Office of Digital Learning Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-5023 @MASchoolsK12 Digital Learning Advisory Council : Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, February 25, 2016 Time: 10:00 AM – Noon Location: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Rooms 137A and 137B 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-5023 Attendee Information: Kevin Bauman, Gina Flanagan, Julia Freeland Fisher, Amy Michalowski, Justin Reich, Peter Sanchioni, Annamaria Schrimpf, Kyle Shachmut, Barbara Treacy, Elizabeth Tripathi,Andrea Kupps, Jennifer Gwatkin, Kenneth Klau (ESE), Adam Goldberg, Carl Tillona, Crystal Fairman, Richard Tisei, Dee Kamejiya, Pierce Haley Agenda and Minutes 1. Review and approval of Minutes from DLAC meeting, January 6, 2016 Motion made, seconded and approved to approve minutes. 2. MCAS 2.0 Technology Readiness ○ Update on districts' progress toward technological readiness for computer-based testing and state assistance efforts i. Ken Klau presented an update on state efforts to ensure technology readiness for teaching, learning, and assessment by spring 2019. There is partnership with Education Superhighway to provide boots-on-ground assistance to districts that step forward to ask for help with readiness; Ed Superhighway, MassIT, and ODL will use a set of tools to allow districts to do needs assessments that will allow for an expanded conversation around needs – financial, technical support, etc. ii. There is a meeting scheduled for March 31, 2016 at Hudson High School that is open to superintendents, teachers, school business managers. This two-hour long “drive in session” will feature a panel of practitioners who will share their experiences with this work. iii. The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) conducts needs analyses every five years; they Office of Digital Learning Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-5023 @MASchoolsK12 send assessors into every traditional public school facility in the state to look at everything – space utilization, provisioning from an operational state. They also look at Wi-Fi and devices. Traditionally the MSBA’s questions have been limited, so ODL, MSBA, and MassIT are scheduled to meet to discuss how the MSBA can beef up that portion of their site survey so that in about a year from now we will have that big picture and enough data points to reasonably estimate what the costs will be to bring a school up to par. iv. There will be two additional DLAC meetings on April and May which will continue to address MACS 2.0. v. ODL has procured an assessment tool (Metiri) to collect information about district and school technology readiness and will pilot it with 15 or so districts. We will work closely with these districts and in collaboration with Ed Superhighway to gain a sense of where gaps will be and pressure test the tool itself. vi. ODL is working with MassIT on a RFQ for a hardware bundled solution and will be meeting with a group of practitioners between now and March 31, 2016 to get a sense of the kinds of services they want. vii. On March 18, 2016 there is a digital equity summit with Comcast, hosted by EDC, at UMass-Boston, with the goal of bringing together school leaders and organizations interested in digital equity (providing residential broadband at reduced rate). ○ Questions and comments from the public i. The participants did not provide feedback during this meeting. 3. CMVS Updates ○ TECCA - Adam Goldberg (TECCA), provided his 3rd DLAC presentation related to TECCA’s request to increase student PPE from $6,700 to $9,000, and for SPED from $8,700 to $12,500, over two years, and shared that TECCA was recognized by Connections as a small school for its growth. Discussion ensued about various Office of Digital Learning Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-5023 @MASchoolsK12 line item costs and where there might be flexibility to dedicate additional funds towards more direct teacher/student line items, and whether they can articulate how increased funding will lead to economies of scale over time. As a next step, ODL will form a subcommittee to address CMVS funding issues, and work on a presentation to the state board. ○ GCVS/MAVA - Carl Tillona (GCVS) presented a similar proposal to TECCA’s re: increasing PPE. Their original proposal had requested $8518, and that still makes sense to them, so they are looking to increase PPE from the current $6,700 to $8,518. The additional staffing planned with increased funding includes hiring a director of technology, director of digital learning, director of student services, and an additional high school guidance counselor. They are in an RFP stage for a new course provider, and it is the intent of the board to bring the teachers over to the MAVA school side. Other highlights from the presentation included an overview to the student population, which is similar to an urban school’s student population; information about the MAVA writing program and the additional PD the school provides teachers beyond what K12 provides. 4. Committee Reports ○ Digital/Blended Learning - This committee is hold for now, as discussed at a prior meeting. ○ District Technology Budgets This committee will schedule a meeting before the next DLAC meeting. ○ UDL/Accessibility - This committee met prior to the full DLAC meeting and will be updating the earlier DESE accessibility guide. ○ Credentialing committee - This committee is on hold but will continue as a DLAC agenda item. 5. Next meeting - April 28, 10:00 - 12:00 @ DESE 6. Adjourn - Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved.