SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Activity/Task: Drying Cabinet –S.E.M. (Gravity Convection Glassware Drying Cabinet) SWP No: Trim No: Version No: Date Signed Off: Approved: Yes / No RISK IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROLS: Please include all steps involved in the performance of the task NOTE: All PPE required must be listed and the minimum PPE for each chemical must be listed as per the relevant SDS. PROCEDURE STEPS 1. Scope: This SWP outlines the safe and correct use of the drying cabinet in Building 715 ( CEW ) at CSU Albury Wodonga campus 2. Objectives: To ensure the drying cabinet is used in a safe and correct manner. To prevent injury to staff. 3. References: User’s Manual and operating instruction sheet located on the manuals shelf in the staff/student write up area (bd715 rm175). Infection Control Policy located in the staff/student write up area (bd715 rm175). Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 1 4. Timing: Whenever the drying cabinet is required. 5. Responsibilities: Academic and Technical staff are only to use the drying cabinet after according to this SWP after: Reading this SWP Being trained by a competent user Being assessed as competent by a competent user Students are not permitted to use the drying cabinet. 6. In the event of: (emergency or other) In the event of an emergency follow Facility guidelines and induction procedures. In the event of equipment failures please contact the Technical Staff or Facility Manager. 7. Location: Bd715 rm162 (Sterilising Room) 8. Training Requirements: All users must read and sign off on this SWP, undergo appropriate training and be assessed as competent before using the drying cabinet. 9. Plant and Equipment Details: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 2 S.E.M. drying cabinet (Gravity Convection Drying Cabinet) 9. Engineering Details, Certificates, Work Cover Approvals: Nil 11. Maintenance Requirements: Technical staff complete weekly sterilization room maintenance and cleaning schedule: specific to the drying cabinet - wipe out with a damp cloth and check door seals are intact. When scheduled tasks are complete, sign schedule and file in maintenance folder in the staff/student write up area (bd715 rm175). Technical staff complete monthly sterilization room maintenance and cleaning schedule: specific to the drying cabinet complete temperature checks with digital thermometer to ensure temperature reaches 65-75 ° C. When scheduled tasks are complete, sign schedule and file in maintenance folder in the staff/student write up area (bd715 rm175). Annual electrical test and tag completed by competent technical staff – report lodged in facility maintenance records in the staff/student write up area (bd715 rm175). Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 3 12. Task/Activity Steps: 1: Turn unit on using red on/off switch at front bottom of unit Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Electric shock Ensure maintenance and testing and tagging is carried out annually on the beds. Risk Score: 5 2: Ensure heat setting is set at number 6 Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Melting of plastic trays if set too high resulting in burns from picking up trays. A line is marked on the unit indicating the optimal heat setting . Risk Score: 6 3: Place metal instrument trays on lower shelves and place plastic trays on the upper shelves and leave until dry Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Head injury from heavy metal trays hitting staff’s head when loading trays of instruments Unit is positioned so that trays are never placed above head height Risk Score: 6 Trolleys are used when unloading instruments. Correct footwear ( fully enclosed, impervious) is worn 4: Remove the instrument trays from the dryer cabinet and place on clean bench to the right hand side of drying cabinet and let cool before packaging. Crush injury if a heavy tray is dropped. Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Head injury from heavy metal trays hitting staff’s head when unloading trays of instruments Unit is positioned so that trays are never placed above head height Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Risk Score: 6 Trolleys are used when unloading instruments. Page 4 Crush injury if a heavy tray is dropped Correct footwear ( fully enclosed, impervious) is worn 5: Turn off using red on/off switch at front bottom of unit. Possible Hazards: NIL Risk Score: NIL Safety Controls: NIL SAFE WORK PROCEDURE: Assessment dates Initial assessment date: Current assessment date: Reassessment due date: Assessors: Name: Signature: Date: Michelle Borrett Kristy Robson Lauren Blatchford Duncan Harvey Paul Tinley Kylie Kent Recommendation: (Technical Officer/Supervisor/Manager) Follow up required: Yes / No Name: Date: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Signature: Page 5 Approval: (Facility Manager, Head of School, Manager University Laboratories) Name: Signature: Date: Kylie Kent 20/08/2013 Risk Assessment Matrix: SEVERITY LIKELIHOOD How severely could it hurt someone How likely is it to be that bad? or How ill could it make someone? !!!! Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health !!! Long term illness or serious injury Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 ++ + - -- Very likely Could happen at any time Likely Could happen sometime Unlikely Could happen, but very rarely Very unlikely Could happen, but probably never will 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Page 6 !! Medical attention and several days off work 2 3 4 5 ! First aid needed 3 4 5 6 Evaluate the level of risk associated with the hazard identified. Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Page 7 I have read and understand this Safe Work Procedure: Name: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Sept 2012 Position/Role: Signature: Date: Page 8