Staying Legal On the Cutting Edge of Procurement School Food FOCUS National Gathering 2014 Oakland, California February 7, 2014 Presentation by Michelle Poncetta & Will Thanhauser Harrison Institute for Public Law Georgetown University Law Center Will Thanhauser • The Big Apple Kid • Devoted Vegetarian • Helping you buy chicken Michelle Poncetta • Eats everything • Farm town kid • Let’s talk local Agenda Agenda I. How: How legal review facilitates school district procurement goals. Agenda I. How: How legal review facilitates school district procurement goals. II. Geographic Preference (GP): How GP works; Legal and logistical considerations in implementing GP. Agenda I. How: How legal review facilitates school district procurement goals. II. Geographic Preference (GP): How GP works; Legal and logistical considerations in implementing GP. III. Low AB Chicken: Facilitating future school district procurement goals. Agenda I. How: How legal review facilitates school district procurement goals. II. Geographic Preference (GP): How GP works; Legal and logistical considerations in implementing GP. III. Low AB Chicken: Facilitating future school district procurement goals. IV. Conclusion: Procurement tools available to school districts; prospective legal questions. How: How legal review facilitates school district procurement goals. Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Procurement Goal: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Procurement Goal: Healthful, Regionally-Sourced, Sustainable School Food Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: 1. Surveying: defining the legal framework for school districts. A. Identifying sources and limits of authority. B. Mapping scope of authority. Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: 2. Highlighting: pinpointing legal consideration particular to school districts. Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: 3. Resources: create tools for school districts’ procurement reference. Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Legal support for innovative procurement: Agenda: I. How II. GP III. Low AB Chx IV. Conclusion Geographic Preference Geographic Preference NSLP permits school districts to give a defined competitive advantage to minimally processed, locally grown or raised agricultural products Maximizing Geographic Preference Federal Overview USDA Rules State Framework Guides Legal Authority & Limitations Helpful Comparisons Review District Practices “The Legal Check-up” GP at a Glance Federal USDA Baseline Requirements Product Minimally processed agricultural products Preference Policy Locally grown or raised Cannot restrict “full & open competition” GP at a Glance Minimally Processed Product No change to the inherent character of the product Federal GP at a Glance Locally Grown or Raised Preference School defines “local” Federal GP at a Glance Federal Full and Open Competition Policy Cannot unnecessarily restrict competition Sources of Legal Authority Strongest Explicit Implicit Child Nutrition Programs Weakest State Working with Limitations State geographic preference laws State Working with Limitations State geographic preference laws Example: Washington agricultural products must be given preference over out-ofstate products. Uniform price preference within a radius State Working with Limitations State geographic preference laws Example: Washington agricultural products must be given preference over out-ofstate products. Conflict: “Local” products from Oregon cannot receive equal preference. Uniform price preference within a radius State Working within State Law Possible Alternatives: In-State Only State Working within State Law Possible Alternatives: In-State Only In-State Regional State Working within State Law State Possible Alternatives: In-State Only In-State Regional Tiered Choosing Preference Weight Comparing Other Product Preferences • Can provide a starting point • Recycled preferences are most common • 5% generally safe Guides Reviewing District Procedures The “Legal Check-up” Federal and state compliance Impact on full and open competition Clarity of preference procedures Accuracy of language Justification and authority referenced Common Pitfalls Example: The district is accepting bids for locally grown apples. Common Pitfalls Example: The district is accepting bids for locally grown apples. Problem: Excluding non-local apples violates full and open competition. Common Pitfalls Example: The district is accepting bids for locally grown apples. Problem: Excluding non-local apples violates full and open competition. Fix: The district is accepting bids for apples and will give a 5% price preference to locally grown apples. Common Pitfalls Example: Preference is given to apple vendors located within 200 miles of the school district. Common Pitfalls Example: Preference is given to apple vendors located within 200 miles of the school district. Problem: GP applies to products NOT vendors. Common Pitfalls Example: Preference is given to apple vendors located within 200 miles of the school district. Problem: GP applies to products NOT vendors. Fix: Preference is given to apples grown vendors located within 200 miles of the school district. Value of the Legal Review • Informs policy decisions • Craft legally defensible practices • Limit legal challenges • Confidence to move forward Low AB Chicken Low AB Chicken Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Low AB Chicken Low AB Chicken A. Problem – the potential risks from administering antibiotics to animals. Low AB Chicken A. Problem – the potential risks from administering antibiotics to animals. B. Federal Solution? – federal regulation of administering antibiotics to animals. Low AB Chicken A. Problem – the potential risks from administering antibiotics to animals. B. Federal Solution? – federal regulation of administering antibiotics to animals. C. Legal Questions – considerations to facilitate effective solicitation of low AB chicken. Low AB Chicken Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low AB Chicken Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Problem: Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low AB Chicken Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Problem: ✚ Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low AB Chicken Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Problem: • 2 million infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria • 23,000 die from antibiotic resistant bacteria infection • $20 billion in additional health care expenses Federal Solution? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Federal Solution? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Recent FDA action Federal Solution? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Recent FDA action FDA Guidance for Industry #209 FDA Guidance for Industry #213 Federal Solution? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Current Status Federal Solution? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Current Status FDA has encouraged judicious use of AB in food-producing animals, but has declined to impose mandatory limits on farmers. Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions 1. Is there an available market for low AB chicken? 2. How can low AB chicken be verified? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions 1. Is there an available market for low AB chicken? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions 1. Is there an available market for low AB chicken? Federal regulations School districts using federal funds under any of the Child Nutrition Programs (e.g., National School Lunch Program) must use “full and open competition” when procuring goods/services. Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions 1. Is there an available market for low AB chicken? 2. How can low AB chicken be verified? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions 2. How can low AB chicken be verified? Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions Low Antibiotic (AB) Chicken Legal Questions 2. How can low AB chicken be verified? Possible options for school districts: A. Require self-verification (vendors verify in bid/contract). B. Require third-party verification. C. Require self-verification while reserving the right to demand third-party verification. Low AB Chx Agenda: A. Problem B. Federal Solution? C. Legal Questions FOCUSing on Staying Legal • Knowing the legal questions • Source of authority • Avoid legal challenges • Ground work for future innovations Geographic Preference Primer Available on the FOCUS homepage Includes: – Background – Overview of the Federal Law – Explanation of State Authority – Sample language – Examples of geographic preference methods Evolving Goals • Continuing with geographic preference • Beginning stages with low antibiotic chicken • Examining new objectives Your Input Legal Concerns? Barriers? Resources?