BSED 435

BSED 435—Methods for Teaching
in Secondary Schools
Cheryl Davis
Hiner G15-5
Phone: 434-395-2006
Section B03:
NBEA Online Methods Course
Please email anytime
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Methods of Teaching Business in Secondary Schools. A study of how to
implement the current practices and procedures in teaching business courses in secondary
schools with emphasis on principles, techniques, and materials. 3 credits.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: EDUC 265 & 299. This course must be taken before
student teaching. Content background in business and computers. Basic computer and
Internet skills.
REQUIRED RESOURCES: Students must join the National Business Education Association
(NBEA). NBEA is the nation’s largest professional organization devoted exclusively to serving
individuals and groups engaged in instruction, administration, research, and dissemination of
information for and about business. This is your first step to becoming a professional business
To join NBEA call 1-703-860-8300. At that time identify yourself as a participant in the WebBased Business Education Methods Course. You will also need to order the Web-Based Business
Education Methods Course packet (catalog #144.62). The cost for student membership ($40.00
for student membership if full-time student or $75.00 for professional membership if you are
currently teaching) and this packet of materials ($67.00) is $107.00 or $142.00 respectively.
This includes shipping. If you have joined NBEA before, make sure your membership is current.
If you have never joined NBEA, do so now.
The o-line methods course packet includes the following core materials as well as other
important materials. Call now!
NBEA Professional Resource Guide
NABTE Business Teacher Education Curriculum Guide and Program Standards
NBEA Yearbook, No. 41, Effective Methods of Teaching Business Education in the 21st
NBEA Yearbook, No. 38, Assessment in Business Education.
Effective Strategies and Tools for Marketing Business Education
The Business of Teaching
Other required readings as assigned. Details are included on Blackboard.
COURSE PURPOSE: This course emphasizes the development of competencies in pre-service
teachers that may apply to the teaching of numerous business subjects. Special emphasis is
placed on technology, instructional strategies, course planning, cooperative education program,
and co-curricular student organization advising.
Upon the conclusion of this course you have mastered the content if you can:
a. Prepare effective and appropriate lessons implementing effective learning experiences.
b. Develop effective and appropriate lesson plans that reinforce basic skill building
theories and methods.
c. Apply motivational theories to specific skill development strategies, classroom
management, and other instructional settings.
d. Develop cooperative classroom strategies appropriate for the business education
e. Increase awareness of the professional literature and become proficient in the
utilization of these materials in teaching.
f. Identify and demonstrate strategies appropriate for feedback, evaluation, testing and
g. Collect, develop, and organize professional resources appropriate for specific business
education courses.
h. Design effective and appropriate instructional activities that reinforce the connection
between business education and the real world.
i. Design effective and appropriate integrated learning experiences.
Assignments will be weighted as follows:
Complete Discussion Board Postings
Providing Constructive Feedback to Colleagues
Lesson Plans
Communication with Professor
Any Other Info Deemed Necessary
School-Based or Online Observations
Final Exam Project – Professional Reflections
Grading Scale
A = 90%-100%
B = 80%-89%
C = 70%-79%
D = 60%-69%
F = Below 60%
This course runs from Monday, May 5, 2008 – Thursday, June 12, 2008. The 14 modules
should be completed during this time frame.
Module requirements for Assessment
1.1 Join NBEA and purchase books
1.2 Become familiar with Blackboard and the online course
1.3 Discussion board posting
1.4 Discussion board posting
2.1 Assigned reading
2.2 Set up Professional reflection journal
2.3 Discussion board posting
2.4 Summary assignment
2.5 Assigned reading
2.6 State standards search
2.7 Discussion Board Posting (Note: Professional Reflection Journal due at the end
of the semester –Module 14)
 3.1 Assigned reading
 3.2 Assigned reading
 3.3 Discussion board posting
 3.4 Observation review of materials
 3.5 Report assignment
 3.6 Discussion board posting
 3.6 Classroom rules assignment
 3.7 Discussion board posting
 3.8 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 4.1 Assigned reading
 4.2 Complete assessment
 4.3 Discussion board posting
 4.4 Discussion board posting
 4.5 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 5.1 Assigned reading
 5.2 Report assignment
 5.3 Assigned reading
 5.4 Discussion board posting
 5.5 Report assignment
 5.6 Observation report assignment
 5.7 Discussion board posting
 5.8 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 6.1 Discussion board posting
 6.2 Discussion board posting
 6.3 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 7.1 Assigned Reading
 7.2 Discussion board posting
 7.3 Discussion board posting
 7.4 Keyboarding assignment
 8.1 Meet with school contact
 8.2-resource Discussion Board posting
 8.2-example Discussion Board posting
 8.3 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 9.2 Discussion board posting
 9.3 Discussion board posting
 9.4 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 10.1 Virtual library review of documents
 10.2 Skills lesson plan assignment
 10.2 Discussion board posting
 10.3 Non-skills lesson plan assignment
 10.3 Discussion board posting
 10.4 Jigsaw lesson plan assignment
 10.4 Discussion board posting
 10.5 Project assignment
 11.1 Assigned reading
 11.2-strategies Discussion board posting
 11.3 Discussion board posting
 11.4 Assessments assignment
 11.5 Discussion board posting
 11.5 Rubric assignment
 11.6 Discussion board posting
 11.7 Discussion board posting
 11.8 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
 12.1 Discussion board posting
 12.2 Discussion board posting
12.3a, 12.3b, or 12.3c Discussion board posting
12.4 Discussion board posting
13.1 Discussion board posting
13.2 Professional development inventory assignment
13.3 List of business contacts assignment
13.4 Discussion board posting
13.4 Thank you letter assignment
13.5 Discussion board posting
13.6 Professional Reflection Journal (due at the end of the semester –Module 14)
14.1 Professional Reflection Journal assignment
14.2 Course evaluation
14.3 Course evaluation
General Course Requirements Information
Assignments in this course are designed to prepare you for the many opportunities and
challenges faced by Business Educators. Every effort has been made to provide clear
instructions, good examples, and individual assistance where needed. It is expected that
students will successfully complete assigned readings, research, and written assignments.
Specific assignments are due throughout the semester and are to be posted to designated
Discussion boards and/or submitted via Blackboard Assignments for evaluation.
Assigned Readings
Course readings have been selected to better acquaint you with the roles and responsibilities of
today’s business teachers. Students are expected to complete all readings and assignments.
Submitting Work Electronically
You will be required to submit all work to your instructor electronically. All word processed
files should be saved in Microsoft Office 2000 or higher with at .doc extension or in a Rich Text
Format (RTF) format to ensure compatibility with the instructor. To save to an RTF file in most
software packages, choose save as, in the file type box, choose Rich Text Format (.rtf) and
choose OK. The file extension should be .rtf. Once files have been saved to the appropriate
format, post your files to the Discussion Board or Blackboard Assignments as directed. Also,
change your Personal Information on Blackboard so that your email address you wish to use is
correct – See Module 1. The instructor will communicate with you through Blackboard, so it is
imperative that your email is correct.