Safe and Supportive Schools Commission (SaSSC) – Work Plan DRAFT PROPOSAL Strategic Objective Two: Initiative Alignment/Integration Group Leader(s): John Doherty Additional Group Members: [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Additional Participants/Consultants: [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Deliverables What will be done, by when, what are the associated tasks, and who plays what roles Deliverable Timeline Associated Tasks Names and Roles SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROCESS SUMMARIZED: Summary drafted of how schools create School Improvement Plans (SIPs), and models are offered for how the Framework/Tool can be used to integrate and align the initiatives needed to create safe and supportive school environments. Effective strategies also incorporated from ESE’s District Planning for Success Pilot. INITIATIVE/LAW LANDSCAPE DOCUMENT UPDATED: Landscape document updated and used to inform Commission understanding of related laws and initiatives. Document also used 1) to inform proposed recommendations for streamlining/integrating initiatives for creating integrated SIPs, described above, 2) for discussions related to Ch. 70 and the Foundation Budget Review Commission’s recommendations - in coordination with Funding/Resources workgroup, 3) for discussions related to ESSA (ESEA) - in coordination with workgroup 3 as Conduct Analysis of SIP processes in schools. Seek and find model for integrating Framework/Tool work into SIP work Summarize themes and points for consideration. [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Review and update landscape document. Review and consider potential recommendations for improvements to the Framework and Tool. Draft summary document, to include proposals for the Commission’s consideration. Discuss with Commission. Solicit feedback from appropriate stakeholders [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Goal Dates – 2016 Workgroup presents themes and points for consideration at 2nd mtg. (March 15) Status Workgroup to present landscape doc. at 2nd meeting (March 15) and related proposals at 3rd mtg. (May) Strategic Objective Two: Initiative Alignment/Integration – Proposed 2016 Work Plan DRAFT v. 1.13.15 1 needed, and 4) to inform proposals for Framework/Tool updates and improvements in coordination with workgroup 1. RECOMMENDATIONS TO ESE DRAFTED: In collaboration with workgroup 1 (Fr/Tool Refinement & Info Gathering), proposals drafted and presented to the Commission regarding improvements to the Framework/Tool so they more effectively help schools better integrate/align initiatives. These proposals are discussed and voted upon, and incorporated where appropriate into recommendations to present to the Commissioner Draft and discuss proposal with the Commission, and get feedback on likely recommendations from appropriate stakeholders. Discuss feedback and vote upon content, then presented to Commissioner late Spring, in advance of the Board. Receive guidance from Commissioner on when to present to the Board. RECOMMENDATIONS TO GOV/LEG DRAFTED: Draft and discuss proposal Summary themes and potential with the Commission. recommendations (for Comm. and Gov/Leg.) Solicit feedback from proposed, discussed, and voted upon– related to appropriate stakeholders. initiative integration/alignment in SIPs and in making schools safe and supportive. [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Workgroup presents proposals in coordination with workgroup 1 at 4th mtg. (early-mid June) [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Discuss feedback and vote on content of recommendations. Incorporate into annual report to Gov/Leg (due to Commissioner’s Office early Dec and to Gov/Leg. end of Dec.). Incorporate into rec’s to Commissioner/Board (in 2016 or 2017, as appropriate). [ TO BE FILLED IN ] Workgroup presents proposal at 5th and 6th mtgs. (summer retreatJuly/Aug.) and late Sept./early Oct. Full Commission decides at 6th and 7th mtgs. (late Sept./early Oct. and Nov.) RECOMMENDATIONS TO GOV/LEG AND ESE DELIVERED: Final content voted upon to incorporate into Gov/Leg. Recommendations, including additional recommendations on Framework/Tool Strategic Objective Two: Initiative Alignment/Integration – Proposed 2016 Work Plan DRAFT v. 1.13.15 2