Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-4906 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 April 22, 2009 Marc Dupuis, Superintendent Falmouth Public Schools 340 Teaticket Highway East Falmouth, MA 02536 Re: Mid-cycle Report Dear Superintendent Dupuis: Enclosed is the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Mid-cycle Report based on the Mid-cycle Review conducted in your district on March 10 and 11, 2009. In this Mid-cycle Review the Department monitored selected special education criteria to determine your district’s compliance with special education laws and regulations. The review consisted of staff interviews, review of student records, examination of documentation, and/or classroom observation. The Department found one or more of the criteria monitored in your district to be “Partially Implemented” or “Not Implemented.” In all instances where noncompliance has been found, the Department has prescribed corrective action for the district that must be implemented without delay. This corrective action must be implemented as soon as possible, but in no case later than a year from the date of this report. You will find these requirements for corrective action included in the enclosed report, along with requirements for submitting progress reports using the enclosed form. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that all of the required corrective action will be implemented by your district within the timelines specified in the report. You must submit your statement of assurance to Darlene Lynch, Director, Program Quality Assurance Services, by May 6, 2009. 1 Your staff's cooperation throughout this Mid-cycle Review is appreciated. If you have questions about this letter or the enclosed report, please do not hesitate to contact Nancy Hicks at 781-338-3714. Sincerely, Nancy Hicks, Mid-cycle Review Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services Darlene A. Lynch, Director Program Quality Assurance Services cc: Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Jamie MacDonald, School Committee Chairperson Mary Larrivee, Local Program Review Coordinator Encs: Mid-cycle Report Mid-cycle Progress Report Form 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION MID-CYCLE REPORT Falmouth Public Schools Dates of the Mid-cycle Review Onsite: March 10 and 11, 2009 Date of this Report: April 22, 2009 Core Special Education Criteria Cited in CPR Report and Monitored in this Mid-cycle Review (These criteria are marked with a triple asterisk (***) in the Mid-cycle Review Information Package and in the School District Information Package for Special Education.) Current special education criteria available by scrolling down to the special education instrument at Criterion ***SE 5 Participation in general State and district-wide assessment programs ***SE 15 Outreach by the School District Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion Student record review The district’s practice is consistent with current requirements. Interviews and documentation Interviews and documentation indicate that the district conducts Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 1 of 11 If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation (Child Find) ***SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements appropriate outreach activities. PI Student record review Student record review indicates that justification for the removal from the general education classroom is not always consistent with the service delivery grid and does not always provide student specific information, including why the removal was considered critical and why supplementary aids and services could not be made in the classroom. The district must provide training to staff responsible for developing the IEP on the appropriate documentation of the nonparticipation justification statement. Provide a copy of the training agenda, training materials, and signed attendance sheets, including the role/title of the attendees. June 15, 2009 Develop a tracking and monitoring system for ensuring that nonparticipation justification statements include the required information. Submit a description of the tracking and monitoring system, including the person(s) responsible for ensuring ongoing compliance. Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 2 of 11 June 15, 2009 Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Review a random sample of student records to determine whether the nonparticipation justification statement contains the required information. Submit the following information to the Department: The number of records reviewed. The number of records found to be in compliance. Specific corrective action taken if any noncompliance was found. ***SE 22 IEP implementation and availability ***SE 24 Notice to parent regarding Interviews Interviews indicate that the district has procedures in place to ensure that all staff members are informed of their responsibilities regarding a student’s IEP. Student records, interviews and Student record review and interviews indicate that the district no longer requires PI Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 3 of 11 The district must take steps to ensure that the questions are printed on page 2 of the N1 and (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements November 6, 2009 Criterion proposal or refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child or the provision of FAPE Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation documentation Basis of Determination about Criterion parents to put their request for an evaluation in writing. However, student record review and documentation indicate that the forms the district uses to propose an action or refuse to act (N1 and N2 forms) do not have the required questions printed on page 2 of the form and not all questions are addressed in the district’s narrative on page 2. Interviews and record review indicate that in some cases a standard statement is inserted in the notice by support staff sending out the IEP. If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation N2 forms and provide training to appropriate staff members to ensure that all questions on the notices are addressed. Provide a copy of the training agenda, training materials, and signed attendance sheets, including the role/title of the attendees. Page 4 of 11 June 15, 2009 Develop a tracking and monitoring system to ensure staff use of a complete form (N1 and N2) and that all questions are addressed by an appropriate staff member. Submit a description of the tracking and monitoring system, including the person(s) responsible for ensuring ongoing compliance. Review a random sample of student records to determine if all questions on the N1 and N2 Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements June 15, 2009 November Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation forms are addressed. Submit the following information to the Department: The number of records reviewed. The number of records found to be in compliance. Specific corrective action taken if any noncompliance was found. ***SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of home Student record review, documentation and interviews Student record review, documentation, and interviews indicate that procedures are in place to translate special education documents and to communicate with parents when the language of the home is other than English. In addition, documentation indicates that the district has purchased software to translate school notices into other major languages and support staff have been Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 5 of 11 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements 6, 2009 Criterion ***SE 33 Involvement in the general curriculum Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) PI Method(s) of Investigation Student record review Basis of Determination about Criterion trained in the use of the software. Student record review indicates that the district documents the student’s participation in the general curriculum and that the Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP) A page of the IEP was consistently completed. The PLEP B page of the IEP, however, was sometimes blank when it was clear that age considerations or social/emotional needs should have been addressed. If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Provide to staff responsible for developing IEPs training on the completion of PLEP B. Provide a copy of the training agenda, training materials, and signed attendance sheets including the role/title of the attendees. Review a random sample of student records to determine if the PLEP B page of the IEP is completed appropriately, when Page 6 of 11 June 15, 2009 Develop a tracking and monitoring system for ensuring that the PLEP B page of the IEP is completed appropriately. Submit a description of the tracking and monitoring system, including the person(s) responsible for ensuring ongoing compliance. Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements June 15, 2009 November Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation required. Submit the following information to the Department: The number of records reviewed. The number of records found to be in compliance. Specific corrective action taken if any noncompliance was found. ***SE 37 Procedures for approved and unapproved outof-district placements Record review The student record review indicates that an Out-ofDistrict Monitoring Form was consistently used to document communication and monitoring activities. This document was comprehensive and contained information regarding a student’s access to the curriculum, service delivery, staffing, the school environment, student records, discipline, and parent involvement. Documentation of communication with the school was also included in the student record. Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 7 of 11 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements 6, 2009 Criterion ***SE 45 Procedures for suspension up to 10 days and after 10 days ***SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days . . . ***SE 48 Equal opportunity to participate in educational, nonacademic, extracurricular and ancillary programs, as well as participation in regular education Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Interviews Documentation and interviews Interviews Basis of Determination about Criterion Interviews indicate that the district ensures that students with disabilities are receiving information on the Code of Conduct in a manner in which they can understand. Documentation and interviews indicate that the district follows procedures as required for the discipline of students with disabilities. Functional Behavioral Assessments are completed as necessary. Interviews indicate that the district is no longer offering full-day kindergarten classes for special education students through the use of a lottery system. All kindergarten students now have full-day programs. Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 8 of 11 If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion ***SE 52A Registration of educational interpreters ***SE 53 Use of paraprofessionals ***SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Interviews Interviews Observations and interviews Basis of Determination about Criterion Interviews indicate that there are currently no in-district students who require an educational interpreter, these students currently attend private special education schools or collaborative programs. However, the district is aware of the requirements of this criterion. Interviews indicate that there are two early release days each year for training paraprofessionals and assistant teachers. Paraprofessionals are sometimes offered additional training opportunities to meet their needs. Observation and interviews indicate that there have been some changes made at Teaticket Elementary School to improve the spaces outside the library used for special education services and plans are in place to build offices Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 9 of 11 If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion which would eliminate the distractions that are sometimes a problem at this site. The services provided in a portable classroom are not identified as an issue because the students only come to this area for services and are otherwise included in regular education classes. One other class, a regular education computer laboratory, is also in a portable classroom. At Morse Pond, special education instructional spaces are no longer clustered and students are integrated into the life of the school. At North Falmouth Elementary School, the speech and language therapy room no longer has a sign identifying it as such and classroom 40 is now used as a general education class. The Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 10 of 11 If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion lobby area is no longer used for social skills groups and the room next to the boiler room is no longer used for special education. Falmouth High School is currently undergoing extensive renovations. The special education classrooms that were clustered have been moved, as have the special education classrooms on the lower level. Plans for the renovated building indicate that classrooms for special education services will maximize inclusion and will be given the same priority as general education classrooms. Falmouth Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 22, 2009 Page 11 of 11 If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION MID-CYCLE REVIEW School District: Falmouth Public Schools M I D – CY C L E P R O G R E S S R E P O R T Date Prepared: ____________________________________ Prepared by: __________________________________________________________________ (name and title) Criterion: _______________________ Topic: ________________________________________________________________________ For each criterion for which you prepare a progress report, please make a copy of this cover page, fill in the information requested above, and attach a complete description of the corrective action taken and any accompanying documentation. (Description of corrective action for each criterion and any accompanying documentation should include all of the “Progress Report Required Elements” for that criterion in the Mid-cycle Report.) Send the whole set of completed progress reports to: Darlene Lynch, Director Program Quality Assurance Services Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906