Academic Information Technology Committee February 16, 2004 Meeting Minutes Attending: Mary Bonhomme (SEGS), Donald Dement (CTLE), Bill Gabrenya (Psychology), Steve Lazarus (COE), Dick Newman (IT), Dee Dee Pannell (ACS), Eraldo Ribeiro (COE), Chris Vanzo (SGA), Kurt Winkelmann (CSLA), Cookie Young (ADITC), and Rick Tankersley (CSLA), Chair Minutes - The minutes from the January meeting were approved as corrected. The minutes will be posted on the web and distributed via facforum. ITEC - The agenda for the March meeting will be a review of the IT projects for FY05. The Module Managers are meeting tomorrow to formalize the administrative project list. Dick will distribute the IT project list, with academic projects noted, to the committee so ACITC can prioritize the academic projects prior to the March ITEC meeting. The project list will be added to the ACITC March agenda. ADITC - Cookie Young is the new ADITC representative to the ACITC committee. Minutes from the ADITC will be circulated to the committee. The Module Managers are working to pare down the project list to a 12 month effort, focusing on labor resources instead of funding. Gary Meiseles is preparing a status report on the SSN project for the Quality of Life Committee. This project will need to be prioritized to become an active project. Web For Faculty - class rosters, student information, and academic history features are now available. The next option is online grade data entry, which will be implemented after the installation of Banner 6.x in November. Testing will be available during the summer. There are still a lot of policy issues to be resolved prior to implementation. Consideration is being given to implementing Degree Audit for those programs already built in the Fall. ACS - Report attached. CTLE - 1. The applications for the Faculty Summer Institute (FSI) have been sent to the FSI 03 alumni for evaluation. Faculty will be notified March 1 of the awards. 2. CTLE staff met with the Provost. He was very supportive of CTLE and FSI and is reviewing funding needs. A member of the educational technology team at Tennessee may be invited to Florida Tech to consult with us. 3. In addition to requests for creating Blackboard courses, there are requests for clubs, committees, senior design projects and conference accounts. Assoc Vice President for IT - Internet 2 connectivity will be available shortly. Dick has begun his departmental presentations, customizing them to the audience. The Florida Lambda Rail should be available sometime in the fall, giving us ten times our current bandwidth. The university has received a request to recycle the Systems Engineering program and offer it more broadly to Harris and Northrup Grumann employees. Dick announced the university email server would be replaced with a brand new box. This should provide us with a stable and reliable system. He also endorsed the committee attendance at education conferences and offered some support. Old Business - Mary said there was nothing to report regarding acquiring the Enterprise Edition of Blackboard. It is still in the budgeting process. Mary also announced the Florida Distance Learning Consortium has worked out a trial of the Associated Press Archives. Within this searchable database you will find photographs taken by AP photographers from all over the world. The database is updated daily with new contributions. You may access and fully use the product until March 31, 2004 when the trial period ends. Please share with your colleagues who might have an interest. If they have any feedback on the value of this service, let Mary know. The Florida Distance Learning Consortium will be working on pricing. The Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominations for Young Woman of the Year (under 21) and Woman of the Year. If faculty would like to make recommendations they can get the nomination form from Mary Bonhomme. The discussion on PC standards continued with recommendations and questions: Provide more information on the purchase policy and communicate it better. Describe and publicize the procedure for exceptions. How often are the specifications updated? Why is there a minimum requirement? What are the workstation requirements for Banner? MatLab license renewal for the 10 copies purchased by the committee in last year's IT awards was approved. It was noted that this is not a commitment by ACITC for next year's budget. The committee requested that Dee Dee bring licensing information on SPSS and MatLab to the next meeting. Chris Vanzo reported the Digital Domain student club was developing this year's Interactive Year Book. It will also be used as a recruiting tool for prospective students. Departments who would like to have material included should send their information to him <> . New Business - There was a discussion on how to proceed with selecting conferences and attendees sponsored by ACITC. EDUCAUSE, both regional and national, and SYLLABUS conferences were recommended. Members were asked to send their requests to Rick if they were interested. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2004 in the COE Dean's Conference Room. The following meeting is April 19. Submitted by: Dee Dee Pannell, Recorder ACS Report To ACITC February 16, 2004 Instructional Technology - Renovations will begin in March and the information will be in that report. Web Services and the Web Advisory Board - Web Services' high priority projects include the Institutional Planning and Effectiveness and SACS sites, including refining the user interface, editorial review and troubleshooting data entry; resizing the home page and developing project plans for the year. The committee initiated discussion on updating the Florida Tech web site. Completed projects were the 2004-05 Catalog <> , academic calendar posted as a standalone page <> , photo album for graduation 03 <> , reports for Student Activities from their Clubs and Organizations database, and the update of the Faculty and Staff page with Faculty Summer Institute news, and the January MVP. The Applied Computing Center -The center workstations have been updated with the latest Microsoft Office products and MS Visio through the campus license agreement. The center is currently hosting 12 COM1102 classes for Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (SAILS), the Digital Domain club, and the yearbook project. Recent staff activities include: training students on transferring digital media from tape to computer, and presentations on importing video on a MAC and Final Cut Pro. System Services - Staff continue to assist with individual email issues, instructor evaluations and exam scoring/processing for departments. This semester the number of requests for assistance from remote students rose sharply. Service Summaries for January: Web Consults - 59, Other Consults - 159