Florida Institute of Technology Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Friday, February 24, 2012 8:00 am Meeting Minutes The meeting began at 8:00 am with approval of the minutes from December 2011 and January 2012. Both passed unanimously. Christopher Finn was introduced and will be attending UGCC as an observer representing the Freshmen Advising Center. Victoria Dunbar was also in attendance who advised she will be the new College of Aeronautics representative replacing Ken Crooks. The following items were passed on the consent agenda: Item 2: College Science: Changing Graduation Requirements-multiple Chemistry degrees Item 3: College of Psychology and Liberal Arts a. b. c. d. e. ANC-PSY 2800 CRC-COM 1102 CGR-Applied Psychology CGR-Criminal Justice CGR-Liberal Arts The following items were removed from the consent agenda: Item 1: College of Engineering: Changing Course Restrictions (CRC) ECE 3442 This item was pulled by Representative Richard Turner as there was not a justification provided for removing the prerequisite. There was consensus to table the item to allow COE to provide that rationale before approving. It is customary and expected that colleges provide the rationale whether on a form or in an attached memo for such changes. Other Discussion 1. Representative Archambault brought forth the issue of minors and the intent of the UGCC position on “hidden” prerequisites. UGCC has long opposed classes on a minor that have prerequisites beyond general education. The spirit of the position has been to maintain the integrity of allowing students from any major to seek and earn an appropriate minor. Representative Archambault expressed that there is some desire to create new minors but if calculus and physics were required as part of the named courses in a new minor there would be little room for other, necessary, courses. After rather robust discussion and brainstorming on various options the general concept was that the intent of UGCC in insuring minors were available to all majors does not consider general education courses (in this hypothetical case calculus 1 and 2 along with physics) as “hidden” prerequisites. Representative Archambault agreed to bring forward a draft proposal to continue the discussion and make sure UGCC worked through the “hidden” prerequisite issue prior to submitting any new proposals. 2. Representative Windsor asked to remind the folks that all UGCC changes to be considered for the next printed catalog (2013-14) needed to be submitted by April as there are no meetings over the summer. The meeting adjourned 8:36 AM. Next meeting: Friday, March 30, 2012 @ 8:00 am in F.W. Olin Physical Sciences 2nd floor conference room. Agenda items are due by Friday, March 23, 2012.