T3-3-4 學位論文 評分表 學位名稱: MS in Industrial Management; MS in Finance; MS in Public Policy and Management 學號: 學生姓名: 論文名稱: 教育目標 Goal 核心能力 Objectives 達成指標 Traits 優 LG1 專業知能 O1-1 學生具備公共政策與管理的 T1-1 公共政策與管理的進 進階知能 階知識與能力 LG2 國際視野 O2-1 學生具備體認多元文化價值 T2-1 國際思維 對於企業營運意涵的能力 LG3 創新整合 O3-1 學生具備進階管理知識研究 T3-1 研究探索與分析 能力 O3-2 學生具備批判思維並解決問 T3-2 批判思維與問題解決 題 LG4 資訊科技 O4-1 學生具備資訊知能應用能力 T4-1 資訊知能應用能力 LG5 倫理道德 O5-1 學生能利用對企業倫理與社 T5-1 倫理 會責任的認知,探討公司決策對社 會大眾權益產生的影響 LG6 社會知能 O6-1 學生具備有效溝通能力 T6-1-1 口語溝通 T6-1-2 書寫溝通 總分 (滿分為 100 分) 評核委員簽名 佳 可 劣 T3-3-4 評量尺規 Rubric for Student Achievements in Professional Knowledge and Skills Trait:T1-1 專業知識技能. Level Criteria Excellence Clearly and Discipline Level Identification of global factors Satisfactory Poor Applies Attempts Does not appropriate argumentation and methodology of the discipline. Demonstrates coherent interpretations, perspectives, or applications of course content. appropriate argumentation and methodology of the discipline. Offers minimal interpretations, perspectives, or applications of course content. incorporate appropriate argumentation and methodology of the discipline. Fails to interpret or apply course content. Good Satisfactory Poor Identification of most of the relevant factors. Identification of some or all of the following relevant global factors: economic, cultural, legal, demographic. Incomplete identification of the following relevant global factors: economic, cultural, legal, demographic. Good Satisfactory Poor Presents in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches. Presents information from relevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches. Presents information from irrelevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches. Excellence Good Satisfactory Poor Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed. Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial. Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement or related contextual factors. reflectively applies appropriate argumentation and methodology of the discipline. Demonstrates highly innovative interpretations, perspectives, or applications of course content Trait:T2-1 國際思維 Criteria Good Excellence Clear and detailed identification of relevant factors. Trait:T3-1 研究探索與分析 Level Criteria Excellence Existing Knowledge, Research, and/or Views Synthesizes in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches. Trait:3-2 批判思維與問題解決 Level Criteria Define Problem T3-3-4 Trait:T4-1 資訊知能應用能力 Level Excellence Good Satisfactory Poor Defines the scope of the research question or thesis completely. Can determine key concepts. Types of information (sources) selected relate to concepts or answer research question. Defines the scope of the research question or thesis incompletely (parts are missing, remains too broad or too narrow, etc.). Can determine key concepts. Types of information (sources) selected partially relate to concepts or answer research question. Has difficulty defining the scope of the research question or thesis. Has difficulty determining key concepts. Types of information (sources) selected do not relate to concepts or answer research question. Excellence Good Satisfactory Poor Students apply a thorough understanding of direct and indirect stakeholders when examining the role and responsibility of business in society. Students apply an adequate understanding of direct and indirect stakeholders when examining the role and responsibility of business in society. Students identify and understand: direct stakeholders when explaining the role of business (treatment of employees, optimal firm value) in society. And indirect stakeholders when explaining the role of business (corporate citizenship, stakeholders' view) in society. Students unable to explain the role of business in society. Students understand monetary role (profit maximization) of business in society. Good Satisfactory Poor Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material. Central message is basically understandable but is not often repeated and is not memorable. Central message can be deduced, but is not explicitly stated in the presentation. Good Satisfactory Poor Criteria Determine the Extent of Information Needed Has difficulty defining the scope of the research question or thesis. Has difficulty determining key concepts. Types of information (sources) selected do not relate to concepts or answer research question. Trait:T5-1 倫理 Level Criteria Responsibility: Students demonstrate an understanding of the responsibility of business in society. Trait:T6-1-1 口語溝通 Level Criteria Excellence Central message Central message is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated, memorable, and strongly supported.) Trait:T6-1-2 書寫溝通 Level Criteria Excellence T3-3-4 Context of and purpose for writing: Includes considerations of audience, purpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing task(s). Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work. Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with audience, purpose, and context). Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience's perceptions and assumptions). Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience).