Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy for the
University of Bolton
The provision of effective and impartial Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
is a key priority at the University of Bolton, as there is recognition that assisting students to think
about their long-term career goals and aspirations is increasingly vital in an ever changing
employment market. The University is committed to ensuring that career development learning for
current students and graduates will equip them to manage their careers and lifelong progression in
learning and work.
The University of Bolton’s CEIAG policy is consistent with the institution’s mission, vision and strategic
plan. The University is committed to providing career guidance services that are appropriate for the
unique nature of the institution and reflect the overall vision for supportive, accessible and flexible
Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
Provide greater clarity about the distinctive ways in which the University of Bolton supports the
career development of its students and to specify the roles and responsibilities for the provision of
CEIAG by the centralised Careers Service and Academic Groups.
Meet the requirements of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education on ‘Enabling student
development and achievement’ (chapter B4).
Be explicit about the nature of CEIAG support to all stakeholders across the University, including
prospective and current students, staff, employers and graduates.
Provision of Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
a) Centralised Provision
CEIAG is provided centrally by the Careers Service, who seeks to ensure that careers
provision is delivered in an impartial, student centred and confidential manner. Its mission is:
‘To provide quality, timely and impartial careers information, advice and guidance, thereby
improving the employability of prospective, current and past students’.
The Careers Service will regularly review, report on and adapt CEIAG provision according to
the changing graduate employment market, institutional priorities and drivers, and student
and staff feedback.
The Careers Service is located within the Student Centre and is staffed by qualified
personnel. Students and staff can access support on a 1-1 basis, via our range of career
workshops or through our online resources and website.
The Careers Service exists to provide students and staff with careers information, access to
employers, access to job vacancies, work experience and the development of transferrable
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career management skills so that they are able to realise their career plans and aspirations.
(See Statements of Service for Students and Staff)
The Careers Service also works in collaboration with, and aims to support employers, by
inviting them to work closely with our Academic Groups in support of the curriculum, but also
to raise their profile and their job opportunities amongst our student cohort. (See Statement of
Service for Employers)
The Careers Service will disseminate careers information to all of its stakeholders via the
following means of communication:
Text service
Staff Bulletin
Targeted emails
Social Media (Facebook /
TV screens
QR Codes
Employability Guide
Careers Service leaflets
Notice Boards/posters
Career workshops
Open Days
Career and Employability
Champions network
In person / telephone
Student Handbook /
The Careers Service will work with Academic Groups to ensure that careers and employability
is embedded in the process for course design and review. The Careers Service will also seek
to support Academic Groups and staff with embedding career education into the curriculum.
The Careers Service will work with the Career and Employability Champions in each
Academic Group to ascertain need, and to develop a programme in support of this. Meetings
between the Careers Service and the Employability Champions will take place every 6-8
The Careers Service will also provide information to Academic Groups about the Destination
of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) Survey and will keep them updated on the issues
surrounding the effective use of CEIAG.
b) Role of Academic Groups and Academic Staff
The role of Academic staff is to provide and facilitate course specific career planning and
information for their students. Academic staff are in a good position to foster professional
knowledge and support the development of graduate attributes and employability skills
through the curriculum.
Academic groups should be committed to working with the Careers Service collaboratively
and have in place an Employability Champion representative. This individual (s) will work
closely with the Careers Service to understand the career needs and aspirations of their
students, and then match them accordingly with the right levels of CEIAG provision.
Personal tutors will have a role to play in directing students to suitable levels of help and
information, and Student Liaison Officers will also be involved in supporting students with
information and advice in order to improve and develop academic achievement.
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Quality Assurance
All CEIAG provision is subject to the university’s quality assurance procedures. The Careers Service
and Academic Groups seek regular feedback from students and stakeholders on a formal and
informal basis. This takes the form of 1-1 feedback, questionnaires, course evaluations etc. Systems
are in place to ensure that feedback mechanisms operate effectively at the level of CEAIG provision,
curriculum design and delivery and training and development.
The Careers Service in a joint application with Student Services, have achieved the National Matrix
Standard for Information, Advice and Guidance Services. The Careers Service also produces an
annual report for audit purposes, in which CEIAG provision is assessed against its objectives and
performance measurements. The Careers Service also has a Quality Group which has been
established to monitor service delivery, service processes and procedures and stakeholder feedback.
Documents to Support CEIAG Policy
The Careers Service has produced a range of internal documents to support the University policy for
CEIAG. See also:
UK Quality Code for HE: Meeting the Indicators
Careers Service Statement of Intent
Careers Service Statements of Service for: Students, Staff, Employers
University of Bolton Employability Statement
University of Bolton Employability and Enterprise Strategy 2014 – 2017
University of Bolton Employability and Enterprise Implementation Plan 2014 - 2017
Careers Service Operational Plan 2013-2015
Careers Service Monitoring and Evaluation Policy
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