UGCC Minutes SEP 2011 10.5.11.docx

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 30, 2011
8:00 am
The meeting began at 8:01 am.
The previous meeting minutes were approved. Members of the committee asked that the minutes be
sent for committee review and that a notice of the final minutes be sent to the committee.
The following items were passed on the consent agenda:
1. Psychology-online-changing restrictions-CRM 3511
2. Chemical Engineering
a. Changing graduation requirements BS Chemical Engineering (7033)
b. CRC-CHE 4181
c. CRC-CHE 4182
d. CRC-CHE 4122
e. CRC-CHE 4115
f. CRC-CHE 3115
g. CRC-CHE 1102
The following items were passed with revisions:
1. Psychology-Adding a New Course-PSY 3543-this course was asked to be removed because the
form needed revisions. The memo attached to the paperwork indicated that PSY 3453 would be
replacing PSY 3542: Survey of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, however, the submitted
paperwork did not indicate this. The paperwork was adjusted to reflect the change and passed
1. Education & Interdisciplinary Sciences
a. Adding a new course-ISC 2162-the decision was made to reduce the course from ISC
2162 to ISC 1162 as the course does not contain prerequisites and could be taken by a
first year student.
i. The decision was made to adjust the verbiage of the course description to
remove the world ‘laboratory’ and replace it with ‘in class practicum.’
b. Changing graduation requirements-BS Interdisciplinary Science
c. Changing graduation requirements-BS Interdisciplinary Science (Military Science Option)
i. Items b and c description verbiage was adjusted to remove the phrase “their
social science elective to be”
d. Changing graduation requirements-Athletics coaching minor-revisions were made to
reflect the corrected course number ISC 1162.
There was discussion on how courses are numbered. The question was raised about asking
departments who are submitting Adding a New Course paperwork provide justification about why a
course is being submitted at a certain level without course prerequisites. There were additional
questions/suggestions about perhaps providing some written directions on how to complete and submit
the paperwork requested by UGCC. Marshall Jones expressed that he would work with Liz Fox to modify
the current paperwork to include a note to provide supporting information when submitting Adding a
New Course paperwork without prerequisites at the 2000 level or higher.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 am.
Next meeting: Friday, October 28, 2011 @ 8:00 am in F.W. Olin Physical Sciences 2nd floor conference
room. Agenda items are due by Friday, October 21, 2011.