
Following are the minutes of the UGCC meeting held 8:00 AM Friday, December 1, 2006, in the
Physical Sciences Building 2nd floor Conference Room. The minutes and documents in support
of these minutes can be found on the UGCC site at URL http://www.fit.edu/ugcc/ or attached.
MINUTES - 12/01/2006
1. Provost T. Dwayne McCay - Dr. McCay spoke at length about the online degrees and I have
no summary report to attach. He did mention the "Policy Statement proposed by the UGCC" and
upon request of committee members, as Chair, I reiterate that the UGCC proposal was a
Statement of Position to Provost McCay and not a policy statement to the Board.
Provost McCay referred to and has provided us with the Sloan Report and said document is in
the general file of the UGCC web site. (see Sloan Report)
2. Consent Agenda-New Business (Items a. and b.)
College of Engineering: Adding a new minor in Environmental Science (see
DMESmemo.pdf & Environmental Science) Approved by a unanimous vote.
College of Psychology and Liberal Arts: Adding a new course, HUM1010 Creative Arts
Practicum, HUM1150 Fundamentals of Music, HUM2151 Music Theory I (see hum music.pdf).
This also involves discontinuing HUM3150 Masterworks of Music and reviving the two semester
music survey - HUM3151 Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music, and HUM3152 Classical,
Romantic, and Modern Music. Approved by a unanimous vote.
College of Engineering: Adding a new minor in Meteorology (see DMESmemo.pdf &
Meteorology) Approved by a vote of 12 for, 0 against, 2 abstain, as amended: that is OCN 2407
Meteorology will be a required course and students will choose 16 more credits from the
remaining list of courses (see COE_Minor.pdf).
College of Engineering: Adding a new minor in Oceanography (see DMESmemo.pdf &
Oceanography) Tabled to meeting on 12/6/2006.
College of Science: Adding a new minor in Physics (see PhysMinor-package.doc)
[Carried over from 10.27.06 and 11.03.06 meetings] Approved by a vote of 12 for, 0 against, 2
A resolution that the Faculty Handbook be updated to reflect the purpose of our
committee by changing the name Curriculum Committee in the Faculty Handbook to
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. That latter name has been in use for as long as I can
remember. The Graduate Council has jurisdiction over the graduate curriculum. Tabled to
meeting on 12/6/2006.
I (Clayton Baum) propose that we relax our criteria for courses included in the 21-credit
limit for a minor as follows: Prerequisite courses in a different department from the department
offering the minor would be listed in the minor as information but would not be included in the 21credit limit. The current practice of not counting the named university core requirements (i.e.,
COM 1101/1102, HUM 2051/2052) in the 21-credit limit and not including them in the minor as
information would be continued.
As far as I can tell, this change would affect two existing minors. The Computational
Mathematics minor could drop the current CSE course from the 21-credit limit and the Education
minor could drop PSY 1411 from the 21-credit limit. The proposed Physics minor would not
include the math prerequisites in the 21-credit limit. All three proposed DMES minors contain
hidden prerequisites according to our current criteria.
I did not exclude prerequisites within the department offering the minor because then the
question is where do we stop? For example, do we stop at PHY 1001 or PHY 1002, etc. for the
Physics minor? Approved by a unanimous vote as amended: that is, hidden pre-reqs as defined
to be pre-reqs in others departments, will be communicated (shown) to the committee when new
minors are brought forward and will be communicated by the departments to the students, but will
not be repeated in the catalog and will not be part of the 21-credit limit.
University College: Adding new courses EAC 2211 Accounting Principles 1 (see EAC
2211.pdf); EAC 2212 Accounting Principles 2 (see EAC 2212.pdf); EEC 2303 Intro to
Macroeconomics (see EEC 2303.pdf); EEC 2304 Intro to Microeconomics (see EEC
2305.pdf); ELA 2601 Law 1 (see ELA 2601.pdf); EST 2703 Statistics (see EST 2703.pdf) . Item
tabled to 12/01/06 meeting from the 10/27/06 meeting. Tabled to meeting on 12/6/2006.
An extra meeting has been called for Wednesday, December 6, 2006, at 8:00 - 9:15 in the 2nd
floor conference room of the Physical Sciences Building, to handle items tabled above. PLEASE
EMAIL ME TODAY IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, either with or without a proxy vote, so the
rest of us will know if we will have a quorum.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 26, 2007, at 8:00 - 9:15 in the 2nd floor
conference room of the Physical Sciences Building. Please send agenda items to me no later
than Friday, January 19, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Pierce, Chair, UGCC
Barbara G. Pierce, Ph.D., CPA
Associate Dean & Associate Professor of Accounting
College of Business Room 105-A
Florida Institute of Technology
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
321.674.7392; fax: 321.674.8896;
email: bpierce@fit.edu
webpage: http://my.fit.edu/~bpierce