Bill Holmberg

Coordinating Council
With Biomass Producing Biofuels,
Biopower, and Biobased Products
 Improve National, Energy and Homeland
 Create thousands of New Basic Industries and
Millions of Jobs – Could add 10%+ to US
refining capacity
 Reduce Trade Deficit
 Enhance the Environment, Improve Public
Health, and Reduced GHG Emissions
 Build Bridges Between Urban and Rural
Biomass Resources are
Readily Available From:
 Agriculture and Forestry Crops and Residues
 Rights-of-Way, Parks, Yard and Garden
 The Biomass Fraction of Municipal Waste
 Animal and Human Wastes
 Aquatic Sources Including Algae
Essentially an Inexhaustible Supply
Biomass Resources Are
 Biofuels Including, Ethanol, Methanol, Other
Alcohols, Biodiesel, BioOils, Biogas, Landfill
Gas and Renewable Hydrogen
 Electricity, Cogenerated and Stand Alone
Thermal Energy
 Biobased Chemicals and Biobased Products –
Essentially, Anything Not Made Out of Glass or
Minerals Can be Made From Biomass
Biomass and Bioenergy –
The Rising Powerhouse
 World-Wide Creativity is Generating New
Science and Technology to Meet the Potential
of the Biorefinery Concept.
 This Rapidly Rising Productivity Will Work
Cooperatively With Energy Efficiency, the
Other Renewable Energy Technologies and the
Fossil Energy Industries.
 Together, They Will Meet US Energy Needs
While Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
Improving the Overall Environment,
Generating New Basic Industries and Jobs,
and addressing national and trade deficits.
Minimize Economic and
Political Disruptions
 Work Cooperatively with Oil, Auto, Gas, Coal
and Utility Industries to Transition from Heavy
Carbon to Lighter Carbon Fuels and Energy
Systems (Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal,
Biomass and Renewable Hydrogen.
 Pursue a Transition Schedule that Advances
Society while Reducing Pollution and GHGs
and Improves Public Health.
Biomass -- All Systems Go
 Bioethanol – 3.5 Billion Gallons, 19%/yr
increase over past three years
 Biodiesel – 30 million Gallons, 600%/yr
increase in the past four years
 Landfill and anaerobic digester gas rising too
fast to keep up with data collection
 Biomethanol coming on strong
 Organic farming and composting on the raise –
5 to 10% annual increase over past 5 years
All Systems GO (Cont.)
 Biooils gaining momentum
 Biopower, 6.8% of nations electricity –
produced and avoided -- and gaining
 Biobased products, $250 million and
growing rapidly
 28 Emerging technologies and advances
in commercial operations – opportunities
for nanotechnologies
Example – Low Tech
 About 2 billion people use wood or animal waste (very
inefficiently) to cook;
 Lease solar cookers, paid for by planting and carrying
for trees;
 Use animal and human waste in simple digesters to
produce electricity and fertilizers for trees
 Sell carbon credits generated by solar cookers,
growing of trees and reduced emissions from inefficient
cooking when using wood and animal wastes
 Economy is advanced, life improved, pollution reduced,
soil enhanced, trees growing for future use, etc.
Example – High Tech
 Pyrolize biomass, produce ammonia, hydrogen and
 Combine ammonia and charcoal to produce
ammonium bicarbonate
 Spray into flue gases of coal fired power plants absorb
CO2, NOx and SOx
 Produce high quality fertilizers, combine with charcoal
and introduce into soils.
 Increase production of crops and glomalin –
sequestering CO2.
 No CO2 emissions from coal plants.
Example – High Tech
 Introduce low-value crop residue into ethanol
 Pretreat with dilute acid;
 Use enzymes to convert cellulose and
hemicellulose (about 2/3 of crop residue) to
fermentable sugars;
 Ferment to fuel grade ethanol
 Use lignin (about 1/3 of process residue) to
produce steam and electricity for facility
Example – Old/New High
 Fischer Tropsch (F-T), Germany, WWII
and South Africa
 Methanol in East Germany for past 30
 Natural and other gases to Liquid Fuels
 Biomass to gas, to clean Sun Diesel
 Hybrid electric “plug in” to “smart” facility,
100 MPG on Sun Diesel
Example – Medium Tech
 Combine soy bean or other plant oils with
animal fats, used cooking oils and yellow/trap
 Add solvent like methanol or ethanol and
catalyst like sodium hydroxide, mix, let settle
and separate.
 Produces Biodiesel and glycerin (a marketable
 Add 2% biodiesel to diesel fuel to improve
lubricity/emissions and 20% to significantly
reduce emissions
Next Steps
 Track and Help Coordinate progress on 28+
Biomass technologies
 Highlight Importance of Reduced Dependence
on Oil – National Security
 Work Cooperatively with Oil, Gas, Coal, and
Utilities Industries
 Work to Eliminate Permitting and Licensing
Delays at Local, State and Federal Levels.
Contact Info
2816 Claudia Court
Vienna, Virginia 22180
Phone: 703-204-2344
Cell: 202-213-9581
Chair, New Uses Council
Director, Biomass Coordinating Council