Layal Al Alami

Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
Altman, I., & Chemers, M. M. (1984). Culture and environment (2nd ed.). NewYork: CUP Archive. Retrieved
October 20, 2009, from
This book is about how culture is connected with the environment, and how the
environment is connected to culture as well. It talks about how different cultures have
different habits and behaviors that affect the environment. The book discusses how
different societies view the environment in a different way than others.
Mertz, O., Halsnæs, K., Olesen, J. E., & Rasmussen, K. (2009, January 31). Adaptation to climate change in
developing countries. Environmental management, 743-752. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from
This article discusses the climate change adaptation and how it is affecting
developing countries. It shows the various attempts of people to try increasing adaptation
to that issue, and it talks about the need of more helpful strategies. The article also
discusses current policies to solve the issue.
Plumwood, V. (2006, February 11). The concept of a cultural landscape : nature, culture and agency in the land. Ethics
and the environment, 117-146. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
The text discusses nature in terms of landscape distribution. The author relates
landscape to cultural behaviors. The text also discusses how recently, nature is also
created by humans somehow because everything we are doing is affecting landscape
Huntington, E. (2008). Civilization and climate. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
In this book, the author relates climate change with human civilization. He
mentions the connection of work and the environment and the effect of temperature and
humidity on climate change. The author mentions the shifting of climatic zones which is
really interesting and useful for our topic, and relates culture with environment.
Cassar, M., & Cockroft, N. (2008, March 14). Full review of the literature consisting of 10 matrices on the effect of
climate change on cultural and sporting assets. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
This source contains charts and tables of studies that were made to connect culture and
human behaviors to the environment and sustainability. The charts relate environmental
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
issues to many things like sports activities, arts, and museums. They also connect climate
change to the effect on historical buildings and cultural landscape.
Kennedy, D. (2000, October). Climate and civilization: The scientific evidence for climate change,and how our
response to it may influence national policy. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
Donald Kennedy, Ph.D., talks about the difference between weather change and climate
change. He talks about what people should’ve learned from climate change so far, to be
able to get the right prospective for the future. Donald Kennedy also talks about how
clear climate change is, and how we don’t need any kinds of machines or experts to tell
us so.
Cole, R. J., & Lorch, R. (2003). Buildings, culture and environment: Informing local and global practices. BlackWell
Publishing. Retrieved November 15, 2009, from
In this book, the authors talks about how buildings and design are affecting the
environment, which is essential to our topic because this relates to most environmental
problems such as pollution and energy efficiency. The authors convey their message of
green houses and show how to lower the harm for the environment. Their connection is
based on how globalization is the reason for our failing environment.
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
John Broich. (2007). Germany's nature: Cultural landscapes and environmental history. Review of: Environmental
History, 12(1), 173-174. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from Sciences Module. (Document ID: 1227763581).
This book mainly discusses the thought of “how green were German people?” The
author draws a connection between the German development and their forests and
landscape figures. This book is important for our argument to prove how preserving our
nature and environment is very important by giving this example.The book involves
many of the real connections that are the reason of the success of German people.
Pellerin, C. (2009, May 13). Forecasts show how changing environment might affect life. Retrieved October 20, 2009,
This article talks about how scientists are observing the changing environment is affecting living
organisms. It also mentions how they use tools to determine how much longer life on earth will be
possible. The article also explains how the study of ecology is related to estimating the time remaining
on earth and the effect of all environmental changes on creatures.
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
Dickerman, K. N., & Barach, P. (n.d.). Designing the built environment for a culture and system of patient safety: A
conceptual, new design process. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
This article mentions how pollution and environmental issues actually affect hospitals.
The authors mention that the environment where a hospital is located in, can actually
affect the infection rate in surgeries and death rates. The author stresses on the idea that a
different design system should be followed that can provide the atmosphere needed for
such a place.
Armstrong, I., Cunliffe, B., House, J., Lowenthal, D., Meyers, F., Porters, R., et al. (2000). Culture, landscape, and the
environment: The linacre lectures. In K. Flint & H. Morphy (Eds.), . New York: Oxford University. Retrieved
October 20, 2009, from
Kate Flint and Howard Morphy’s edited book discusses how our environment depends on
our culture. The book talks about how everything around us is made in a way that goes
with our cultural needs and that everything we need is found naturally in our culture.The
book also mentions how our environment is made of non-renewable things and how we
should be careful to over-use them.
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
The human relationship with nature: Development and culture.
Kahn Jr., Peter H.
Cambridge, MA, US: The MIT Press. (1999). xiv, 281 pp.
The authors of this book discuss various issues and one of them is the relationship
between humans and nature. This is important for our research because humans are the
basis of culture. The authors show how humans contribute to hurt sustainability, and
how our use for cars such technologies is hurting the environment.
Douglas, M., & Wildavsky, A. (n.d.). Risk and culture. University of California press. Retrieved November 11, 2009,
Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky’s book talks about the risks we are taking towards
our environment because of our cultural behaviors. The author gives reasons for taking
those risks and one of them as he sees is disagreeing on the issue. This is important for
our research because it discusses the reasons for people’s actions towards the
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project
Croll, E., & Parkin, D. (2002). Bush face: forest farm : Culture, environment and development. USA And Canada:
Taylor & Francis e-library. Retrieved November 11, 2009, from
This book is edited by Elisabeth Caroll and David Parkin. The book talks about the
different understanding of the word environment for each culture and shows the
difference between them. The authors do that by setting up examples of different
situations for people from different societies. The authors also give advices to their
readers about conserving the environment.
Goudie, A. (2000). The human impact on the natural environment (5th ed.). Library of congress cataloging -inpublication dat. Retrieved November 11, 2009, from
This book talks about how everything humans do on earth determines its shape, changes
and future. The book shows various examples on earth figures that changed because of
human behaviors. The book discusses eating habits, climate, environment, and many
more issues that are considered harmful human behaviors.
Layal Al- Alami
Andrwe ID: lalami
Sources for the Final Project