Second-year study abroad: ABROAD:

Second-year study abroad:
Students taking Econ 312 and 314 should go abroad in the FALL
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Hum 110
Math 111 (Group D)
Group C
Group B/HSS
Group A
Econ elective
Econ 313
Math 141 (Group D)
Group B/HSS
Econ elective
Econ 470
Hum 110
Econ 201
Group C
Econ 314
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Group A
Econ 312
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Econ 470
Students taking Econ 311 and 304 should go abroad in the SPRING
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Hum 110
Econ 201
Group C
Hum 110
Group B/HSS
Group C
Econ 313
Econ 304
Group B/HSS
Group D
Econ 311
Group B/HSS
Econ elective
Group D
Econ 470
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Group A
Econ elective
Econ elective
Group A
Econ 470
In addition to the requirements listed above, students will complete 7 units of free electives,
which may be distributed freely among the semesters.
At least six units must be completed in the senior year.
Students will fulfill the Group X requirement with the second field taken to complete the
HSS divisional requirement.
There is considerable flexibility in some parts of this program, but less in others. The group
and divisional requirements and the econ electives can be re-arranged at will. However,
students should pay particular attention to fitting the core econ courses: 201, 313, 304/314,
and 311/312 around their time abroad so that those courses can be taken at Reed and prior
to the senior year. The micro and macro core courses should be taken in the first five
semesters if possible to prepare for the junior qual.
Third-year study abroad: Students (taking Econ 312 and 314) should go abroad in the FALL
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Hum 110
Math 111 (Group D)
Group C
Econ 313
Math 141 (Group D)
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Hum 110
Econ 201
Group C
Econ 312
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Group B/HSS
Group A
Econ elective
Econ 470
Econ 314
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Group A
Econ 470
Students taking Econ 311 and 304 should go abroad in the SPRING
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Hum 110
Math 111 (Group D)
Group C
Econ 313
Econ 304
Group B/HSS
Econ 311
Group B/HSS
Econ elective
Group A
Econ 470
Hum 110
Econ 201
Group C
Econ elective
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Group D
Econ elective
Group B/HSS
Group A
Econ 470
In addition to the requirements listed above, students will complete 7 units of free electives,
which may be distributed freely among the semesters.
At least six units must be completed in the senior year.
Students will fulfill the Group X requirement with the second field taken to complete the
HSS divisional requirement.
There is considerable flexibility in some parts of this program, but less in others. The group
and divisional requirements and the econ electives can be re-arranged at will. However,
students should pay particular attention to fitting the core econ courses: 201, 313, 304/314,
and 311/312 around their time abroad so that those courses can be taken at Reed and prior
to the senior year. The micro and macro core courses should be taken in the first five
semesters if possible to prepare for the junior qual.
Updated 5/29/2010 NN