Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Microbial Iron Metabolization Berthold F. Matzanke, Matthias Brandenburger, Lars H. Böttger Universität zu Lübeck, Isotopenlabor TNF and Institut für Physik Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 Lübeck E-mail: matzanke@physik.uni-luebeck.de A. Boughamoura, B.F. Matzanke, L. H. Böttger, S. Reverchon, E. Lesuisse, D. Expert, T. Franza: Journal of Bacteriol 2007, Dec. 28 e-pub B. F. Matzanke: Iron transport: Siderophores in: Encylopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., R.B. King editor, Vol. 5, 2619-46, Wiley 2005 L. Rauscher, D. Expert, B.F. Matzanke, A.X.Trautwein:.J. Biol.Chem. 277, 2385-95 2002 B.F. Matzanke, G. Berner, E. Bill, A.X. Trautwein, G. Winkelmann: Biol. Metals, 4, 181-5 1991 B. F. Matzanke, E. Bill, A.X. Trautwein, G. Winkelmann: Hyperf. Interact. 58, 2359-64 1990 B.F. Matzanke, G. Müller, E. Bill, A.X. Trautwein: Eur. J. Biochem. 183, 371-9 1989 R1 R2 O C NH C O C R3 NH R3 O NH C O N C O O NH O O NH C C N Fe O O O N C NH R3 C O Fig.1 Fig. 2 Iron is of central importance for many metabolic processes: Iron is found in the active centers of enzymes which are involved in energy (=ATP)production via electron transfer in respiratory enzymes (aerobically and anaerobically), participates in the primary process of bacterial photo-synthesis (charge separation), and DNA-biosynthesis (ribonucleotide reductase). They performe reactions with inorganic substrates (oxygenases, dioxygenases, hydrogenases, nitrogenases, sulfitereductases, oxygen- and NOsensors, CO2-fixation), citric acid cycle (aconitase), Iron availability in nature: fourth most abundant element of the earth´s crust. With the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis 2x109 years ago: 4 Fe2+ + O2 + 10 H2O 4 Fe(OH)3 ↓+ 8 H+ Solubility product of Fe(OH)3: KL = 10-38.3 at pH 7: [Fe3+] = 10-17.3 M Microrganisms need: [Fe] = 10-6 – 10-4 M. The microbial strategy is biosynthesis of iron complexing agents (siderophores, Fig.1 ferrichrome(Fc)) which are excreted and the ferric iron complexes of which are taken up by highly sophisticated transport systems (Fig. 2: proteins Fhu, Iut, TonB, Exb in E.coli) Typical Mössbauer spectrum of a siderophore Fig. 3: Mössbauer spectrum of a frozen aqueous solution of [57Fe3+]-ferrioxamine B (12 mM) employing BSA (100 mM) as a dilutant to minimize spin-spin relaxation. The solid line represents a simulation based on a spin Hamiltonian: line width = 0.35 mm s–1; zero-field splitting, D = 1.2 cm–1; rhombicity parameter, l=E/D = 0.33; = 0.52 mm s–1; EQ = –0.84 mm s–1; asymmetry parameter, = 1; and isotropic hyperfine coupling tensor: Axx/gNµN = Ayy/gNµN = Azz/gNµN = –22.1 T. The simulation does not completely fit the experimental data. This discrepancy is caused by relaxation effects that are not dealt with in the spin Hamiltonian simulation (for corresponding theory: see next transparency). g g S and I are the electron and nuclear spin vector operators, respectively, and their projections on to the principal axes; g, A, and gN are matrices, B is the magnetic flux density vector, and Q, the quadrupole moment, a secondrank tensor; mB and mN are the Bohr and the nuclear magnetons, respectively; D is essentially a scaling factor for the splitting of the Kramers doublets. In trigonal fields the crystal field splitting is given by DCF = 6D, separating the doublets at a ratio 4:2. E represents deviation from axial symmetry and affects the separation of the Kramers doublets. For D = 3E the three Kramers doublets are separated symmetrically by 3.53D which corresponds to a complete rhombic distortion (symmetries lower than C3). The rhombicity parameter l is defined by the ratio of E/D with 0 l 1/3. A simulation based on the formalism described in equation (1) is shown in Fig. 3. 57Fe-uptake in Pantoea agglomerans Fig. 4: Mössbauer spectra measured at 4.3 K, in a field of 20mT perpendicular to the γ-beam: A) 57Fe-ferrioxamine E (fox E) in frozen aqueous solution. Cells were grown in iron deficient media to OD578= 0.8 and then incubated with 57Fe-fox E. B) Pantoea, 30 min incubation C) Pantoea 60 min incubation, D) Pantoea 90 min incubation time (mms-1) EQmms-1 percentage component 1 [Fe3+(06)] 30 min 0.47(4) 0.85(5) 13.6 60 min 0.53(4) 0.88(4) 13.3 90 min 0.49(4) 0.91(4) 29.6 OD578=1.0 0.43(2) 0.97(2) 50.1 component 2 [Fe2+(O6)] 30 min 1.28(2) 3.10(2) 86.4 60min 1.24(2) 3.06(2) 86.7 90 min 1.25(2) 3.04(2) 70.4 OD578=1.0 1.23(2) 2.86(3) 49.9 Conclusions:ferrioxamine E is not accumulated intracellularily. The main metabolite formed initially is an octahedral ferrous high spin compound ([Fe2+(OX)6]. This requires iron reduction i.e. reductase activity. The ferrous iron species was isolated and represents an oligomeric sugar phosphate (R. Böhnke, BF Matzanke, Biometals 8, 223-30 1995) A second ferric ion species is growing in, the nature of which is not completely clear yet. Probably, it corresponds to an [4Fe-4S]cluster (S=0). The corresponding scheme is shown in Fig.5 Fig.5 siderophore siderophore Iron metabolization kinetics in E. coli: In some strains of E. coli (endogeneous siderophore: enterobactin) an array of major iron metabolites can be discriminated by Mössbauer spectroscopy thus allowing a kinetics of the iron metabolite pattern. In this study an enterobactin negative mutant (entC) was employed and iron transport occured via ferricrocin (Fc-transporter). [4Fe-4S] (mm/s) EQ (mm/s) (mm/s) [Fe(II)(OX)6] Area Area (in %) (mm/s) EQ (mm/s) (mm/s) Area Area (in %) 1,06 46,3 Low iron medium, 57Fe ferricrocin added to the inoculum MB1 0,46 1,16 0,44 Low iron medium, 0,47 1,23 0,41 0,71 57Fe 31,06 1,26 3,07 0,62 ferricrocin added to the inoculum, high pO2 MB3 0,48 20,79 1,29 3,10 0,60 1,25 54,19 Low iron medium, 57Fe ferricrocin added to the inoculum, low pO2 MB4 0,46 1,07 0,46 0,7 36,16 1,26 3,09 0,56 0,93 47,64 Low iron medium, 57Fe-ferricrocin added at OD578= 0.8, Additional growth: 30 min MB5 0,46 1,11 0,41 0,17 12,86 1,32 3,10 0,56 1,04 78,39 Low iron medium, 57Fe-ferricrocin added at OD578= 0.8, Additional growth: 180 min MB6 0,44 1,24 0,38 0,57 18,29 1,31 rubredoxin (mm/s) EQ (mm/s) (mm/s) 3,10 0,28 0,58 1,39 44,40 ferritin (Ftn, Bfr) Area Low iron medium, 0,75 3,06 Area (in %) 57Fe 0,14 (mm/s) EQ (mm/s) (mm/s) Area Area (in %) 0,37 16,41 ferricrocin added to the inoculum MB1 6,23 0,44 0,65 0,47 Low iron medium, 57Fe ferricrocin added to the inoculum High pO2 MB3 0,74 3,11 0,39 0,14 6,24 0,49 0,67 0,42 0,43 18,77 Low iron medium, 57Fe ferricrocin added to the inoculum low pO2 MB4 0,74 3,11 0,39 Low iron medium, 0,74 3,11 0,12 57Fe-ferricrocin 0,35 0,02 6,17 0,49 0,61 0,41 0,19 10,03 added at OD578= 0.8, Additional growth: 30 min MB5 1,30 0,49 0,64 0,32 0,10 7,45 Low iron medium, 57Fe-ferricrocin added at OD578= 0.8, Additional growth: 180 min MB6 0,74 3,11 0,35 0,12 3,75 0,49 0,67 0,43 1,05 33,56 MB 1 represents the fit results derived from the steady state spectrum of entC and MB2 of the wild-type strain. The results are similar and 4 different metabolites can be discriminated: A putative [4Fe-4S]-cluster, [Fe(II)(OX)6], bacterial ferritin (Ftn) and a small amount of [Fe(II)S4] (rubredoxin-like). In MB4, the total iron level is lower than under highly oxygenated conditions (MB4), because it contains less Fe(II) and ferritin. The Fe(II) contribution in the highly oxygenated sample MB3 is one of the highest in this study. This is an indication for regulation patterns different from current views. Samples MB5 and MB6 represent the kinetics of iron metabolization and are compared to the steady state sample MB1. Again in MB5 over 80% of total iron within the short incubation time (30 min) corresponds to [Fe(II)(OX)6], indicating that reductive decomplaxation dominates the metabolization process. After 3h (MB6), the metabolite pattern shifted dramatically. MB6 displays the highest iron accumulationin in this study, which is reflected by the largest amount of Fe(II) and ferritin. In contrast, rubredoxin and 4Fe-4S levels are slightly lower than under steady state conditions. This is most likely due to the still high activity of the iron uptake apparatus and a slower cellular turnover at the stationary growth phase (OD578=1,2). As a consequence, excessive iron is rapidly stored in ferritin in order to circumvent oxygenic stress associated with the Fenton reaction. After 3 hours of incubation, the metabolic pattern is obviously significantly different compared to the metabolic state of MB1. Different iron chelates (MB7, MB8) also affect the iron metabolite pattern, again, indicating differences in the regulatory tuning. In summary, this study demonstrates that Mössbauer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for deciphering distribution and regulation patterns of main iron metabolites in microorganisms and probably also in eukaryotic cells.