Name of Grant Program: Expanded Learning Time Implementation Grant Fund Code: 225 PART III – REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION FY14 Expanded Learning Time Implementation Grant Requirements (Due Friday, June 7, 2013) Program Narrative 1. District Level Report A. District Structures, Funding, ELT Supports and Planned Changes B. Lessons Learned, Dissemination, Replication Efforts, and Planned Changes C. Sustainability D. Benefits, Challenges and Planned Changes 2. School Level Reports (For each ELT School in the District) A. ELT Implementation Report B. Professional Development / Professional Learning Activities C. Redesign Elements D. Required Document – Professional Development Plan – DUE OCTOBER 1, 2013 E. Sample Student Schedule F. Sample Teacher Schedule G. End-of-Year ELT Performance Agreement Update Appendices A. ELT Expectations for Implementation PROGRAM NARRATIVE 1. District Level Report (Please include no more than five pages for this section) A. Describe how the local school district supported the implementation of ELT in each school. In your response, please include a description of any supplementary funding (if any) provided to the school to implement ELT beyond the $1,300 per pupil allocation. In writing your response, please address any findings that were presented as part of each school’s most recent ELT site visit report or check-in memorandum, if applicable.1 Please use the table below to (1) identify the central office structures, personnel, and resources (e.g., non-ELT-grant funding or other services) provided to ELT schools have supported each school’s instructional focus and implementation of ELT; (2) describe how they supported the implementation of ELT in each school; and (3) describe the changes planned at the district level in these areas for FY14. District Structure How this Structure Supported Each School’s Instructional Focus and Implementation of ELT Changes at the DistrictLevel Planned for the 2013-14 School Year B. Identify the lessons learned by the district from ELT and the resulting in-district dissemination practices. Describe how these lessons have informed district decisions to share or replicate practices among ELT schools and between ELT and non-ELT schools in the areas of core academic classes, enrichment, and teacher collaboration time. Describe the changes planned at the district level in these areas for FY14. In writing your response, please address any findings that were presented as part of each school’s most recent ELT site visit report or check-in memorandum, if applicable. Please use the table below to organize your response. Lessons Learned District Decisions to Share or Replicate Practices Among ELT Schools and between ELT and Non-ELT Schools Changes at the DistrictLevel Planned for the 2013-14 School Year Core Academic Classes Enrichment Teacher Collaborative Time If one or more ELT schools visited in FY13 (2012-2013) has not yet received at least a draft of the school’s full site visit report by the time the district has begun responding to this RFP, please contact Moira Connolly at for a draft summary of findings, concerns, and items for consideration. For information based on check-in visits to one or more ELT schools in FY13, please contact Moira Connolly at . 1 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 2 of 6 C. Please discuss the district’s approach and/or ideas for developing a sustainable model for funding ELT in the future. D. Describe the benefits and challenges associated with implementing ELT in the district. Describe the changes planned at the district level in these areas for FY14. In writing your response, please address any findings that were presented as part of each school’s most recent ELT site visit report or check-in memorandum, if applicable. Please use the table below to organize your response. Benefits of ELT Challenges Related to Implementing ELT Major Changes at the District-Level Planned for the 2013-14 School Year 2. School Level Reports (For each ELT School in the district; please include no more than five pages for each school) A. ELT Implementation Report: Describe how the local school district supported the implementation of ELT in each school in FY13. In writing your response, please address any findings that were presented as part of each school’s most recent ELT site visit report or check-in memorandum, if applicable. Please use the table below to organize your response. Name of School: State the school’s mission and academic focus: Describe how the school’s design and implementation of ELT are aligned with the school’s mission and academic focus: Describe the school’s major accomplishments implementing ELT with respect to core academics: Describe the school’s major accomplishments implementing ELT with respect to enrichment activities: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 3 of 6 B. Professional Development/Professional Learning Activities: In no more than two pages, describe the professional development activity in which teachers engaged this year that had the most positive effect on student achievement. In your response: 1. Describe how ELT is used to improve instructional monitoring practices in the school and support overall classroom instruction. 2. Describe the type of professional development activity in which teachers participated* and how it impacted instructional practices in the classroom. 3. Use data to illustrate the link between the professional development activity(ies) and student achievement. 4. Describe your plan to expand on the success of this activity or how you plan to improve on a practice with promise which may need refinement. *Professional development activities may include, but are not limited to: ILT meetings, team collaboration meetings, data meetings, instructional coaching, peer observations, rounds, professional learning walks, full faculty meetings, district meetings, etc. C. Redesign Elements: Describe any major changes that the school anticipates making to its ELT redesign model for the 2013-2014 school year and the rationale behind these changes. In writing your response, please address any findings that were presented as part of each school’s most recent ELT site visit report or check-in memorandum, if applicable. Please use the table below to organize your response; insert additional rows as needed. (If no changes are planned for the 2013-2014 school year in a given area, indicate “N/A.”) Anticipated Change(s) for the 2013-14 School Year Rationale for the Change(s) Mission or academic focus: Student schedules: How students are grouped for instruction and selected for participation in academic supports or enrichments: The amount and/or quality of collaborative planning or professional development time and structure of those times: Staffing configurations, levels, or structure (including numbers of school staff or policies related to opting in or out of ELT): External/community partner involvement Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 4 of 6 (e.g., Will new partners be integrated into the schedule? How will they be selected? If current partners will not be involved next year, please explain why): Other elements of ELT: D. REQUIRED DOCUMENT DUE BY OCTOBER 1, 2013. Professional Development Plan: In order to receive timely full fiscal year funding, districts/schools must provide a plan for professional development activities that are scheduled to occur in FY14 at each ELT school for which the district is applying. The Department anticipates providing a template form later this summer for districts to consider; however, districts/schools are free to use any format that best outlines and describes their anticipated professional development activities. Because districts/schools may not have this information available at the time of this reapplication, this plan must be submitted to the Department no later than Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Continuation ELT funding is contingent on submission of all required information. This document may be submitted by email to: E. Sample Student Schedule: Please provide a sample 2013-2014 student schedule for each grade level served in the school. F. Sample Teacher Schedule: Please provide a sample 2013-2014 teacher schedule for each grade level served in the school. G. End-of-Year ELT Performance Agreement Update: Please report the school’s progress toward each of the measures outlines in the school’s approved ELT Performance Agreement as of the end of the year. (Please note that the school will be required to update its ELT Performance Agreement prior to the start of the 20132014 school year based on Spring 2013 MCAS and growth results.) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 5 of 6 APPENDIX A: ELT EXPECTATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION Seven expectations developed in collaboration between ESE and Massachusetts 2020 for successful implementation of an expanded learning time program. I. ELT Redesign Supports a Clear, School-wide Academic Focus The school’s plan for implementation of ELT is aligned with the school’s overall academic focus. This academic focus drives instructional improvement and continuous measurable growth in student learning throughout the redesigned day and year. The design and implementation of ELT is based on a data-driven assessment of student needs and works to support a clear set of school-wide achievement goals. II. Additional Time for Core Academics The school uses additional time in order to accelerate learning in core academic subjects by making meaningful improvements to the quality of instruction in support of school-wide achievement goals. III. Additional Time for Enrichment The school uses additional time (either in core and/or specialty classes) to offer enrichment opportunities that connect to state standards, build student skills and interests, and deepen student engagement in school/learning in support of school-wide achievement goals. IV. Additional Time for Teacher Leadership and Collaboration The school uses additional time to build a professional culture of teacher leadership and collaboration (e.g. designated collaborative planning time, on-site targeted professional development) focused on strengthening instructional practice and meeting school-wide achievement goals. V. Focused and Collaborative Leadership The principal as instructional leader and leadership team are fully committed to expanding learning time to improve instructional practice and to bringing many others – teachers, students, families, partners, and the community - into the process of redesign and implementation in support of school-wide achievement goals. VI. Resources are Aligned and Focused The school demonstrates clear evidence that it is making decisions around resource allocation (Time, People, Talent, Energy and Money) that are aligned with the successful implementation of the ELT redesign and focused on meeting school-wide achievement goals. VII. District Leadership Supports ELT The district actively supports all ELT schools around the ELT Expectations for Implementation by providing leadership, support, supervision, long-term district planning and creative problem solving to remove barriers and ensure schools can meet rigorous achievement goals. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 6 of 6