Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Expanded Learning Time Fund Code: 647-B1A PART III-B – SCHOOL - Required Program Information (REMINDER: Submit one Part III-B document for each school site proposed in the application.) A. SCHOOL INFORMATION District: Lead applicant, if not the district: School: School-Level Grant Contact Name and Title: Phone: Email: Indicate the total number of hours each year the school: …currently requires of all students (in FY13): …plans to require of all students in FY14 (and beyond): Is this school a current recipient of a 21st CCLC grant for out-of-school-time (OST)? Indicate Yes/No: ____________ If yes, indicate the competitive award year:_____________ Competitive Priorities: 1. Is the school proposing to implement a year-round school model, or at least a substantial amount of time for all students during the summer?* Indicate Yes/No: ____________ If yes, please indicate the number of hours, days, and weeks during the summer (July 1-August 31): _______ and make sure this is clear in response to question B7. * REMINDER: See Addendum B – Definitions and Additional Details for more information on text with asterisks. 2. Has this school been designated in 2012 as Level 3, 4, or 5 under the Massachusetts’ district and school accountability and assistance system? Indicate Yes/No/Not Assigned: ____________ 3. This school… Yes/No If Yes, List Feeder/Receiving School(s) and Grades: a. Is a feeder* to one or more schools with expanded time? b. Receives* students from one or more schools with expanded time? 4. Is the application proposing grant activities that will be implemented with a strong partnership between the school district and at least one CBO or other public or private entity? Indicate Yes/No: ____________ If yes, please make sure to describe this in the response to question B2, and include any appropriate MOU’s and/or letters of support as attachments to this proposal. 5. Is the application proposing the use of blended learning strategies?* Indicate Yes/No: ____________ If yes, please make sure to describe this in the response to question B3. 6. Is the application proposing creative labor management compensation structures that help to minimize the overall costs of implementing ELT? Indicate Yes/No: ____________ If yes, please make sure to describe this in question B7. 1 Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Expanded Learning Time Fund Code: 647-B1A PART III-B – SCHOOL - Required Program Information - Continued B. SCHOOL-LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION Please respond to the following questions within this document, without changing the format or font size, and leaving the questions above each response. 1. Summary of ELT and 21st CCLC-ELT Grant Proposal: (maximum 3 pages) a. Provide a narrative that gives an overview of what the school’s redesigned and expanded day in FY14 will look like for both students and teachers. Indicate how much of this will be new versus what currently exists. b. Describe the specific, creative and innovative component(s) of the school’s ELT initiative to be funded through this 21st CCLC-ELT grant. Reminder: Grant-funded activities should be aligned with the purpose and priorities outlined for this funding opportunity, and primarily support enhanced or new services for students. 2. Stakeholder Interest and Involvement: (maximum 2 pages) a. Planning: Describe actions taken by the school to assess the level of interest in ELT, as well as the specific 21st CCLC-ELT activities proposed in this grant, among the following groups: teachers, students, families and community, and any other key stakeholders. Include a description of how these groups were engaged in the design and development of both ELT and this application. b. ELT-OST Coordination: Explain how the ELT initiative will coordinate and collaborate with out-ofschool time (OST) programs (including but not limited to 21st CCLC-OST programs). Also indicate any projected impact of FY13 to FY14 school schedule changes on OST programs and/or partners. c. Implementation: Describe how stakeholders, such as families and/or community partners, will be actively involved with implementing ELT and grant activities. 3. Identified Needs, Strategies, and Progress Measures: (maximum 6 pages) a. Describe the school’s needs that will be addressed in FY14 through ELT. b. Describe the process(es) and key strategies (theory of change and action) that will be used to address these needs. Where applicable, describe how this work will support implementation of the Conditions for School Effectiveness. c. Identify which of the strategies (described in “b” above) will be supported by the grant, referring where appropriate to the grant priorities listed in the Funding Opportunity document. Note how requested grants funds will support implementation of these strategies. d. For one or more of the grant-supported strategies identified in “c” above: i. Describe how the school will assess progress towards addressing the identified needs. Note specific measures and tools to be used, if known (these may be a part of, or in addition to the required Department-provided evaluation tools); and ii. Describe how the assessment information will highlight areas of success and help inform continuous program improvement. 2 Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Expanded Learning Time Fund Code: 647-B1A PART III-B – SCHOOL - Required Program Information - Continued 4. Service-Learning: (maximum 1 page) Service-learning engages students in identifying and researching community problems; identifying and proposing possible solutions (projects); planning and implementing these solutions (service); making explicit connections to grade appropriate learning standards; reflecting on their service; demonstrating the results of their project; and working with appropriate school and community organizations and individuals to accomplish the above. Describe how the school will implement the required service-learning component, identifying: a. The anticipated number of teachers, and their grade-level(s) and content-area(s), who will attend the Department-provided training on planning for and implementing service-learning. b. The anticipated numbers of teachers and students who will engage in service-learning each year. c. Any previous experience with service-learning, including examples of the types of projects implemented, if applicable. 5. School Structures to Support ELT: Please use this table to a. identify specific school-level structures, personnel, and resources that will support the school’s implementation and evaluation of ELT; b. describe how these structures will support the implementation of ELT; and c. describe whether it is an existing structure or newly planned at the school level for FY14. (Insert rows as needed.) a. School Structure, Personnel, Resource b. How it Supports Each School’s Implementation of ELT c. New/Existing? 6. Consultation with Private Schools Please provide a brief summary of the results of the school’s consultation with private school administrators in its geographic vicinity, or indicate if there are no private schools within the geographic vicinity to be served through this grant proposal. 7. Staffing and Scheduling a. Briefly describe how ELT will impact staffing levels and schedules, and what flexibilities the school has in this area to enable effective and cost-effective implementation of expanded learning time. Please provide a description of any necessary changes that were/will be made in collective bargaining agreements, school charters, or in other areas that affect the proposed ELT. Where applicable, schools must include documentation of changes to collective bargaining agreements, charters, etc. 3 Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Expanded Learning Time Fund Code: 647-B1A PART III-B – SCHOOL - Required Program Information - Continued 7. Staffing and Scheduling - continued b. Use the chart below to provide information about school hours (required for all students) currently in 2012-2013, and projected for 2013-2014: SAMPLE YEAR Date school began: Start/End Time 8:15 – 2:15 8:15 – 12:15 (early release days) CURRENT YEAR (2012-2013) Date school ends: 9/2/2011 Hours 6 4 TOTALS Date school began: Start/End Time # of days 170 10 180 6/19/2012 Total Hours 1020 40 1080 Date school ends: Hours # of days Total Hours [insert rows if needed] TOTALS PROJECTED 2013-2014 Date school begins: Start/End Time Date school ends: Hours # of days Total Hours [insert rows if needed] TOTALS c. Provide the following schedules: (please insert schedules into this document) i. Current Student Schedule (FY13) ii. Current Teacher Schedule (FY13) iii. Proposed Student Schedule (FY14) iv. Proposed Teacher Schedule (FY14) NOTE: Applicants must clearly identify in the proposed student schedule (iii. above) a minimum of 80 hours during which 21st CCLC – ELT grant activities will occur. It should also be clear how many and which students will be engaged (e.g., specific grades or target subgroups, etc.). 8. Transportation Please describe how the school ensures that students travel safely to and from school, including any changes to the transportation of students resulting from ELT. 4 9. Non- 21st CCLC – ELT Grant Support for ELT a. Use the chart below to demonstrate that the school/district has identified and made available sufficient funds to support the school’s implementation of ELT. Funds being requested under this grant should not be included here. Funding Source Total Amount (FY14) Fund Use (Summarize what aspects of ELT the funds will cover.) Federal State Local Private (include foundation grants, private donations, etc.) Other Total Non-21st CCLC Funds to Support ELT in FY14 b. Was this proposed site awarded an FY13 New Site 21st CCLC – OST grant? i. Indicate Yes/No: ____________ If yes, please indicate whether, if awarded a 21st CCLC – ELT grant, the school would like to request to use a portion of FY14 21st CCLC – OST continuation grant funds from this school site to support 21st CCLC-ELT activities. NOTE: The Department is exploring the feasibility of allowing this flexibility. Details and parameters will be communicated once confirmed. ii. Indicate Yes/No: ____________ 5