Walied El Hag Ali

Walied El Hag Ali
Final List of annotations
Hobson, Kersty (2003).Consumption, environmental sustainability and human geography in
Australia: a missing researchagenda?. Australian national university. 2, 148-155.
Link: http://ctsi.anu.edu.au/publications/nontaxpubs/KH.consumption.pdf
In the article the author talks about consumption being a central issue and it's relation with
environmental sustainability. He gives examples of countries facing the issue but focuses
more on Australia. And discusses some of the some of the policies that are not giving any
Lebel, L (2004).Transitions to sustainability in production-consumption systems. Industrial
ecology in Asia. 9, 1-3.
Link: http://www.cid.harvard.edu/events/papers/lebel_jie_2004.pdf
The article talks about over-consumption and how natural resources are disappearing
nowadays. The author gives some solutions on how we can reach to a sustainable
environment. And for us to get away from irreversible changes, we have to put in mind
"environmental feedback and ecological warnings".
Pouch, G (1998).Consumption of natural resources. 29, 1-3.
Link: http://faithscience.org/Articles/Articles%20Pdfs/POUCH001.pdf
The article focuses on the extremely increasing consumption of the non-renewable natural
resources. The author is arguing that if people keep consuming at such a rate, we will soon
run out of resources. He also points that it is very important to set the use of the materials
before using them.
Raven, P. Population and natural resources. 43-46.
Link: http://atlas.aaas.org/index.php?part=2
The article on this website basically talks about America as "the world's largest consumer in
absolute terms". The relationship between the growing population and natural resources. It
as well presents some solutions for consumption, such as recycling, which governments are
recently trying to implement.
Dixon, T (1994).Environmental scarcities and violent conflict. International security. 19, 5-40.
Link: http://www.jstor.org/pss/2539147
The author talks as well about the relationship between consuming resources and the
number of population that is increasing day by day. And he also talks about the effects of
over-consuming on the upcoming generations.
Arrow, K, Dasgupta, P, Goulder, L, Daily, G, Ehrlich, P, Heal, G, Levin, S, Maler, K, Schneider,
S, Starrett, D, Walker, B (2004). Are we consuming too much?. The Journal of
Economic Perspectives. 18, 147-172.
Link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/3216811.pdf
In the article, the authors argue about whether humans are consuming too much of natural
resources or not. They say that in order for us to determine whether our consumption is
excessive or not, we should relate it to sustainability. And as well, we should recognize the
economic and ecological domains of the problem. They also differentiate between poor and
rich countries in terms of what can be excessive consumptions or not.
Chancellor, W, & Goss, J (1976). Balancing energy and food Ppoduction, 1975-2000. Science,
New Series. 192, 213-218.
Link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/1741104.pdf
The article discusses several factors which will be causing the world consumption to
increase, such as population. And so, as it increases, the energy needed per capita will highly
increase. The use of fertilizers will also increase in the future, and we should focus on it in
order to keep food production stable.
Farias, C., & Farias, G.. (2008). Cycles of Poverty and Consumption: The Sustainability
Dilemma. Competition Forum, 6(2), 338-344. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from
ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1601098711).
The article shows a demographic and macro-economic overview of present and future
trends in energy consumption and energy costs as well. It takes OPEC as an example,
because it controls 77% of the worlds' oil reserves. It also shows some effects of political
actions on Oil.
Karu, V, Vastrik, A, & Valgma, I (June 2008). Application of modelling tools in Estonian oil
shale mining area.(Report). Oil Shale, 25, 2. p.135(10). Retrieved October 21, 2009
Link: http://jmk.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/25/1/76
The authors in this article discuss the idea of sustainable consumption. It shows the
differences between individual consumers according to the place in which they live in. The
two authors also present two broadly different perspectives about consumption.
M, Vincent (2006). Liquid assets: why water could become more precious than oil.The
Spectator. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from Research Library Core.
The author talks about how the demand and consumption of water is increasing. And he
discusses the fact that water is becoming too costly to extract and transport, and even
compares it with oil. He also talks about something called Evain effect which is basically,
when people use water insufficiently, while other people around the world go thirsty.
Weinstein, M, & Zeckhauser, R (1975). The optimal consumption of depletable natural
resources. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 89, 371-392.
Link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/1885258.pdf
The source talks about how the world is facing an “energy crisis” out of over-consuming. The
crisis is caused because of the economic system in which we use these days, which requires
us to consume more and more. The article gives an example of how governments are
attempting to reduce the overuse of resources by applying some policies and laws.
Dolan, P (2002).The sustainability of "sustainable consumption". Journal of Macromarketing.
Link: http://jmk.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/22/2/170
The purpose of this article is to find out whether we as human beings can reach "sustainable
consumption" or not. But the goal is actually to discuss the ways in which we can solve our
problems in consumption. Then the article reviews some of the habits of consumption that
humans have, such as being careless sometimes, and argues whether it is useful for us or is it
just a waste.
Conca, K, Princen, T, & Maniates, M (2002). Confronting
consumption.Asco Typesetters.
This book talks about how we should think about consumption and decide whether it is bad
for the environment or not. We should think about it in many ways, in terms of "social,
political, and cultural" problems. It also introduces the term "green consumption", which
refers to consuming resources effectively.
Farias, C., & Farias, G.. (2008). Cycles of Poverty and Consumption: The Sustainability
Dilemma. Competition Forum, 6(2), 338-344. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from
ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1601098711).
This book is discussing all the environmental threats that the world is facing. It also talks
about the significance of consumption and its causes, which includes losing environmental
sustainability. Plus, it's discussing how it is important to control the environmental impact of
Stern, P (1997). Environmentally significant consumption. Washington: National academy of
Link: http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=qzRGrJgr_cC&oi=fnd&pg=PA12&dq=consumption+of+environmental+sources&ots=GELYyjvIY&sig=ZeE6rSDqBpO5JXVg2dQw5xEdcDg#v=onepage&q=consumption%20of%20environme
This book is discussing all the environmental threats that the world is facing. It also talks
about the significance of consumption and its causes . Plus its discussing how important to
control the environmental impact of consumption. The author has also defined consumption
as “the impact of the average person on the environment” which he defines as an analytic
problem and he is also mentioning how to improve the knowledge of consumption.