1 The Interaction of Problem-Based Learning with “Murder” Strategy, Educational Background, and Mathematical Prior Knowledge toward Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Disposition of Preservice Elementary School Teacher Maulana* Didi Suryadi** Utari Sumarmo*** Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan**** Abstract Similar to creative thinking ability, the development of high order mathematical ability is demanded in the mathematics learning activity in preservice elementary school teacher study program (called PGSD). For that purpose, the selection of appropriate approach and strategy will make the objective of learning activity be achieved. However, only few people who try to recognize the other factor beside the learning approach/strategy which is possible in giving contribution in the development of the creative thinking ability, for example the students’ educational background factor (science and non-science) and mathematical prior knowledge that is acquired before. In addition, affective aspect, which accompanies creative thinking ability (creative disposition), is a study that is rarely found. This paper is made to give a brief description about the selection of learning approach and strategy type that is the problem based learning “MURDER” strategy and the interaction with the educational background and mathematical prior knowledge toward the enhancement of thinking ability and PGSD students’ mathematical creative disposition. The research subject consist of three treatment groups, those are the classes which is given : (1) problem based learning with “MURDER” strategy, with the learning material that is made from the result of didactical design research, (2) problem based learning with “MURDER” strategy, and (3) conventional learning. Keywords: Problem-based learning, “MURDER” strategy, educational background, mathematical prior knowledge, mathematical creative thinking ability, mathematical creative thinking disposition. * Student of Mathematics Education Doctoral Program, Indonesia University of Education. Postal address: PGSD UPI Kampus Sumedang, Jalan Mayor Abdurrahman No. 211 Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia. Postal Code: 45322. Email: maulana@upi.edu ** Professor of Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education. Postal Address: Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Postal Code: 40154. Email: ddsuryadi1@gmail.com *** Emerita Professor of Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education. Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Postal Code: 40154. Email: utari.sumarmo@yahoo.co.id **** Doctor in Mathematics Education, Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education. Postal Address: Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Postal Code: 40154. Email: afgani_lan@yahoo.com 2 1 Introduction How to develop high order thinking ability and to make it into significant objective that must be achieved in learning mathematics is an actual issue in learning mathematics nowadays. The mathematical high order thinking ability which is non-algorithmic, complex, involving the autonomy of thinking, often involving uncertainty that needs consideration and interpretation, involving the various criteria and occasionally trigger the conflict emergence, and creating open solution, also need the considerable effort in performance (RESNICK, 1987; ARENDS, 2004). One of the thinking ability that include in high order thinking ability is creative thinking ability. There are four exhortations about the need of critical thinking ability development, those are: (1) demand of the era which desires the citizens to be able to find, select, and use information for the social and state life, (2) every citizen always deals with various problems and choices so that he/she is demanded to be able to think critically and creatively, (3) the ability to see anything with different ways in solving the problem, and (4) critical thinking is an aspect in solving the problem creatively in order that students are able to compete fairly and able to cooperate with the other nation (WAHAB, 1996; MAULANA, 2007). Creative thinking is a process of thinking various ideas in dealing the issue or problem, playing with the ideas or the elements in mind, finding the new relationship or relevance to see the subject from the new perspective, and creating the new combination from two or more concepts in mind (EVANS, 1991). This creative thinking ability is definitely able to develop through mathematics learning at school or college, which emphasizes the system, structure, concept, principal, and the tight relevancy among one element and the others. The essence of mathematics as a structured and systematic science, as a human activity through active, dynamic, and generative process, and as a science that develops the critical, objective and open thinking, becomes very important to be mastered by the student in facing the rapid change of science and technology. In fact, as stated by Maier (1985) and Dahrim (2004), it cannot be denied that the belief of some students which develops nowadays is about mathematics as a subject that is hard and dislike. Even according to Çatlioğlu, Gürbüz, and Birgin (2014), the preservice elementary school teachers sill feel greatly mathematics anxiety. Only a few students who are able to dip into and comprehend the mathematics as a science that can drill the higher order 3 thinking ability, especially the creative thinking. Whereas, they know that mathematics is important for their life. Other than the students’ bad judgment about mathematics, Slettenhaar (2000) stated that in the present learning model, generally students’ activity is only listening and watching the teacher in doing mathematical activity, and then the teacher solves the problem with one solution, and it ends by giving the exercise to students to be finished by themselves. That learning activity, as stated by Rif’at (2001) is called as rote learning, which is learning activity that only makes the students tend to memorize without comprehend or understand what is taught, while the teacher often does not realize it. In line with the statement, Abdi (2004) stated that some of students feel the difficulty in absorbing and comprehending mathematics, but the difficulty in comprehending mathematics is probably related to the way of the teacher teaching in the classroom that does not make students feel enjoy and sympathy to mathematics, and the approach that the teacher used is generally less varied. Jenning and Dunne (1998) stated that most of students have difficulty to apply mathematics in daily life because in mathematics learning, real world is just a place for applying the concept. The other thing that creates the difficulty in mathematics for students is because mathematics seems to be less meaningful. Teacher in the lesson does not relate students’ prior knowledge that they are already acquired and they are given less opportunity to reinvention and self-construct mathematics ideas. Wahyudin (1999) stated that one of the cause of students are poor in mathematics is they have less ability to comprehend the knowledge, to identify the basic concept of mathematics that relates to the subject under discussion. Based on those reasons, it is clear that students’ creative thinking ability is very important to be developed. Therefore, teacher or lecturer should investigate and improve teaching practices that have been implemented, which might just mere routine. It is true that at this time mathematics learning are quite emphasize on changeoriented approach and introduce the importance of the involvement of students in the use of mathematics through an active process. In the process of mathematics learning, there are enough teachers/ lecturers who create condition that allows the students to develop the mathematical creative thinking ability. Siswoyo (2004), Pomalato (2005), and Wardani (2009), carry out a study of creative mathematical thinking abilitys to high school students, both junior and senior high school. Aspects of creative thinking that they are reviewed are originality, fluency, flexibility, and sensitivity, either on some aspects of five as well as the 4 whole. Meanwhile, the research on mathematical creative thinking disposition is still very rare. Apart from that problem, all studies on thinking ability and creative disposition that have been carried out at the level of secondary school and college, has yet show how successful the creative thinking ability and disposition to students, the preservice elementary school teachers (students of PGSD). If the creative thinking ability and investigative students, prospective elementary teachers, are not developed during undergraduate education, it is not impossible that after they graduate and become primary school teachers, they are also difficult to develop students’ thinking abilitys and critical disposition. In fact, students of preservice elementary school teachers study program (PGSD) are students who are prepared to become professional homeroom teacher in primary school, who should be able to develop thinking abilitys and creative disposition of students as mandated by the curriculum in Indonesia. The situation is ironic because in one side of the creative thinking ability of students is very important to be owned and developed, but on the other hand the creative thinking ability of students is still lack. It can be seen from the results of preliminary study conducted by Maulana (2011) against PGSD students who have diverse latest educational background. The students come from senior high school (SMA), vocational school (SMK), and special class dual modes (SPG). For the courses taken are Natural Science, English, Social Studies, Management, and Engineering. If the students were grouped into large groups, then there are two major groups that are students with science and non-science background. In preliminary studies that have been carried out, critical thinking ability test is given and the result is the average score is less than 50% of the maximum score for both groups (Maulana, 2011). All the information found in the field-on the low of mathematical creative thinking ability of students, the prospective teachers, especially PGSD-should not be left. However, it needs an effort to follow in order to improve; one alternative is to implement a strategy and a more innovative learning approach. Along with creative thinking abilitys that must be developed, it could not be separated from the ability; there is mathematical disposition that should be trained simultaneously. In mathematics, the guidance of affective component sort of mathematical disposition will form the desire, awareness, dedication and a strong tendency to students to think and act mathematically in a positive way and based on faith, piety and good values (SUMARMO, 2011). The meaning of mathematical disposition as above is basically in line with the meaning contained in the culture education and nation’s character. Thus the development of culture and character, mathematical disposition and thinking abilitys basically 5 can be grown themselves together. Mathematical disposition related to creative thinking ability, in this case is termed as creative disposition. The research’s result of Sumarmo, et al. (HULUKATI, 2005) suggests that mathematics instruction today, among others, has the following characteristics: learning is more centered on the teacher, the approach is more expository, teacher dominates the classroom activities process more, routine exercises are given more. While the curriculum requires a learning process which is student-centered, developing students' creativity, creating a fun but challenging conditions, developing value ability, providing a diverse learning experience and learning by doing. Therefore, it needs extra hard efforts of all parties concerned with the educational process to jointly strive to improve the learning process that occurs at this time. Realizing the importance of a strategy and learning approach to develop the thinking abilitys of students, it is absolutely necessary for mathematics learning involve students more actively in the learning process itself. This can be realized through an alternative form of learning that is designed in such way that reflects the involvement of students actively and constructively. Students as learners need to get used to be able to construct their own knowledge and able to transform them into more complex situations so that that knowledge will become the learner's own belongings that inherent forever. The process of constructing knowledge can be carried out by the students themselves based on the experience that has been owned previously, or it can also be a result of the discovery that involves environmental factors. Based on the view of constructivism, a learning strategy must have characteristics are as follows: using more time to develop an understanding that can improve the ability of learners to converting knowledge, involving the students in the learning process so that the abstract concept can be presented more concrete, implementation of discussion in small groups, and the presentation of the problems are not routine. One of the mathematics learning approaches which based on the view of constructivism is problem-based learning (PBL). In the process, this learning presents a learning environment with the problem as a base. The problem is raised so that the students need to interpret the problem, gather the needed information, assess alternative solution, select and present the solution that have been chosen. When students try to develop a procedure to resolve the problem, then in fact they are integrating conceptual knowledge with their own ability. Therefore, overall in this case the students who build their knowledge, and be supported by the presence of teacher who plays a major role as a facilitator of learning. 6 Problem-based learning provides a learning environment that gives many opportunities for students to develop their mathematical thinking ability. By a problem-based learning, they try to explore, adapt, change the resolution procedures, and also verify the appropriate solution to the new situation of the obtained problem. Problem-based learning is also have the metacognitive atmosphere, which focuses on learning activities, helps and guides students who face difficulties, and helps to develop their metacognitive awareness, both in terms of selecting, remembering, recognizing, organizing the faced information, up to how to resolve problem (SUZANA, 2003). Problem-based learning that is based on the view of constructivism can trigger the growth of students’ metacognitive ability, because the learning process begins with cognitive conflict and it resolves by the students themselves through self-regulation which is finally in the learning process the students construct their own knowledge through the experience of the result of interaction with the environment. One of the strategies used in implementing problem-based learning is by using the "MURDER" strategy. The "MURDER" strategy emphasizes that the interaction and collaboration with others is an important part of learning (SANTYASA, 2008). The term "MURDER" is an acronym of the words Mood-Understand-Recall-Detect-Elaborate-Review. In the Mood phase, the learning is more directed to set the mood appropriately by relaxation and focusing on learning tasks. The second phase, Understand, students are invited to understand the particular material of the script without memorizing it. In Recall phase, one member of the group gives the oral performance by repeating the material being read. Then Detect phase, the members examine and criticize the emergence of errors, the omission of notes, or the different views. The fifth phase, a fellow mate Elaborate the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th step, and it is repeated for the next material. Finally, in the Review phase, the students review the results of their work and transmit it to another couple in their group. Through problembased learning "MURDER" strategy, students are expected to (students of PGSD) develop thinking ability and mathematical disposition. Based on the description that has been stated above, a study of mathematics learning alternatives that can develop thinking ability and mathematical creative dispositions is necessary to be carried out. In this case, the research that implements problem-based learning with "MURDER" strategy to improve creative mathematical thinking ability and disposition of PGSD students that are estimated in accordance with the needs of students in developing thinking ability and creative disposition of the different backgrounds (in this case the level of prior knowledge, as well as the origin of schools/educational background). 7 2 Method 2.1 Design and research procedure This study was conducted in two stages: 1) the preparation stage, and 2) the implementation stage. At the preparation stage, the developmental research of problem-based learning teaching materials with "MURDER" strategy by using didactical design research (DDR) is conducted. As stated by Suryadi (2010), DDR is a research methodology that was developed from the tacit didactical and pedagogical knowledge. Suryadi (2010) explains that DDR has three stages, those are: a) Didactical Situation Analysis (DSA) is carried out by the lecturer in the development of teaching materials before it is tested in a learning event. DSA is a synthesis of the lecturer’s ideas on students’ various possible responses that are predicted to appear on learning events and the anticipated steps. b) Metapedadidactical Analysis (MA) is carried out by lecturer before, during, and after the trials of teaching materials. MA is the ability of the lecturer to be able to view at learning events comprehensively, identifying and analyzing the important things that happened, as well as do a prompt action (scaffolding) to overcome learning obstacles so that the stages of learning can be run smoothly and students’ learning outcomes become optimal. c) Retrospective Analysis (RA), is carried out by the lecturer after performing a trial teaching materials. RA of teaching materials that have been previously developed that will produce an ideal teaching materials is revised, i.e. teaching materials that suit the needs of students, can predict and anticipate any learning barriers that arise, so that the stages of learning can be run smoothly and student learning outcomes can be optimal. The end of this preparatory stage is by obtaining: (1) teaching materials for problembased learning with "MURDER" strategy with DDR, problem-based learning "MURDER" strategy without DDR, and conventional learning; (2) a set of mathematical prior knowledge test, mathematical creative thinking ability test that have met the requirements: validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination index; and (3) the mathematical creative thinking disposition scale. If the preparation stage has been completed, then proceed with the implementation stage of research using quasi-experimental method with non-equivalent control group design. The use of quasi-experimental method is because it is not possible to perform full control of 8 the research sample, so that the subject is not grouped randomly, and the condition of the subject is accepted as it is (RUSEFFENDI, 2003). Based on the mathematical prior knowledge test result, students in each grade are grouped into three categories: high, middle, and low achiever. Grouping of students’ mathematical prior knowledge is determined based on the categorization with grouping criteria based on the average combined score of all students and the standard deviation. Thus, quasi-experimental research with the non-equivalent control group design briefly described as follows (FRAENKEL; WALLEN, 1993; RUSEFFENDI, 2003). 0 0 0 X1 X2 0 0 0 Description: X1 : Problem-based learning with "MURDER" strategy by the results of didactical design research teaching materials (PBMM-DDR). X1 : Problem-based learning with "MURDER" strategy (PBMM) 0 : The distribution of test and non-test at the beginning and end of the learning. 2.2 Population and sample The population of the study is students of preservice elementary school teacher study program (PGSD) at the State University who sign Mathematics Education II up in the scope of the province of West Java and Banten. Of the population, a number of samples in this study is taken, 119 of people were distributed into 3 classes. Of the three classes, two classes are selected as an experimental class and the other class as the control class. In the experimental class, the lecture with problem-based learning approach "MURDER" strategy is conducted, while students in the control class obtain conventional learning activities. 2.3 Variables and operational definitions a) The independent variable is denoted by X. The independent variables in this study are problem-based learning with "MURDER" strategy with teaching materials based on the results of DDR (X1), and the regular problem-based learning with "MURDER" strategy (X2). 9 b) The control variables in this study are the educational background (science and nonscience), as well as the students’ initial level of mathematical ability, which consists of three categories: high, middle, and low. c) The dependent variable is denoted by Y. The dependent variables in this study are creative thinking ability and mathematical creative disposition. d) Problem-based learning (PBL) is a learning that begins with preparation for the orientation of the real problems or issues that are simulated to gain an understanding of concepts, relationships between concepts, application of concepts, communication of the concept, as well as to find, define, evaluate and present the solution of the problem according to the invention itself. In general, problem-based learning consists of five kinds of activities: (1) orientation or preparation, (2) organization, (3) exploration, (4) negotiation, and (5) integration (developed from Barret, 2005 and Karlimah, 2010). e) "MURDER" strategy is an acronym of Mood, Understand, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review (adopted from Santyasa, 2008). f) The mathematical creative thinking ability is the ability of high level mathematical thinking which covers the aspects: (a) sensitivity, (b) fluency, (c) flexibility, (d) elaboration, and (e) originality. (1) Sensitivity is the ability to capture and locate the problem in response to a situation, or ignore the facts that were not appropriate (misleading fact). (2) Fluency is the ability to build ideas to resolve the problems relevantly or to provide answers in the form of examples related to specific mathematical concept. (3) Flexibility is the ability to use a variety of completion strategies, or the ability to try different approaches in solving the problem, or the ability to switch from one approach to the other approaches in solving problems. (4) Elaboration is the ability to explain in detail, in order and coherent to a procedure, an answer; or specific mathematical situation. These explanations use the concept, representation, term, or the appropriate mathematical symbol. (5) Originality is the ability to use strategies that are new, unique, or unusual to solve the problem; or give examples that are new, unique, or unusual. g) Mathematical creative thinking disposition is a tendency to think and act in a creative way to mathematics, which include: (a) Feeling of problems and opportunities, as well as willing to take risks. (b) Sensitive to the environmental situation, and appreciate the creativity of others. c) Be more oriented to the present and the future than the past. (d) 10 Have self-confidence and autonomy. (e) Have a great curiosity. (f) Declare and respond to the feelings and organize emotions. (g) Creating a various considerations. (h) Respect fantasy, rich in initiatives, has the original idea. (i) Persistent and not easily being bored; be not desperate to solve the problem (adopted from Sumarmo, 2011). All data that is netted from the device of mathematical prior knowledge test, mathematical creative thinking ability test, and mathematical creative disposition scale of the students and then are analyzed quantitatively, or quantified in the hope to answer the problem of research related to the interaction of independent, control, and dependent variables in this research. The data analysis is carried out in stages, starting from the assumptions of normality and homogeneity test, t-test (Student) to test the difference of mean of two independent or dependent samples and One-Way Anova to test the difference of mean of more than two independent samples. If the assumptions of normality and homogeneity are unfulfilled, then the U-test (Mann-Whitney) for two independent samples and Kruskal Wallis for more than two independent samples is conducted. Meanwhile, in testing the interaction, the Two-Way Anova is used. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Mathematical prior knowledge analysis The whole sample group was divided into three groups of mathematical prior knowledge (MPK), the categories of MPK are high achiever (𝑥 ≥ 70, middle achiever (50 ≤ 𝑥 < 70), and low achiever (𝑥 < 50). The assessment is based on an agreement of the mathematics lecturers of Campus Sumedang PGSD relates to the method of determining the minimum completeness score of Mathematics Education II subject. In the first experimental group, of 40 students were known as 9 high achiever, 22 middle achiever and 9 low achiever. In the second experiment class, of 40 students, there were 9 high achiever, 22 middle achiever and 9 low achiever. Then in the control class, there were 7 high achiever, 23 middle achiever and 9 low achiever. Shapiro-Wilk test provided information that PBMM-DDR and PBMM class showed normal distribution (the value of its each opportunity are 0.707 and 0.509), whereas the 11 conventional class did not show normal distribution (opportunity value 0.004). Since one of them is did not normally distribute, then Kruskal-Wallis test was used to test the mean score difference among the three groups. Table 1 – Ranks of mathematical prior knowledge score Research Class Score_MPK N Mean Rank PBMM-DDR 40 59.12 PBMM 40 59.34 Conventional 39 61.58 Total 119 Source: developed by the authors Table 2 – Test statisticsb,c Score_MPK Chi-Square .122 Df 2 Asymp. Sig. Monte Carlo Sig. .941 .939a Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound .935 Upper Bound .944 a. Based on 10000 sampled tables with starting seed 2000000. b. Kruskal Wallis Test c. Grouping Variable: Research Class Source: developed by the authors From the Kruskal Wallis test, Asymp.Sig value was known at 0.941. This showed that at the 5% significance level, there was no difference among the students’ mathematical prior knowledge at the 1st experiment class, 2nd experiment class, and control class, so prior to the treatment of PBL-MURDER was carried out, the three groups’ mathematical prior knowledge were significantly same. 3.2 Mathematical creative thinking ability based on the class Based on the results of Kruskal Wallis test on the pretest data, it was found that the value Asymp.Sig = 0.802 > 0.05. This showed that there was not any difference of PGSD students’ initial creative thinking ability. Or in other words, students in the third grade PGSD before PBMM-DDR, PBMM, and PK learning was implemented have the same initial creative thinking ability. Judging from the posttest result through the One-Way Anova, it was found that there were mean score differences in the final creative thinking ability (after learning) of all three groups (PBMM-DDR, PBMM, and conventional learning). The advanced Scheffe test showed 12 that these differences occurred to the three groups, which was the final creative thinking ability of PGSD students who acquired PBMM-DDR learning was significantly better than who acquired PBMM and the students’ final creative thinking achievement that followed PBMM learning was significantly better than students who acquired conventional learning. Similarly, the creative thinking ability data gain processing, based on the results of One-Line Anova, p-value = 0.000 was obtained. Thus it can be explained that there were mean score differences increase of creative thinking ability in those three grades (PBMMDDR, PBMM, and conventional learning). The Scheffe follow-up test showed that these differences occurred to the three groups, which was an increase in the PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability who acquired PBMM-DDR learning that significantly better than who acquired PBMM. Then the increase of students’ creative thinking ability that followed PBMM learning was also significantly better than students who acquired the conventional learning. The complete computation is in the table below. Table 3 – Anova Sum of Squares Posttest_creative Gain_creative Between Groups df Mean Square F 5454.617 2 2727.308 Within Groups 12415.562 116 107.031 Total 17870.179 118 Between Groups .821 2 .410 Within Groups 1.399 116 .012 Total 2.220 118 Sig. 25.482 .000 34.019 .000 Source: developed by the authors Table 4 – Multiple comparisons Scheffe 95% Confidence Interval Dependent Variable (I) Research Class (J) Research Class Posttest_Creative PBMM PBMM-DDR PBMM Conventional Gain_Creative PBMM-DDR PBMM Conventional Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 5.93750* 2.31334 .041 .2011 11.6739 Conventional 16.42803* 2.32812 .000 10.6550 22.2011 PBMM-DDR -5.93750* 2.31334 .041 -11.6739 -.2011 Conventional 10.49053 * 2.32812 .000 4.7175 16.2636 PBMM-DDR -16.42803* 2.32812 .000 -22.2011 -10.6550 PBMM -10.49053* 2.32812 .000 -16.2636 -4.7175 PBMM .06832* .02456 .024 .0074 .1292 Conventional .20072 * .02472 .000 .1394 .2620 PBMM-DDR -.06832* .02456 .024 -.1292 -.0074 Conventional .13241* .02472 .000 .0711 .1937 PBMM-DDR * -.20072 .02472 .000 -.2620 -.1394 PBMM -.13241* .02472 .000 -.1937 -.0711 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Source: developed by the authors 13 Table 5 – Scheffe test (homogenous subsets) for creative thinking ability Subset for alpha = 0.05 Research Class N 1 Conventional 39 PBMM 40 PBMM-DDR 40 2 3 44.9787 55.4693 61.4068 Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Source: developed by the authors Table 6 – Scheffe test (homogenous subsets) for normalized gain of creative thinking ability Subset for alpha = 0.05 Research Class N 1 Conventional 39 PBMM 40 PBMM-DDR 40 Sig. 2 3 .3427 .4751 .5434 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Source: developed by the authors 3.3 Creative thinking ability of science and non-science educational background From the pretest data through the Mann-Whitney test, the value of Asymp.Sig. = 0.335 > 0.005 was obtained. This showed that the hypothesis which stated that there was no mean score difference of initial creative thinking ability was accepted. That means the students’ initial mathematical creative thinking ability between the science and non-science group was not significantly different. From the posttest data, the normality assumption was filled through the Shapiro-Wilk test. From Levene test computation, with p-value = 0.329, the information was obtained that both of data group was homogeneous. Then based on two independent sample t-test, p-value = 0.002 < 0.005 was obtained. This indicates that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. That is, the student's final mathematical creative thinking ability between the science and nonscience group were significantly different. In this case, the mean score of science group with 57.45 was better than mean score of non-science group with 50.43. Then Levene test computation on the data gain gave p-value = 0.278. Thus, the homogeneity of variance of the two groups was fulfilled. Then based on two-sample of independent t-test p-value = 0.002 <0.005 was obtained. This indicates that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. This means that the increase in the mathematical creative thinking ability between the science and non-science group were significantly different. In 14 this case, the average increase in the science (0.4919) was better than the non-science group (0.4155). Table 7 – Mann-Whitney test for creative thinking ability pretest Educational Background Pretest_Creative N IPA Non-IPA Total Mean Rank Sum of Ranks 61 62.95 3840.00 58 56.90 3300.00 119 Source: developed by the authors Table 8 – Test Statisticsa Pretest_Creative Mann-Whitney U 1589.000 Wilcoxon W 3300.000 Z -.964 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .335 a. Grouping Variable: Education Background Source: developed by the authors Table 9 – Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Pretest_ Creative Equal variances assumed Sig. .042 .838 Equal variances not assumed Postes_ Creative Equal variances assumed .961 .329 Equal variances not assumed Gain_Creative Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed 1.187 .278 t-test for Equality of Means t Sig. (2tailed) df Mean Diff. Std. Error Diff. 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper 1.109 117 .270 1.187 1.069 -.93 3.30 1.109 116.702 .270 1.186 1.069 -.93 3.30 3.230 117 .002 7.014 2.172 2.71 11.32 3.240 116.419 .002 7.014 2.165 2.73 11.30 3.152 117 .002 .076 .024 .028 .124 3.166 115.106 .002 .076 .024 .029 .124 Source: developed by the authors 3.4 Creative thinking ability based on mathematical prior knowledge (high, middle, and low achiever) After fulfilling the assumptions of normality and homogeneity, based on the pretest data processing, it was found that p-value = 0.000. Since the value was less than 0.005, it means that H0 was rejected; so that there were mean score differences of students’ initial creative thinking ability with high, middle, and low achiever groups. To see where the 15 difference was laid, then post hoc test which use Scheffe test was conducted. Based on Scheffe test result, the information was obtained that initial creative thinking ability of high achiever students was better than middle and low achiever students. Thus, the ability of high achiever students in creative thinking before learning was already better than middle and low achiever students. Based on the pretest data processing result, it was found that p-value = 0.001. This probability value indicates that the final ability as the students’ achievement after learning was different. To see the difference, Scheffe test was conducted, and the information were obtained that the final creative thinking ability of high achiever students better than middle and low achiever students. Or, as when before learning, high achiever students' ability in creative thinking after learning was still better than middle and low achiever students. Based on the results of gain data processing, it was found that p-value = 0.015 which less than 0.05. Thus the decision was made that H0 was rejected, which means that there was a difference among high, middle, and low achiever students in terms of improving the mathematical creative thinking ability. To see the difference, Scheffe test was conducted. The results of this further tests showed that there were significant difference between the increases of high and low achiever students’ creative thinking ability, where the increase of high achiever group was much better. While the difference of creative thinking ability increase between students of high and middle achiever, and between students of middle and low achiever, was not significant. The complete calculation is shows in the tables below. Table10 – Anova Sum of Squares Pretest_Creative Between Groups Mean Square F 2 382.256 Within Groups 3254.141 116 28.053 Total 4018.653 118 Posttest_ Creative Between Groups Gain_ Creative df 764.512 2113.920 2 1056.960 Within Groups 15756.259 116 135.830 Total 17870.179 118 .156 2 .078 Within Groups 2.064 116 .018 Total 2.220 118 Between Groups Sig. 13.626 .000 7.782 .001 4.384 .015 Source: developed by the authors Table 11 – Multiple comparisons Scheffe Dependent Variable (I) MPK Pretest_ Creative High (J) MPK Middle Mean Difference (IJ) 5.32781 * 95% Confidence Interval Std. Error 1.24130 Sig. .000 Lower Bound 2.2498 Upper Bound 8.4059 16 Middle Low Posttest_ Creative High Middle Low Gain_ Creative High Middle Low Low 7.32487* 1.47007 .000 3.6795 10.9702 High -5.32781* 1.24130 .000 -8.4059 -2.2498 Low 1.99706 1.20735 .259 -.9968 4.9909 High * 1.47007 .000 -10.9702 -3.6795 Middle -1.99706 1.20735 .259 -4.9909 .9968 Middle 7.73637* 2.73139 .021 .9633 14.5094 Low 12.63892* 3.23480 .001 4.6176 20.6602 High -7.73637* 2.73139 .021 -14.5094 -.9633 Low 4.90255 2.65670 .187 -1.6853 11.4904 High -12.63892* 3.23480 .001 -20.6602 -4.6176 Middle -4.90255 2.65670 .187 -11.4904 1.6853 Middle .06294 .03126 .136 -.0146 .1405 Low .10923 * .03702 .015 .0174 .2010 High -.06294 .03126 .136 -.1405 .0146 Low .04629 .03041 .317 -.0291 .1217 High -.10923* .03702 .015 -.2010 -.0174 Middle -.04629 .03041 .317 -.1217 .0291 -7.32487 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Source: developed by the authors Table 12 – Scheffe test for creative thinking ability pretest based on MPK Subset for alpha = 0.05 MPK N 1 2 Low 27 13.4259 Middle 67 15.4230 High 25 20.7508 Sig. .317 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Source: developed by the authors Table 13 – Scheffe test for creative thinking ability posttest based on MPK Subset for alpha = 0.05 MPK N 1 2 Low 27 48.6115 Middle 67 53.5140 High 25 61.2504 Sig. .240 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Source: developed by the authors Table 14 – Scheffe test for normalized gain of creative thinking ability pretest based on MPK Subset for alpha = 0.05 KAM N 1 2 Low 27 .4057 Middle 67 .4519 High 25 Sig. .4519 .5149 .378 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Source: developed by the authors .167 17 3.5 Three Approaches is Significant in Enhancing Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Based on the two-sample paired t-test, in the experimental class-1 which used PBMMDDR, the result of calculation p-value = 0.000 was obtained. Therefore, it is clear that learning by using PBMM-DDR was significantly able to improve PGSD students’ creative thinking ability. Then for experimental class-2 that was given PBMM, based on two-sample paired ttest, the result of calculation p-value = 0.000 was obtained. Thus, it is clear that learning by using PBL was significantly able to improve PGSD students’ creative thinking ability. Similarly, in the control group with conventional approach, through a two-sample paired t-test, the calculation results p-value = 0.000 was obtained. Therefore, it is clear that learning by using any conventional approach can significantly improve the PGSD students’ creative thinking ability. 3.6 Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Increase of Science and Non-Science Group in Each Classroom In the experimental class-1, which used PBMM-DDR, since both of data group were not normally distributed, then U-test (Mann-Whitney) was administered, in order to obtain pvalue = 0.010 that indicates that there was a difference in the increase of students’ mathematical creative thinking ability in the science and non-science group in the PBMMDDR class, where the science group (0.5779) increased better than the non-science group (0.5012). Table 15 – Mann-Whitney test for normalized gain of creative thinking ability in PBMMDDR class Educational Background Gain_Creative_PBMMDDR N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Science 22 24.80 545.50 Non Science 18 15.25 274.50 Total 40 Source: developed by the authors 18 Table 16 – Test Statisticsb Gain_Creative_PBMMDDR Mann-Whitney U 103.500 Wilcoxon W 274.500 Z -2.570 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .010 Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .009a a. Not corrected for ties. b. Grouping Variable: LatBel_PBMM_DDR Source: developed by the authors Meanwhile for the experimental class-2 (PBMM), after the normality and homogeneity assumption were fulfilled, based on the results of independent samples t-test, the p-value = 0.000 was obtained which indicates that there was a difference in the increase of mathematical creative thinking ability of students in the science and non-science group in PBMM class, where science group (0.5325) increased better than non-science group (0.4117). Then in the control class that used the conventional approach, after the assumption of normality and homogeneity were fulfilled, based on the results of the t-test for two independent samples, p-value = 0.875 was obtained which indicates that there was no increase difference in students’ mathematical creative thinking ability in the science group (0, 3395) and the non-science group (0.3454) in the conventional class. Table 17 – Independent samples test for normalized gain of creative thinking ability in PBMM and conventional class Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Gain_Creative_ PBMM-DDR Equal variances assumed Sig. .758 .390 Equal variances not assumed Gain_Creative_ PBMM Equal variances assumed .029 .866 Equal variances not assumed Gain_Creative_ PK Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed .178 .675 t-test for Equality of Means t Sig. (2tailed) df Mean Diff. Std. Error Diff. 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper 2.614 38 .013 .07671 .02934 .01731 .13611 2.633 37.312 .012 .07671 .02913 .01770 .13571 3.873 38 .000 .12078 .03118 .05765 .18390 3.881 37.841 .000 .12078 .03112 .05777 .18379 -.158 37 .875 -.00591 .03744 -.08178 .06996 -.158 36.365 .875 -.00591 .03737 -.08167 .06984 Source: developed by the authors 19 In addition, there were other findings, that was the increase in the creative thinking ability of non-science group in PBMM-DDR (0.5012) and PBMM class (0.4117) which was better than science group in the conventional class (0.3395), although it was not significant. 3.7 Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Each Class Based on the InterSame Mathematical Prior Knowledge Level Based on the One-Way Anova, p-value = 0.001 was obtained. This indicates that there was a difference in the increase of creative thinking ability on PBMM-DDR, PBMM, and conventional class, based on high mathematical initial ability. Then, Scheffe test showed that the increase of creative thinking ability of high achiever students in PBMM-DDR (0.6125) and PBMM class (0.5537) was equally good, and the increase in both classes was significantly better than high achiever students in conventional class (0.3395). Based on the One-Way Anova (p-value = 0.000) the information that there was an difference of creative thinking ability increase in PBMM-DDR, PBMM, and conventional class, based on students’ mathematical prior knowledge who are at middle levels. Then Scheffe test showed that the increase of creative thinking ability of students was significantly different at the three classes. The increase of creative thinking ability of middle achiever students who were being in PBMM-DDR class (0.5385) was significantly better than who were being in PBMM class (0.4648), and the increase in PBMM class was decisively better than middle achiever students in conventional class (0.3568). Based on One-Way Anova (p-value = 0.004) the information that there was a difference in the increase of creative thinking ability of lower achiever students in PBMMDDR, PBMM, and conventional class.. Then further tests showed that an increase of creative thinking ability of low achiever students at PBMM-DDR class was significantly better than at the conventional class. The difference of creative thinking ability increase of low achiever students between PBMM-DDR and PBMM class, also between PBMM and conventional class, was not significant. 3.8 Increase Differences of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Each Class in Each Category of Mathematical Prior Knowledge In PBMM-DDR class, based on Levene test, it was found that the variance of high, middle, and low achiever group on PBMM-DDR class was homogeneous (p-value = 0.282). 20 Based on the One-Way Anova (p-value = 0.020) the information that there were differences in the increase in the creative thinking ability of student groups with high, middle, and low achievement at PBMM-DDR class. Then Scheffe test showed that in PBMM-DDR class, the increase of creative thinking ability of high achiever students was significantly better than the students with lower one. Meanwhile, the difference of creative thinking ability increase between the group of high and middle achiever students, also between students with middle and low ones, the difference was not significant. Then in the PBMM class, based on the Levene’s test, it was found that the variance of high, middle, and low achiever groups at PBMM class was homogeneous (p-value = 0.484). Based on the One-Way Anova (p-value = 0.037) the information that there were the increase differences of creative thinking ability of high, middle, and low achiever students at PBMM class. Then Scheffe test showed that in PBMM class, the increase of creative thinking ability of high achiever students was significantly better than the students with low ones. Meanwhile, the difference of creative thinking ability increase between the groups of high and middle achiever students, also between middle and low achiever students, was not significant. As in a conventional class, based on the Levene’s test, it was found that the variance of high, middle, and low groups on PBMM class was homogeneous (p-value = 0.104). Based on One-Way Anova (p-value = 0.584) the information that there was no difference of creative thinking ability increase of group of students with high, middle, and low mathematical prior knowledge achievement at conventional class. In other words, conventional learning was equally good in increasing PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability. 3.9 PGSD Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Disposition Based on the initial scale, it was found that in the PBMM-DDR, BPM, and conventional class, the mean score of initial creative disposition of PGSD students respectively were 62.62; 62.46; and 63.60. For the mean score scale of the final creative disposition was found at 68.43; 67.70; and 65.19. While the gain for the three classes were 0.151; 0,139; and 0.043. For initial and final creative disposition, it was found that all of them distributed normally, while for creative disposition gain of all three classes did not normally distributed. Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test, the result was found that there was a significant difference in mathematical creative disposition increase of PGSD students at the three classes. 21 Table 18 – Kruskal-Wallis test for normalized gain of creative thinking disposition Research Class Gain_SD_Kf N Mean Rank PBMM-DDR 40 72.65 PBMM 40 70.75 39 36.00 Conventional Total 119 Source: developed by the authors Table 19 – Test statisticsa,b Gain_SD_Kf Chi-Square Df Asymp. Sig. 28.147 2 .000 a. Kruskal Wallis Test b. Grouping Variable: Research Class Source: developed by the authors To find out where the difference it was, the further test using the Multiple Comparisons Between Treatments (SIEGEL; CASTELLAN, 1988) was administered by testing the couple of PBMM-DDR, PBMM, and conventional class. The null hypothesis will be rejected at the 0.05 significance level if the calculated value is more than the critical value. From the calculation, it was found that there was no difference between PBMM-DDR and PBMM class, while between PBMM-DDR and conventional, and PBMM and conventional, there was significant differences. Thus, an increase in creative disposition between PBMMDDR and PBMM group were same, and it turned decisively better than the conventional class. 3.10 Interaction between PBL-MURDER, Educational Background, and Mathematical Prior Knowledge toward PGSD Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Disposition By using the Two-Way Anova at a significance level of 5%, some interesting findings were found related to the interaction between problem-based learning approach (PBL) with "MURDER" strategy, the educational background, and students’ mathematical prior knowledge. The summary of the results of Two-Way Anova test are presented in the following table. 22 Table 20 – PBL-MURDER interaction, educational background (EB), and mathematical prior knowledge (MPK), toward final achievement of PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability (MCA) and disposition (MCD) Type III Sum of Squares Mean Square Source Dependent Variable Corrected Model MCA Gain 1.279a 17 MCD Gain .417 b 17 MCA Gain 17.876 1 MCD Gain 1.053 1 MCA Gain .624 MCD Gain .198 MCA Gain Intercept Class MPK EB Class * MPK Class * EB Error Total Corrected Total df .075 F Sig. Partial Eta Squared 8.074 .000 .576 .025 2.198 .008 .425 17.876 1.918E3 .000 .950 1.053 94.316 .000 .616 2 .312 33.464 .000 .399 2 .099 8.861 .000 .308 .055 2 .028 2.975 .056 .056 MCD Gain .024 2 .012 1.089 .340 .009 MCA Gain .108 1 .108 11.543 .001 .103 MCD Gain .000 1 .000 .009 .923 .002 MCA Gain .059 4 .015 1.571 .188 .059 MCD Gain .016 4 .004 .353 .841 .001 MCA Gain .141 2 .070 7.564 .001 .130 MCD Gain .008 2 .004 .356 .702 .009 MCA Gain .941 101 .009 MCD Gain 1.128 101 .011 MCA Gain 26.820 119 MCD Gain 3.022 119 MCA Gain 2.220 118 MCD Gain 1.545 118 a. R Squared = .576 (Adjusted R Squared = .505) b. R Squared = .270 (Adjusted R Squared = .147) Source: developed by the authors Table 20 above indicates several findings as follows. a) The learning approach had a significant influence to the increase of thinking abilitys and creative dispositions of PGSD students. b) Meanwhile, mathematical prior knowledge was not too affecting to the increase of mathematical creative thinking ability and disposition of PGSD students. From the partial eta squared value, it can be known that the influence of this mathematical prior knowledge differences is just 5,6% for mathematical creative thinking ability, and 0,9% for mathematical creative thinking disposition. In other words, each approach which was conducted increased thinking abilitys and creative dispositions in the relative same range. c) Educational background gave significant influence on the increase of PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability asa much as partial eta squared = 10,3%. But the educational background will not give effect to the increase of the mathematical creative thinking disposition (the influence is just 0,2%). It means that students who are interested in science will have a tendency to achieve the increase of mathematical creative thinking 23 ability than non-science group. Meanwhile, the attitude pattern to tend to be creative between science and non-science group increased equally at the same range. d) There was no signficant interaction (combined effects) between the approaches and mathematical prior knowledge toward thinking ability and mathematical creative disposition mathematical of PGSD students. The influence is 5,9% and 0,1%. It means that an increase of thinking ability and mathematical creative disposition of the students had a similar increase at each level in both variables (approaches and mathematical prior knowledge). e) Although there was no interaction between the learning approaches and educational background toward the increase of mathematical creative thinking disposition (it’s influence is 0,9%), but the interaction was significantly visible toward the increase of mathematical creative thinking ability (it gave influence as much as 13%). Graph 1 – The interaction between the approaches and educational background toward the increase of PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability Through a series of hypothesis testing, it was found that the raw input of PGSD students who become research subjects had initial ability or mathematical prior knowledge which is relatively same. In other words, it is understandable that all new students who passed the PGSD admission in the place of study passed through the same steps so the generic ability, especially mathematical prior knowledge was not different. Similarly, after the distribution of higher, middle, and lower subgroups, the proportion of three subgroups of the study in those three classes relatively even. 24 The mathematical creative thinking ability of PGSD students at the end of the study showed a difference, from the point of view of learning activities were used. From the results of data analysis and statistics hypothesis testing, a valuable information was obtained that PBL-MURDER learning that using teaching materials which is the DDR study result was better than learning regular PBL-MURDER and conventional, and the regular PBLMURDER learning was better than conventional learning in achieving mathematical creative thinking of PGSD students. This can be seen clearly that students’ learning outcomes would be optimal if the teaching materials are designed in such a way so that students’ learning barriers can be minimized (SURYADI, 2010). Beside the teaching material optimization through a series of DDR studies, it was also found that the mathematical prior knowledge affected enough to the final achievement of PGSD students' mathematical creative thinking ability. This is in line with findings of Suryadi (2005), Maulana (2007), and Ibrahim (2011) that students who initially have a superior prior knowledge would have a tendency to achieve a higher mathematical creative thinking ability. From the point of view of the approaches and learning strategies, a significant influence toward PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability achievement was found. It means that PBL-MURDER learning provides the opportunity for PGSD students to be able to achieve higher mathematical creative thinking ability than conventional learning. Related to the increase in mathematical creative disposition, all the approaches that had been successfully used to significantly increase the disposition, and in fact all of that approaches can increase disposition with a relatively small difference (or it can be said that each approach provides a disposition increase that relatively equal). All students’ mathematical creative thinking disposition averagely increased by 11%. If it seen from the benchmark of gain achievement, it was perceived that it was still a slow improvement. This can only be understood as a theory of conditioning by Pavlovian (RUSEFFENDI, 1992), that in order to develop attitude aspects (affective) of students can not be carried out instantly, but habitually in a long time. Related to the interactions between the types of approaches that had been selected and educational background behind the students in learning can be considered more, that although from the beginning the students have a keen interest in science major, but when conventional approach was used in learning, that interest that initially was great will be eroded and the increase was not higher than the students who was interested in the non-science field which both of them used conventional learning. 25 4 Conclusion a) Raw input shows that PGSD students had initial ability or mathematical prior knowledge which was relatively same. Mathematical prior knowledge (high, middle, and low) greatly affected on the increase of PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability. Students who initially had a higher achievement would have a tendency to achieve a high creative thinking ability. b) The increase of PGSD students’ mathematical creative thinking ability followed the problem-based learning with mood-understand-recall-detect-elaborate-review strategy using teaching materials from the result of didactical design research (PBL-MURDER and DDR) was better than regular PBL-MURDER and conventional learning, as well as the general PBL-MURDER learning was better than conventional learning in increasing the mathematical creative thinking ability of PGSD students. Thus, an attempt to minimize learning barriers (learning obstacles) through a good teaching materials design and more appropriate for the needs of students will be able to optimize the learning outcomes of those students. c) In terms of the educational background, a significant effect on the increase of the mathematical creative thinking ability of PGSD students could not be ignored. 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