Greetings, AGENDA - 10/27/06 - Minutes follow 1. Consent Agenda (Items 4 through 14) Items 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14 remained on the consent agenda and were approved unanimously. 2. Why does Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering have two representatives while every other department/college has only one? Should they remain with two representatives or should they have only one representative? On motion, Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering will now have one representative. Motion passed, 12 in favor, 2 against, 1 abstain. Mark Archambault stated he will remain the representative. 3. Questions posed by Clayton Baum as to University Alliance (see UniversityAlliance.doc) The majority of the meeting was devoted to questions and answers. The UGCC put together a subcommittee with representatives from COB, COPLA, COS, COE to come up with a draft position statement from the UGCC with specific points for the next meeting. 4. University College: Adding new courses EAC 2211 Accounting Principles 1 (see EAC 2211.pdf); EAC 2212 Accounting Principles 2 (see EAC 2212.pdf); EEC 2303 Intro to Macroeconomics (see EEC 2303.pdf); EEC 2304 Intro to Microeconomics (see EEC 2305.pdf); ELA 2601 Law 1 (see ELA 2601.pdf); EST 2703 Statistics (see EST 2703.pdf) . Item tabled to 12/01/06 meeting. 5. College of Science: Adding new courses PHY 3901 Research Experience in Physics and SPS 3901 Research Experience in Space Sciences (see PHYSPS-3901-package.pdf) to 11/3/06 meeting 6. College of Science: Adding a new minor in Physics (see PhysMinor-package.doc) to 11/3/06 meeting 7. College of Engineering: Change in graduation requirements - BS in Mechanical Engineering (see UGCC_design courses.pdf) Approved on consent agenda 8. College of Science: Change in graduation requirements - BS in Pre-Professional Biology (see Pre-Professional Biology.pdf) Approved on consent agenda 9. College of Science: Adding new course BIO 4420 Pre-Columbian Ecosystems (see BIO 4420ed.pdf) Approved on consent agenda 10. College of Science: Adding a new course BIO 4421 Neotropical Archeoecology (see BIO 4421ed.pdf) Approved on consent agenda 11. College of Science: Add a new major - BS Option in Astrobiology (see NewMajor_AstroBio1.pdf) to 11/3/06 meeting 12. College of Psychology and Liberal Arts: Adding a new course PSY 3522 Human Cognition: Theory and Applications (see PSY3522rev1.pdf and PSY3522 Cognition.pdf) Approved on consent agenda 13. College of Psychology and Liberal Arts: Adding a new course PSY 3524 Sensation and Perception (see PSY3524rev1.pdf and PSY3524 Perception.pdf) Approved on consent agenda 14. College of Psychology and Liberal Arts: Adding a new course PSY 3541 Psychology of Leadership (see PSY3541rev1.pdf and PSY3541 Leadership.pdf) Approved on consent agenda Additional meeting called 11/3/06 at 8 a.m. in the Biological Sciences Conference Room on the 2nd floor to handle items 5, 6 and 11 that were removed from the consent agenda. Please note that the next meeting is a special meeting on 11/3/06 to hear the 3 items above and the position statement. No new items will be added to this agenda. The next regularly scheduled meeting is December 1, 2006 at 8 a.m. in the Physical Sciences 2nd floor conference room. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Pierce, Chair, UGCC Barbara G. Pierce, Ph.D., CPA Associate Dean & Associate Professor of Accounting College of Business Room 105-A Florida Institute of Technology 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 321.674.7392; fax: 321.674.8896; email: webpage: