ACITC - Meeting Minutes - 10-28-2005.doc

Florida Institute of Technology
Academic Information Technology Committee
ACITC Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2005
DRAFT 10/31/05
Present: Judith Barlow (chair), Bill Allen, Bill Gabrenya, Travis Jones (for
Linda Kahn), Dick Newman, Korhan Oyman, Dee Dee Pannell, Carol
Shehadeh, Kurt Winkelmann, Cookie Young
Absent: Steven Lazarus, Rick Tankersley
Agenda items –
The minutes from the September meeting were approved as read.
CTLE (Carol)
The theme for the 4th Faculty Summer Institute (FSI) is “Collaboration
and Teaching”. Seven PIs, who will each choose a collaborator, will be
selected. Collaboration across departments is encouraged and using
technology will be a strong component
In an effort to increase attendance at FSI presentations CTLE is
proposing a half day conference for faculty prior to the beginning of fall
semester ’06. The event would be a Teaching Excellence Showcase
with workshop sessions, presentations, and hands on opportunities. Bill
recommended that ACITC support the planning, financing, and
executing of the showcase. The recommendation was accepted.
Dick recommended that Korhan talk to Jim Brenner, Faculty Senate,
regarding including IT use as criteria for teaching faculty promotion. He
also discussed the Virginia Tech model of a computer refresh program
for ¼ of the faculty each year. A requirement for receiving a new
computer is a twenty hour IT course.
ADITC Report (Cookie)
The committee discussed combining ADITC with the Module Managers’
meeting. However, even though the membership is nearly the same,
there were enough different activities to warrant keeping the groups
Admin Computing is preparing for a demo of the online grading module
of Faculty Self Service for the Faculty Senate on December 6. Admin
Computing is also preparing for testing Banner 7. The university will be
upgrading to Banner 7.x in October 06.
The water under the floor problem in Administrative Computing was
discussed. Facilities is working to correct the problem.
IT Update (Dick Newman)
Dick reported on information from the Dean’s meeting. That group is
reviewing the implications of a requirement to accept transfer credit
from any recognized regional or national accrediting body as a
condition of FEMA benefits. In the near future eighteen million students
are expected to take classes in and only six million are anticipated to be
on campus students. Florida Tech will be preparing to meet this
The University College has three projects addressing off campus
learning. They are the Orlando to Dallas synchronous broadcasting, the
Applied Behavior Analysis DL courses and Engineering Systems
courses. The university is expecting to be a member of the University
Alliance by January 07. Judy Barlow expressed the COB concern this
might have on their ACCSB accreditation
Special budget items requested for FY07 include:
 New Banner server, with the old box moving to a secure, off site
location as a backup
 Server farm locating to the current Beowulf site
 Wireless access in the dorms, est. at $273,000
Two new positions have been approved: technician for the Support
Center and a Network Security person. Next IT will be looking at an
Instructional technologist position.
Media Services and Instructional Technologies (Dee Dee Pannell)
Reports are posted on the ACITC Blackboard site.
Site license options for MatLab and SPPS were discussed. The
committee recommended that the university pay for the MatLab and
Simulink base, with departments paying for their own tool boxes. Dee
Dee will check out the cost of adding advanced and regression modules
to the SPSS base before a recommendation is made regarding the
SPSS license. The committee will discuss licensing issues
electronically once the information is acquired.
Next meeting: December 2, 2005 in the COB conference room
Dee Dee Pannell recorder