ACITC - Meeting Minutes - 12-13-2005.doc

Florida Institute of Technology
Academic Information Technology Committee
ACITC Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2005
DRAFT 12/20/05
Present: Judith Barlow (chair), Sharon Ainsley, Bill Allen, Dick Enstice,
Bill Gabrenya, Linda Khan, Steven Lazarus, Dick Newman, Dee Dee
Pannell, Carol Shehadeh, Rick Tankersley, and Cookie Young
Absent: Korhan Oyman, Kurt Winkelmann
Agenda items –
The minutes from the October meeting were approved as corrected
(corrected Linda Khan’s name).
ACITC web site
There was discussion regarding the Blackboard website for committee
business. The members felt the site was useful for internal
IT Update (Dick Newman)
Dick explained that hardware failure caused the recent mail service
interruption. Most messages have been restored or are in the queue for
He also discussed the purchase of Turnitin, plagiarism detection
software. The committee affirmed the need for this type software and
Dick will check out the cost and get further information.
SPSS – IT is willing to purchase the base module site license since this
package is used university wide and is not department specific.
Departments will need to purchase the additional modules due to IT
budget constraints. Bill moved, with a friendly amendment from Rick
Tankersley, that the university fully support the Matlab and SPSS
software required for university research, teaching, and administrative
purposes. Steve Lazrus seconded the motion. The motion was
The provost has created the following priority list for IT:
1. Replace computing devices on campus (Dick will come up with a
proposal for this project)
2. Make all designated classrooms multimedia ready. IT is now
tracking multimedia use in the technology classrooms and this data
will be used for Fall 06 classroom scheduling. Cookie requested that
IT to research classroom scheduling software.
3. Make entire campus wireless, including the dorms. Excluding the
dorms, most campus areas are currently wireless.
ADITC Report (Cookie)
Banner 7 will be implemented Oct 7, over fall break weekend. Banner 7
has a different look from Banner 6. The Provost’s top items for the
Registrar are:
1. Online grading
a. There we be a demo of online grading for faculty Feb 7.
2. Automated degree audit
Sub committees
Mini Grant
The program information will be available on the web and an announcement
will go to facforum.
Teaching and Learning
A notice has been sent to faculty regarding the 2006 FSI. Invitations for
Proposals will be sent in January, due February 1, winners announced
Mar 1.
The committee will be meeting to discuss the equipment upgrades.
Media Services and Instructional Technologies (Dee Dee Pannell)
Reports attached. The 3rd Annual Digital Showcase is Feb 24, 2006.
Rick announced he had received a $125,000 NSF grant based on his
ACITC mini grant. He will be building a web interface for training
students to use SPSS.
Next meeting: Judy will coordinate meeting times next semester.
Dee Dee Pannell recorder