Buy or Build (or customize or outsource)? The answer is yes! Marianne Colgrove – Reed College Dave Smallen – Hamilton College The resource question: Do we? B Buy A Build C Outsource Déjà vu all over again? Dave’s oversimplified characteristics of web and ERP applications Web ERP Form Function Presentation (reporting) Transaction processing Integration Data integrity/ security Single institutional image Non-redundancy Universal interface Proprietary Process elimination Process automation Key Decision Factors High Buy/ Outsource Market Maturity ?? Other factors Functionality relative to need Buy and don’t modify or Build Build (resource issue) Low Low Strategic Value High Other Decision Factors Resource requirements ($$ and personnel) Cost of integration (ERP, LDAP) Time pressure Institutional standards (e.g. LDAP, SQL) Personnel talent Level of risk Technical complexity (e.g. modular vs. integrative) Uniqueness of policies & practices Drivers 1974 – 2004… -Efficiency -Lack of time pressure -Automation -Maturity of technology -Functionality -Time pressure -Resources -Process improvement -Predictable costs/ Delivery?? Outsource Buy Build Process elimination Integration Functionality Strategic direction Time pressure Competition Predictable costs/ delivery? Resource Scheduling ?? Portal Web site (external focus) Alumni Community CMS (Blackboard) Other Info Systems (Datatel) HR HR/Payroll HR/Payroll ?? Payroll 1974 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Strategic Efforts Admission Alumni / Development Portal Demo Themes 1980 – 2005 -Integration -Standard database Build The Web era Getting data out --> interaction Decentralization --> self service A/D web & datamart Alumni Directory Admission search web Course Registration Student Information Gateway Web site (external focus) Banner (finance, student, A/D) HR Payroll 1980 Buy ?? -Computing out of the cellar -Modules from various sources -Customization necessary Admin modules Outsource 1992 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Reed Examples Build – Student Information Gateway & Course Registration (collaboration with Oxy) – Alumni Directory Acquire – Banner Web for Alumni/Development – and A/D Datamart Student Gateway Faculty & registrar priorities Little convergence with Banner products No interest in changing practices Highly modular Grant-funded Opportunity to trade with Oxy Alumni Directory (ReedLink) Bad experience outsourcing survey Facilitate data update Not about fund-raising Highly modular, expandable Shares some services with Gateway (e.g. Career Services, email forwarding) Now reconsidering some outsourcing Alumni/Development Executive reporting for development Highly ad-hoc queries, on the road Timeline - “yesterday” Complex table structure Highly integrative Web for Alumni/Development Alumni/Development datamart Alumni/Development Two-year implementation Dedicated new staff line Server with second Oracle instance Not necessarily faster, but feels better Both staff and infrastructure bring other benefits Build Pros – Close match with needs – Easier integration – Maintain standards – Expertise for other projects Cons – Vulnerable to staff changes – Vulnerable to changes in technology – Needed project management Buy Pros – Community of users – Ability to interface with existing systems – Big jump in functionality – Sustainability Cons – Cost – Difficulty of customizing – Uncertainty of continuing costs (or certainty of increase) – Viability of company/product – Planning still required Outsource Pros – Focused expertise Faster implementation – Predictable implementation costs Cons – Integration with other systems – Lack of features – Unpredictable continuing costs – Collaborative relationship a must "When you come to a fork in the road....take it ” -- Yogi Berra