Longwood University Department of Health, Recreation, and Kinesiology KINS 150 – Fitness Education Spring 2011 MWF 1:00-1:50pm Room: Gym (223) and other locations TBA Instructor: Tena Ewing Office: Willett 302 Phone: (434) 395 2558 Email: ewingfl@longwood.edu Office hours: Fridays 8:30am-12:30pm or by appointment Course Syllabus Course Description: Students in this course will examine issues relating to the teaching of physical fitness in the public schools and private industry and will participate in a wide range of fitness activities. These issues include the definition of physical fitness, fitness related to stages of development, and assessment of physical fitness. The main focus of the course, however, will be on the participation in fitness activities that are appropriate for use in educational settings, including aerobic dance. 1 credit. Course Objectives: These objectives address NASPE 1.1. Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: Define and differentiate terms and concepts commonly used in fitness education. List the five components of health-related physical fitness as well as the three phases of an exercise session. Discuss the benefits of regular physical activity. Identify the large muscle groups of the body. Assess functional and health-related physical fitness. Understand the recommendations and guidelines for physical activity Discuss current trends and issues in physical education. Perform various fitness activities used in educational settings. Discuss criteria for goal setting and decision-making. Identify various resources to teach fitness activities, including Internet resources. Discuss strategies to advocate regular physical activity and fitness. Understand how to conduct a group exercise class. Understand the role of the physical educator and/or exercise scientist as a Fitness Educator, with emphasis on programs for children. Required Course Material: One notebook binder. A pedometer and heart rate monitor. Course Requirements: Attendance and Participation (20%): Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled by the instructor. Students must assume all responsibility for any loss incurred due to absence. Since failure to attend class may impair the education process as well as academic performance, University policy allows the instructor to assign a grade of “F” for the course when a student has missed (excused or unexcused) more than 25% of class sessions (= 4 KINS 150 class sessions). The instructor may also lower a student’s grade by one letter grade if a student misses 10% of class sessions (= 2 KINS 150 class sessions) due to unexcused absences. Students are expected to arrive at class on time. Three late arrivals will be equivalent to one unexcused absence. A student will be considered absent if he/she is more than 10 minutes late. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and any instructor-led or student-led activities. Fitness Activity Planning and Instruction (50%): 1. Fitness Activity: Students will work in pairs to plan and instruct a physical fitness activity which will be presented to PHED 101 students. These activities should be appropriate for elementary and middle school children and should reflect sample activities we have performed in class. The instructor must approve all activities in advance. Further instruction regarding this requirement will be given in class. 2. Pedometer Activity: Students will work in groups of three to four to design a Pedometer Activity project, utilizing pedometers and heart rate monitors. The project will include locations on Longwood campus and will include a map of the campus with equivalent steps and estimated activity intensity(ies). Further instruction regarding this requirement will be given in class. There will be a prize for the most creative project, as judged by an outside panel. Resource Binder and Assignments (30%): Students will compile a resource binder of: any handouts given by the instructor, writing assignments, handouts of student led activities, and critiques of student led activities. Students will also be responsible for small writing assignments consisting of summaries of articles posted on Blackboard by the instructor. Both the resource binder and writing assignments will count towards your final grade and will be due on the final day of class. The writing assignments must be turn in via Blackboard. There may be small quizzes based on reading materials or activities performed in class as well as a Discussion Board/Web Based Resources Assignment. Grading: Students will be assigned grades based on the following grade cut-offs: A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 – 69% F = < 60% Honor Code: It is the responsibility of Longwood University students to adhere to the Honor Code and conduct themselves to the highest standards of integrity. Students are deemed honorable unless their conduct proves otherwise. As a member of the University community, you are expected to live by the honor code and to pledge all class work. Plagiarism is considered a violation of the honor code. Any student that plagiarizes will receive an “F” for the course and will be referred to the Honor Board. Turnitin is utilized in this course. Accommodation of Special Needs: In accordance with university policy, I make every effort to accommodate unique and special needs of students with respect to speech, hearing, vision, seating, or others disabilities. Please notify the Office of Disability Services to register for services. KINS 150 Binder and Activity Check List In your binder make sure you have: Your full activity outline (this includes your goal, limitations/ways to solve limitations, educational component, activity directions/description) Activity directions/descriptions from other class members (these copies will be provided by me) Peer critiques (forms will be provided by me for you to fill out) Any handouts provided in class Activity Presentation One class prior to your presentation: You must tell me what equipment is needed for your activity. Tell me what your preferred activity location is. Hand in a copy of your fitness activity outline. Use the example outline provided in class to guide you. On the day of your presentation State the goal of your activity Introduce what you will be teaching the class Give brief directions or a description of the activity Direct your classmates to participate in the activity Make sure you include a small education component. For example, for a plyometric activity include some talk about the importance of keeping your muscles strong. Please include a power point presentation which outlines the points covered on the day of your presentation. The class period AFTER your activity Hand in your evaluation of your group members contributions to your presentation All students will be filling out peer critiques after the activities have been presented that day. KINS 150 Grading Rubric for Fitness Activity Fitness Activity Outlines Due by Wednesday, March 23 Fitness Activities Presented Monday March, 28 & Wednesday March, 30 (100 points) Teaching (40 points) All the group members participated Directions were understandable Group members included all students in the activity Presentation was consistent throughout instruction/demonstration/activity. Activity (30 points) The activity was safe. Everyone could participate. The activity was age appropriate. The activity unique/creative. Lesson Plan (20 points) Turned in one class before presentation day Contained: Name, Purpose, Suggested grade level, Materials needed, Preparation, Description Flow/organization was easy to follow Lesson plan could be duplicated. Attendance (10 points) – determined after all presentations are completed Members participated actively in designing and leading the Fitness Activity. Pedometer Activity Project: Due by Wednesday, March 30 KINS 150 Writing Assignments Make sure your thoughts are clear and do not copy directly from the article. Fill out the Article Summary Sheet completely for each article review. Submit your assignments via the “Assignment” button on Blackboard.