The University of Akron Field Experience Information 5100:200

The University of Akron
Field Experience Information
Course Name: Introduction to Education
Learning Outcomes:
 Observe and collect data from field observations
o Examples of educational philosophies
o Examples of student diversities and teacher responses to
o Examples of the Ohio Standards for the Teaching
o Examples of the educational process and its organization,
as well as teaching and learning in a democratic society
 Identify, describe and inquire into the purpose and contemporary
practice of schooling in the U.S.
Student Assignments/Requirements:
 Minimum of 10 field observation hours in an urban classroom
setting and attendance at a Board of Education meeting
o Observe and keep qualitative research field notes for both
of the above
Assessment of Student Learning:
 Field notebook
o Log of hours observed and qualitative field notes from
each observation session)
 Final synthesis paper
o Integration of the four areas of educational philosophies,
student diversity, Ohio Standards for the Teaching
Profession, and the role of teachers, schools, and
education in a diverse, democratic society
o Utilization of specific examples from the field observations
o Development of student’s emerging philosophical beliefs
about schooling in a diverse, democratic society
Field Placement Office: 330-972-8144
Revised 11/28/2012