Neil Scott Cole
Sept. 20, 2011
Department of History, Political Science, and Phil. Date Appointed: August 2002
Rank at Appointment: Assistant Professor
Present Rank: Associate Professor
A. Academic preparation
Area of study
Miami University
Miami University
University of Dayton
Sinclair Comm. College
Political science
Political science
Political science
Political Science
Ph.D., 2002
M.A., 1997
B.A., 1995
B. Title – Master’s Tutorial
“Pursuing the Presidency: White House Access and Interest Groups.”
C. Title – Doctoral Dissertation
The Politics of Party Change in Britain: The Transformation to New Labour.
D. Academic employment
Longwood University
Longwood University
Miami University
University of Dayton
Sinclair Community College
Palacky University
Miami University
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Teaching Associate
Adjunct Lecturer
Adjunct Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
Fall 1999
A. Awards
Longwood University’s Junior Faculty Award (2007).
Recognized by Longwood University’s CHI organization (2007).
B. Conference presentations and participation
“Interdisciplinary Learning in Yellowstone National Park.” Presented at the
American Democracy Project (2009).
“Democratic Consolidation in Developing Countries.” Presented at American
University’s Center for Peacebuilding International (2008).
“The Social Action Initiative.” Presented at the American Democracy Project
meeting (2008).
“Challenging Hugo Chavez: President Bush’s Interest Group Alliances and U.S.
Democracy Promotion in Venezuela.” Paper presented at the Virginia Social
Science Association meeting (2008).
Attended the SENCER Institute’s faculty development program (2007).
Panel chair of “Consolidating Democracy in Latin America,” at the “America and
the World: Sustaining Democracy in the Global Age” conference (2007).
“Confronting President Bush’s Vision of Global Democracy: Strategies of
Resistance in Authoritarian Societies.” Paper presented at the Western Political
Science Association Meeting (2006).
Participated in the “Gender Symposium,” a faculty development workshop at
Longwood University (2005).
“The Push and Pull of the Third Way: The Promise and Problems of
Implementing a New Ideology in Britain and America.” Paper presented at the
Midwest Political Science Association meeting (2004) (Co-authored with
Dilchoda Berdieva).
“European Foreign Policy in the Middle East.” Presentation at Longwood
University’s “Confronting the ‘Axis of Evil’” forum (2003).
“The Rhetoric of Party Change: How Kinnock, Smith, and Blair’s Language
Built New Labour.” Paper presented at the American Political Science
Association meeting (2002).
“Creating New Labour: External Elites and Party Change in Britain.” Paper
presented at the Midwest Political Science Association meeting (2001).
“Accessing and Influencing the Presidency: The Case of the Cuban American
National Foundation.” Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science
Association meeting (2001) (Co-authored with Dilchoda Berdieva).
“Implementing, Interpreting, and Filtering a Judicial Policy: Same-Sex
Harassment and the Supreme Court.” Paper presented at the Pennsylvania
Political Science Association meeting (1999).
“Pursuing the President: White House Access and Organized Interests.” Paper
presented at the Pennsylvania Political Science Association meeting (1998).
A. Publications
Journal articles
“Hugo Chavez and President Bush’s Credibility Gap: The Struggle Against US
Democracy Promotion,” International Political Science Review (2007) 28:4, 493507.
“Pursuing the President: White House Access and Organized Interests,” Social
Science Journal (2000) 37: 2, 285-291.
Encyclopedia entries
“Gospel of Wealth,” in Religion and American Politics (forthcoming 2012).
Edited by Philip DiMare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
“Eighteenth Amendment,” in Religion and American Politics (forthcoming 2012).
Edited by Philip DiMare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
“Ronald Reagan,” in Religion and American Politics (forthcoming 2012). Edited
by Philip DiMare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
“Franklin Delano Roosevelt,” in Religion and American Politics (forthcoming
2012). Edited by Philip DiMare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
“New Deal,” in Religion and American Politics (forthcoming 2012). Edited by
Philip DiMare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
“Iraq War,” in Religion and American Politics (forthcoming 2012). Edited by
Philip DiMare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
“Nationalism, United States,” in Women and the American Civil War (2008).
Edited by Lisa Tendrich Frank. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Book reviews (published)
Richard Heffernan’s New Labour and Thatcherism, in British Politics Group
Newsletter (Summer 2003): 16-17.
Michael Williams’ Crisis and Consensus in British Politics, in British Politics
Group Newsletter (Winter 2003): 17.
Michael Foley’s John Major, Tony Blair, and a Conflict of Leadership, in British
Politics Group Newsletter (Fall 2004): 15-16.
Academic co-editor. 2010. The Stewardship of Public Lands: A Handbook for
Educators. Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges and
Book chapters
Co-authored with Alix Fink. 2010. “Complex Citizenship: Framing an
Integrative Pedagogical Approach to Prepare 21st Century Citizen Leaders,” in
The Stewardship of Public Lands: A Handbook for Educators. Washington, DC:
American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
Co-authored with Alix Fink. 2010. “Returning Wolves and Removing
Mountains: Building on the Yellowstone Case to Create a New Approach to Civic
Education,” in The Stewardship of Public Lands: A Handbook for Educators.
Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
Newspaper editorial
‘Worldwide, What is Democracy’s Future?” Richmond Times Dispatch (January
22, 2007): A11.
Radio interviews
“US-Russian Relations,” WRVA-Richmond, Virginia (1140 AM) (May 31,
B. Other scholarly activity
Publisher reviews (unpublished)
Reviewed for Longman (June 2007): European Politics: A Comparative
Approach, 1st edition.
Reviewed for Pearson/Longman (April 2005): Understanding American Politics
and Government, 1st edition.
Reviewed for Oxford University Press (March 2004): Politics of Latin America,
2nd edition.
Reviewed for McGraw Hill (September 2003): Representative Government in
Modern Europe, 3rd edition.
Helped students organize the Longwood Public Policy Forum (2010-2011).
Directed a Senior Honors Research project (2010-2011).
Served as a committee member for three Senior Honors Research projects (20092010).
Helped organize Hispanic Awareness Week (2010).
Developed a new Political Economy course for the Liberal Studies program
Instructor of record for POSC 461: Senior Seminar (2009-current).
Organized The New York Times readership program at Longwood (2009-2011).
Gave a presentation on citizenship for the Honors program (2010).
Organized several independent studies (2010-2011).
Taught intersession and summer courses (2010-2011).
Put together the Political Science biennial review (2011).
Member of the Senior Honors Research Committee (2010-current).
Created a new presentation board for the Department to use at University events
Attended three open house sessions (2010-2011).
Directed one Senior Honors Research project (2009-2010).
Helped organized Hispanic Awareness Week (2009).
Helped organized Constitution Day activities (2009).
New faculty mentor (2009-2010).
Supervised practicum students (2009).
Participated in the CAS review of the Office of Multicultural Affairs (2010).
Organized Constitution Day activities (2008).
Served on two grade appeal committees (2010).
Member of the Faculty Senate (2009-2011).
Assisted the General Education Film Series committee (2008).
Co-organized training sessions on democracy at American University for Nepali
politicians and activists (2008).
Helped organize International Awareness Week in cooperation with the Office of
Multicultural Affairs (2008).
Supervised practicum students (2008).
Chair of Longwood’s American Democracy Project (2003-2010).
Member of the Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy’s
judicial politics search committee (2008).
Member of the Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy’s
Curriculum Committee (2006-current).
Member of the Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy’s Budget
Committee (2008).
Organized and chaired a conference at Longwood University and HampdenSydney College, “America and the World: Sustaining Democracy in the Global
Age” (January 2007).
Moderated two discussion sessions on democracy at Girls State (Summer 2007).
Attended a Homeland Security symposium at Virginia Commonwealth University
(spring 2007).
Organized the “American Democracy Lecture” by Cleve Jones (March 2007).
Organized the Woodrow Wilson Fellow presentation by Ambassador Thomas
Boyatt (January 2007).
Gave a presentation to high school students with Dr. David Calihan, “American
Constitutionalism,” (December 2006).
Co-sponsored International Awareness Week, “America Faces the Future”
(November 2006).
Organized a debate between Congressman Virgil Goode and other congressional
candidates (October 2006).
Organized a movie presentation on campus, Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington
Anymore? (fall 2006).
Co-organize a C-SPAN presentation by Mr. Bevin Alexander, “How America Got
it Right” (February 2006).
Organized a presentation by Winona LaDuke, “American Democracy Lecture”
(April 2006).
Organized Woodrow Wilson Fellow presentation by Charles Barry, “The War on
Terror” (April 2006).
Co-organized a student trip to Yellowstone National Park to study the science and
politics of wolf reintroduction, (spring break 2006).
Co-sponsored International Awareness Week, “China in the 21st Century”
(November 2005).
Selected by Longwood’s provost to attend the Aspen Institute’s “Citizenship in
the American Polity” faculty seminar (Summer 2005).
Attended American Democracy Project Meeting, “Stewardship of the Public
Lands” in Yellowstone National Park (Summer 2005).
Co-sponsored International Awareness Week presentation by Uganda’s former
ambassador to the US (November 2004).
Gave a presentation at the national meeting of the American Democracy Project
in New Mexico on Longwood’s civic education programs (Summer 2004).
Organized an election forum featuring a faculty member from University of Mary
Washington (October 2005).
Organized a post-election forum at Longwood. The executive director of the
Democratic Party of Virginia attended, as did a Republican member of the
Virginia House of Delegates, Clarke Hogan (November 2004).
Gave a presentation to the Board of Visitors about the American Democracy
Project (September 2004).
Organized voter registration drives at Longwood (Spring 2004; Fall 2004).
Arranged internships with congressional candidates (Summer and fall 2004; fall
2005; fall 2008).
Organized a presentation at Longwood by Jim Wright, former Speaker of the US
House of Representatives (April 2004).
Organized debate between Congressman Virgil Goode and Al Weed at Longwood
University (March 2004).
Organized Longwood University’s International Awareness Week presentation by
General Samuel Wilson (November 2003).
Organized forum at Longwood University regarding US and European foreign
policy: “Confronting the ‘Axis of Evil’” (March 2003).
Hosted International Awareness Week event for Ambassador William B. Jones at
Longwood University (November 12, 2002).
Co-director of the Civic Leadership Institute at Longwood University (20042008).
Co-created Longwood’s minor in Leadership Studies (fall 2004-spring 2005).
Co-director of the Leadership Studies minor (fall 2005 - current).
Member of the University’s Martin Luther King, Jr., Committee (Fall 2005).
Member of Longwood’s Lectures Committee (2005-2007).
Member of the Human and Animal Subjects Research Review Committee (2003current).
Member of the Your Voice Counts committee at Longwood (Fall 2004).
Helped develop a new course, GNED 495: Science and Civics in Action (Spring
Developed a new course, POSC 338: Politics of the Middle East (Fall 2004).
Developed a new course, POSC 420: Democracy and Democratization (Spring
Served on several search committees for the Department of History (Fall 2003,
Spring 2004, Spring 2007).
Served on the search committee for the Director of Leadership and New Student
Programs (Summer 2004).
Served on search committee for History/Social Science professor (Fall 2004).
Co-advisor for the Political Science Club (2003-2008).
Taught two sections of Longwood Seminar (Fall 2002, Fall 2003).
Reorganized the Global Politics Concentration, 2002 (proposal approved by the
Curriculum Committee and EPC, 2003).
Redesigned Political Science 360 course, 2002 (proposal approved by the
Curriculum Committee and EPC, 2003).
Currently involved in student advising.
Served as Faculty Orientation Leader (2004 and 2005).