B Physics at D0: An update Vivek Jain Cornell University Oct 1, 2004 1 Outline Introduction D0 detector Recent Results New states Rare decays Lifetimes Mixing Conclusions 2 3 Why B physics? Understanding structure of flavour dynamics is crucial 3 families, handedness, mixing angles, masses, … any unified theory will have to account for it – Weak decays, especially Mixing, CP violating and rare decays provide an insight into short-distance physics Short distance phenomena are sensitive to beyondSM effects Test bed for QCD, e.g., form factors, calculations of B hadron lifetimes, spectroscopy 4 B physics at the Tevatron At Ecm = 2 TeV ( pp bb ) 150b At Z pole (e e bb ) 7nb At Υ(4S) (e e bb ) 1 nb All species produced, Bc , Bs , b ... Environment not as clean as at electron machines Low trigger efficiencies 5 B Physics Program at D0 Unique opportunity to do B physics during the current run Complementary to program at B-factories (KEK, SLAC, CLEO..) BS mixing, S / S Rare decays: BS Large tanβ SUSY models enhance rate Beauty Baryons, b lifetime, b … ( b ) / ( Bd0 ) expt: 0.80±0.06 (SL modes), theory ~ 0.95 B C , B ** , B lifetimes, B semi-leptonic, CP violation studies b production cross-section: In Run I, measd. Rates x(2-3) higher Quarkonia - J / ψ, production, polarization … 6 DZero Detector SMT H-disks Muon system with coverage |η|<2 and good shielding SMT F-disks SMT barrels Trackers Silicon Tracker: |η|<3 Fiber Tracker: |η|<2 Magnetic field 2T 7 CFT 8 Layers: Axial, Stereo (± 3°) Radius: 20-50 cm Good S/N. Signal ~ 5-9 pe Fast enough to be in L1 trigger Readout by VLPC: High QE, very low dark noise Excellent PE resolution Each pixel has 1mm radius – well matched to fiber Operated at 8-9 (± 0.05)°K 8 VLPC performance Signal ON: LED was set to ~ 2 pe 9 B D0μX, All tracks σ(DCA)≈53μm @ Pt=1GeV and better @ higher Pt D0 K π pT ( ) 2 GeV, ( ) 2.2 Analysis cuts – pT>0.7 GeV data 10 pT spectrum of soft pion candidate in D*D0 ~100 events/pb-1 11 Excellent Lepton Acceptance Muon ID: MC: B Ds μX, Ds π Overall efficiency (from data) plateaus at about 85-90% 0.6 - at pT 4.5 GeV 0.6 1.2 pT 3.5 GeV 1.2 - at pT 2.5 GeV Muon system in Level 1 p T of reconstructed muon 12 Electron ID: Calorimeter goes out to 4 Low pT electron ID is in progress At present, we can detect electrons with pT>3 GeV and 1.1 Average efficiency is about 75% Working to extend to higher values of and lower pT threshold – use for tagging initial state flavour 13 All trigger components have simulation software 14 Triggers for B physics Robust and quiet di-muon and single-muon triggers Large coverage ||<2, p>1.5-5 GeV – depends on Luminosity and trigger Variety of triggers based on - Muon purity @ L1: 90% - all physics! L1 Muon & L1 CTT (Fiber Tracker) L2 & L3 filters Typical total rates at medium luminosity (40 1030 s-1cm-2) Di-muons : 50 Hz / 15 Hz / 4 Hz @ L1/L2/L3 Single muons : 120 Hz / 100 Hz / 50 Hz @ L1/L2/L3 (prescaled) Current total trigger bandwidth 1600 Hz / 800 Hz / 60 Hz @ L1/L2/L3 15 16 Recent Results Many new analyses used ~ 250-350 pb-1 Single muon triggers have variable prescales, non-trivial to determine luminosity for analyses using these triggers Have more data on tape, but not yet analyzed Details at: www-d0.fnal.gov/Run2Physics/ckm/ 17 Basic particles Plot is for illustrative purpose 18 2826±93 7217±127 ~ 350 pb-1 624±41 Large exclusive samples Impact parameter cuts 19 Bs No IP cuts: Use for lifetime Λb 337±25 ~ 250 pb-1 Will reprocess w/ tracking optimized for long-lived part. (yield will ~50%) 20 Observation of X(3872) 5.2 effect In 2003, Belle saw a new particle at 3872 MeV/c2, observed in B+ decays: B+ K+ X(3872), X(3872) J/ + Belle’s discovery has been confirmed by CDF and DØ. DØ (accepted by PRL) 522 ± 100 events M = 0.7749 0.0031 (stat) 0.003 (syst) GeV/c2 21 Charmonium (Estia Eichten) J_PC 22 What kind of particle is the X ? - charmonium ? 1 ³D3, 2 ³P2 … - an exotic meson molecule ? - something else ? Compare X candidates to (2S), e.g. - split into two || regions - decay length, isolation, helicity 23 No significant differences between (2S) and X have been observed yet. |y|<1 Iso=1 pT>15 Hel(ππ)<0.4 This comparison will be more useful once we have models of the production and decay of, e.g. meson molecules that predict the observables used in the comparison. Hel(μμ)<0.4 dl<0.01 cm Observation of the charged analog X+ J/ + 0 would rule out charmonium Observation of radiative decays X c would favour charmonium Belle’s results rule out 1 ³D3, 2 ¹P1, ³D2, ¹D2, 0-+, 1++ Use Dzero’s calorimeter to identify low energy 0 and : work in progress. 24 Spectroscopy: L=1 B (and D) mesons For Hadrons with one heavy quark, QCD has additional symmetries as m Q QCD (Heavy Quark Symmetry) Spin of the heavy quark decouples and meson properties are given by the light degrees of freedom Each energy level in the spectrum of such mesons has a pair of degenerate states: jq sq L jq , J jq sQ 25 Lessons from charm (I) For non-strange L=1 Charm mesons jq = 1/2, 3/2 have been seen The wide states were observed via Dalitz plot analysis in B D (*) 300MeV 25MeV Belle hep-ex/0307021 26 D** at D0 Preliminary result on product branching ratio Br(B {D10,D2*0} X) Br({D10,D2*0} D*+ -) = 0.280 0.021 (stat) 0.088 (syst) % measured by normalizing to known Br (B D*+ X) 27 Lessons from charm (II) – Ds** Eichten For L=1 Ds mesons, preferred decay mode:DK jq = 3/2 -> DK, D*K jq = 1/2 below DK threshold, decay to Ds (*) 0 / Ds (*) Mass/widths unexpected! Maybe B** or Bs** have similar behaviour 28 Probably not the natural width of these states Previous results on B** Previous experiments did not resolve the four states: <PDG mass> = 5698±8 MeV Experiment B reconstruction BJ mass (MeV) BJ width ALEPH exclusive 5695±18 53±16 CDF (μD)+π 5710±20 ----- DELPHI inclusive B + π 5732±21 145±28 OPAL inclusive B + π 5681±11 116±24 Theoretical estimates for M(B1)~ 5700 - 5755 and for M( B * ) ~ 5715 to 5767. Width ~ 20 MeV 2 29 Signal reconstruction (I) Search for narrow B** - Use B hadrons in the foll. modes and add coming from the Primary Vertex B J /K Bd0 J /K *0 , K *0 K Bd0 J /K 0 , K 0 7217±127 events 2826± 93 events 624± 41 events Since ΔM between B**+ and B**0 is expected to be small compared to resolution, we combine all channels (e.g., ΔM for B+/B0 = 0.33±0.28 MeV) 30 Signal Reconstruction (II) Dominant decays modes of B1 , B2* * * B B , B B ( B forbidden by J,P 1 conserv.) B2* B* , B* B * B B (ratio of the two modes expected to be 1:1) 2 To improve resolution, we measure mass difference between B1 , B2* and B, ΔM 31 Signal reconstruction (III) Now, ΔM(B* - B) = 45.78±0.35 MeV – small Thus, if we ignore , ΔM shifts down ~ 46 MeV, M ( B B) M ( B ) M ( B*) 46MeV * 2 * 2 We get three peaks: = M( B ) – M(B*) – 46 MeV 1 1 * = M( B ) – M(B*) – 46 MeV 2 2 * = M( B ) – M(B) - in correct place 2 3 32 First observation of the separated states From fit: N = All B** 536±114 events ~7σ signif. 273±59 events * * 1 B B , B B Interpreting the peaks as: (98) B2* B B2* B* , B* B 131±30 events 33 Consistency checks: B0** B±** 32±36 events required to have large Impact parameter signific. relative to Primary vertex – No Signal (as expected) 34 Results of fit - Preliminary M ( B1 ) 5724 4(stat ) 7(syst ) MeV / c 2 M ( B ) M ( B1 ) 23.6 7.7(stat ) 3.9(syst ) MeV / c * 2 1 2 23 12(stat ) 9(syst ) MeV / c 2 2 f1 0.51 0.11(stat ) 0.21(syst ) 35 Bs Standard Model predictions Exptl. Results 90% (95%) CL 36 Beyond Standard Model First proposed by Babu/Kolda as a probe of SUSY (hep-ph 9909476) Branching fraction depends on tan(β) and charged Higgs mass Branching fraction 4 6 tan (tan ) increases as in 2HDM (MSSM) Other models also have enhanced rates, e.g., Dedes, Nierste hep-ph 0108037 mSUGRA 37 Experimental challenge: (L 200 pb-1) 38 Optimization Procedure – “blind” analysis ~ 80 pb-1 of data was used to optimize cuts After pre-selection, three additional variables were used to discriminate bkgd. from signal Isolation : Since most of b-quark’s mom. is carried by the B-hadron, track population around it is low I | p ( ) | /(| p ( ) | pi ( R 1)) iB Decay Length significance: Lxy/δLxy – remove combinatoric background, e.g., fake muons Pointing angle: Angle, α, between B_s decay vector and B_s momentum vector 39 Result of optimization Isolation > 0.56 Pointing angle < 0.20 (rad) δLxy/ δL > 18.5 Background prediction from sidebands in (MB ± 2σ): 3.7 ± 1.1 events Punzi (physics/0308063) 40 Opened the box (July 8’ 04) (L = 240 pb-1) Nothing remarkable about the four events – look like background! 41 Calculate upper limit (I) To calculate limit on branching fraction, normalize to Feldman-Cousins B J /K B N ul K Br( Bs ) . Bs . N B MC: 0.229±0.016 PDG B 1 ( B ).B 2 ( J / ) Bd ( f b Bs / f bBu,d ) R. Bs MC 0.270±0.034 (PDG) Since our signal region overlaps Bd, can have contamination R: theoretical expectation for ratio of Br. frac. of Bd /Bs - set R=0 If R 0 limit will be better 42 Upper Limit - Preliminary The 95% (90%) C.L. upper limit: Br( Bs ) 4.6 10 7 7 (3.8 10 ) Currently, the most stringent limit on this decay channel If we use Bayesian approach, we get 4.7 (3.8) 43 Implications of this result Excluded by D0 Run II 240 pb-1 4.6E-7 (95%CL) Dermisek et al Hep-ph 0304101 Dark Matter and Bs Minimal SO10 with soft SUSY breaking Contours of constant Br( Bs ) Allowed by Dark Matter constraints 44 Observation of Bc Last of ground state mesons to be definitively observed! Theory: Lifetime 0.3-0.5 ps Theory: Mass 6.4 GeV ±0.3 Only previous evidence CDF RunI result 20.4+6.2 signal - 5.5 Mass: 6.4±0.39±0.13 GeV : +0.18 0.46- 0.16 0.03 ps 45 Take advantage of easy-to-trigger-on final state – events come via the dimuon triggers + Select 231 J/X candidates + PV Bc+ Background estimated with J/+track data control sample, separated into prompt and non-prompt components 46 Do combined likelihood fit to invariant mass and pseudoproper time distribution: #signal: 95±12±11 Mass: +0.14 5.95 -0.13 ±0.34 GeV Lifetime: 0.448 +0.123 ±0.121 ps -0.096 47 Background-only fit: 2log(likelihood) is 60 for 5 degrees of freedom 48 Other properties: b c c b Forms weakly decaying charmed hadron Probability 4th within ±90 degrees of Bc candidate = 5±2% Probability 4th within ±90 degrees of background = 1% 49 Lifetimes of B hadrons Use modes with J/ψ final states, semi-leptonic decays Predictions available from theory via OPE calculations These calculations are rooted in QCD Expansion is in inverse powers of heavy quark mass Predictions are semi-quantitative for Charm For B-hadrons, predictions are on much firmer footing 50 51 (B+)/(B0) from semileptonic decays Novel idea: Signal with Imp. Param cuts “D0 sample”: + K+ - + anything B+ 82 % B0 16 % Bs 2 % “D* sample”: + D0 - + anything B+ 12 % B0 86 % Bs 2 % Estimates based on measured branching fractions and isospin relations. 52 VPDL ( LT / pTD ) M B Group events into 8 bins of Visible Proper Decay Length (VPDL): Measure ri = N(+ D*-)/N(+ D0) in each bin i. Minimize: (ri N .ri (k )) 2 (ri ) k ( / 0 ) 1 e 2 one example VPDL bin 2 Additional inputs to the fit: - sample compositions (previous slide) - K-factors (from MC) – missing particles K = pT(D0) / pT(B) [separately for different decay modes] - Relative reconstruction ε for different B decay modes (from MC) - Slow pion reconstruction ε [flat for pT(D0) > 5 GeV (one of our cuts)] - Decay length resolution (from MC) - (B+) = 1.674 0.018 ps [PDG] – Fix in fit 53 Adding more data Preliminary result: (B+)/(B0): 1.093 0.021 0.022 (stat) (syst) Syst. dominated by: - time dependence of slow reconstruction eff. - relative reconstruction efficiency CY - Br(B+ + D*- + X) - K-factors - decay length resolution differences D0 D* The prelim. DØ meas. is one of the most precise results Not updated 54 55 b J / 1.221 0.217 (stat) 0.043 (sys) ps b 0.179 2D fit: Mass and Lifetime (100) Also did, Bd J /K s 56 Summary of Λb results World Average 1.229±0.080 ps 0.798±0.052 Theory: 0.90±0.05 World Average uses semi-leptonic modes 57 2D fit: Mass and Lifetime Bs J / 1.444 0.098 (stat) 0.020 (sys) ps Bs 0.090 Single best measurement Most existing meas. use SL mode Also did, Bd J /K * 58 Summary of Bs results World Average 1.461±0.057 ps 0.951±0.038 Theory: 1.00±0.01 <World> contains final states with different amts. of CP e-states 59 BS Mixing is high priority Vtd 2nd order weak transition md mS ρ<0 disfavoured by current limit on Δms (>14.4/ps) L S p B q B H S p B q B B B 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S mS M H M L S L H 60 Bs CP =+1 & CP = -1 Lifetimes B0sJ/ψ φ unknown mixture of CP =+1 & CP = -1 states In Standard Model s/s may be as large as 0.1 ( Γs = ( ΓLight + ΓHeavy)/2 ; ms ) ΔΓs = ΓLight - ΓHeavy In the case of untagged decay, the CP – specific terms evolve like: CP - even: ( |A0(0)|2 + |A||(0)|2 ) exp( -ΓLightt) CP - odd: |A┴(0)|2 exp( -ΓHeavyt) Flavor specific final states (e.g. B0slDs ) provide: Γfs = Γs - (ΔΓs)2 / 2Γs + Ό ( (ΔΓs)3 / Γs ) 2 DZ – Beauty’03 61 In progress Bs Lifetimes, transversity variable θT The CP-even and CP-odd components have different decay distributions. The distribution in transversity variable θT and its time evolution is: d(t)/d cosθT ∞ (|A0(t)|2 + |A||(t)|2) (1 + cos2θT) + |A┴(t)|2 2 sin2θT 3 linear polarization states: J/ψ and φ polarization vectors: longitudinal (0) to the B direction of motion; transverse and parallel (||) and (┴ ) to each other DZ – Beauty’03 MC distributions for CP = +1 & CP= -1 for accepted events (D0) 62 How to measure Δm PU PM A cos( ms t ) PU PM 63 In search of BS oscillations (“Amplitude method”) Fit data to t P e 1 A cos( ms t ) 2 Fit for A as a function of ms Measurement: A = 1 Sensitivity: 1.645A = 1 (95%) Limit: A < 1 - 1.645A (95%) Current limit : ms > 14.4 ps-1 @95% CL 64 Compare A for Δm=15 ps-1 65 Significance of mixing measurement 2 /2 ( m ) ND S t e 2 SB 2 We need: Final State reconstruction Ability to measure B decay length B flavour at decay and production 66 Flavour tagging Use flavour-specific decays to get flavour of B at decay To get flavour of B at production use Opposite side Same side neutrino Jet charge b-hadron D PV Soft lepton Trigger lepton Fragmentation pion B Lxy 67 MC Q0b (B+ MC) Require |Q| > 0.2 68 Combined tags analysis - Bd 200pb-1 Data sample split into two sets: 1) Tagged by soft muons (SLT) 2) Tagged by combined jetQ+SST algorithm Combined algorithm produces non-zero answer if: – Event not tagged by SLT – At least one of jetQ and SST gives a non-zero answer – jetQ and SST give same answer ( better dilution) 69 Combined tagger result 200pb-1 Simultaneous fit to SLT and jetQ+SST asymmetries SLT Chief systematics: • D* sample composition • D** pion tagging probability • Charged B dilution determination Preliminary results: md=0.456 0.034 (stat) 0.025 (syst) ps-1 jetQ+SST D0 = (44.8 5.1) % SLT D0 = (14.9 1.5) % jetQ+SST D= (27.9 1.2) % jetQ+SST = (5.0 0.2) % SLT = (68.3 0.9) % jetQ+SST 70 One can reconstruct BS in hadronic and semi-leptonic modes (*) B D Hadronic modes, e.g., S S Pros: Very good proper time resolution Cons: Low branching fraction ( 0.5% ), triggers Semi-leptonic modes, e.g., BS DS Pros: Large Branching fraction 10% , triggers Use both Muon & Electron final states Cons: Poorer proper time resolution (*) 71 SL modes have large yields BS DS X DS BR= (3.60.9)% ~ 9481 events in 250pb-1 72 BS DS X Ds K *0 K BR= (3.30.9)% (BR comparable to Ds ) But larger backgrounds D- K+ - D- K* non-resonant D- K+ - ~ 4933 events in 200 pb-1 Significant increase in total BS yield Other DS decays are being studied too 73 Mixed BS candidate in Run 164082 Event 31337864 Two same sign muons are detected Tagging muon has η=1.4 See advantage of muon system with large coverage MKK=1.019 GeV, MKKπ=1.94 GeV PT(μBs)=3.4 GeV; PT(μtag)=3.5 GeV Tagging muon Y, cm μ+ BS D-S K+ μ+ πK- X, cm 74 φ Progress report: Studying electrons as an initial state flavour tag Hadronic modes – Bs -> Ds* pi New triggers online – very effective for hadr. Decays If nature is kind, and Δm is on the low side, we could have a shot at it with the SL mode Some upgrades are planned: Layer 0 – new Silicon layer at r ~ 2.5 cm. Significant improvement in proper time resolution (mid-2005) Double trigger bandwidth/reconstruction farms and write more data to tape – in proposal stage 75 Conclusions and Outlook Lot of progress in the previous year Accelerator performing reasonably well. Expect 500 pb-1 by the end of the calendar year B physics group producing competitive results Exciting times ahead 76 Backup slides 77 Need to precisely determine the CKM matrix d ' Vud Vus Vub d d ' ˆ s Vcd Vcs Vcb s VCKM s ' b b Vtd Vts Vtb b Elements of the CKM matrix can be written as: λ – Cabbibo angle (~0.22), A (~0.85), , ( (1 2 / 2)) Magnitude of CP violation is given by η 78 79 Unitarity of the CKM matrix leads to relationship between various terms One such relation: V V V V V V 0 * ud ub * cd cb * td tb 80 Vtd If CKM matrix is unitary, leads to triangles in the ρ, η plane Vub Vcb CA: BA: 81 Study of B hadrons yields | Vcb |, | Vub / Vcb |, Vtd ,Vts , B mixing: Vtd , Vts η can be inferred from CP violation Within the SM, CP conserving decays sensitive to | Vcb |, | Vub / Vcb |, | Vtd | can tell if η is non-zero > 0 can be inferred from limit on Bs mixing Complementary meas. of η, | Vtd |from K New phenomena might affect K and B differently 82 Winter 2004 HFAG avg. (fit does not include results on Sin(2β)) 83 Pre-shower detectors help in e-ID SMT+ CFT ηmax = 1.65 SMT region ηmax = 2.5 Barrels and Disks 84 SMT 6 barrels: 4 layers SS+DS, 2/90° stereo |z|<0.6 m, r = 2.7-10 cm 12 central F disks: DS, 144 wedges, 15 stereo 4 forward H disks: 96 wedges, 7.5 z: 1.1/1.2 m r: 9.5-20 cm Tracking to η ~ 3 (θ ~ 6°) 793K channels, rad hard to 1 MRad ~ 2-3 fb-1 S/N > 10, 1 MIP ~ 25 ADC counts Hit resolution ~ 10μ 85 • J/ mass is shifted by 22 MeV • Observe dependence on Pt and on material crossed by tracks • Developed correction procedure based on field & material model • Finalizing calibration of momentum scale using J/, Ks, D0 NOT yet used 86 87 Track triggers very important for B physics - Trk/muon match at L1 - Trks are fed to L2 Silicon track trigger - Trk/Pre-shower match 88 Silicon Track Trigger is being commissioned Trigger is online – as yet not used for physics CFT outer layer 1-mm road CFT inner layer SMT barrels Performs final silicon cluster filtering and track fitting – Lookup table used to convert hardware (e.g., channel, etc.) to physical coordinates ( r , ) – 8 300-MHz 32-bit integer Texas Instruments DSPs perform a linearized track fit b (r ) r 0 r – Fit using precomputed matrix stored in lookup table 89 Accelerator performance # bunches s (TeV) L cm 2 s 1 Bunch x-ing (ns) Int./x-ing Run Ib Run IIa Run IIb 6X6 36X36 140X133 1.8 1.96 1.96 1.6E31 8E31 2-5E32 3500 396 132(?) 2.8 2.4 2-5 Currently Linst 4 6E31 cm 2 s 1 Have 1 L 280 pb 90 91 Basic Particles 92 Inclusive B lifetime using B D 0 X Standard technique – no IP cuts. Poor S/B L 12 pb -1 c 438 25(stat ) μm PDG 472 2 93 94 Aside: Where do the B’s go? Flavour Tag μ comes for free Factor # events for 2 fb-1 (bb ) 150b 3E11 2 b quarks/event 6E11 B(b Bs(*) ) 0.10 6E10 B ( Bs Ds ) 0.003 1.8E8 B( Ds ) 0.04 B( K K ) 0.5 7.2E6 3.6E6 Single μ Trig. Eff < 1% <3.6E4 Reco. Eff. <10% <3.6E3 95 For L=0, two states with jq=1/2, J=0, 1 - B, B* For L=1, get two pairs of degenerate doublets, jq=1/2, J=0, 1 - B0* , B ' jq=3/2, J=1, 2 - * 2 B1 , B These four L=1 states are collectively known as B** or BJ HQS also constrains the strong decays of these states jq = 1/2 decay via S-wave, hence expected to be wide jq = 3/2 decay via D-wave, hence narrow Strong decays 96 Lessons from Charm (III) For charm mesons, M(D*)-M(D) ~ 140-145 MeV For bottom, M(B*)-M(B) ~ 46 MeV Theory: Splitting within a doublet has 1/m_Q corrections M( D2* )-M( D1 ) ~ 32-37 MeV (jq=3/2 doublet) Could expect this to be ~ 10-15 MeV for M( B *)-M(B ) For non-strange charm, M(D**)-M(D) ~550-600 MeV Would expect similar behaviour for B mesons 2 1 97 Signal Reconstruction (V) We fit the ΔM signal with 3 relativistic BreitWigner functions convoluted with Gaussians N .( f1 * G(1 , 1 ) (1 f1 )( f 2 * G( 2 , 2 ) (1 f 2 ) * G(3 , 2 ))) N: Number of events in the three peaks f1 : Fraction of B1 in all events * * : Branching fraction of B B f2 2 From theory fix 1 2 and f 2 0.5 From MC fix resolution of ΔM=10.5 MeV 98 Sample composition B meson lifetimes and branching rates from PDG K-factor distributions, decay length resolution, reconstruction efficiencies from MC 12% B+ 2% BS D* sample 86% B0 16% B0 2% BS D0 sample 82% B+ 99 2D lifetime fits 100 101 Quarkonia at D0 Have older results on J/Psi production. Will update - Cross-section as a function of pT and η Started to look at Upsilon production characteristics - We presented a preliminary pT distribution at QWG’03 and more recently at PHENO’04 - Next step is to determine production absolute cross-section and polarization studies 102 103