TO: UA NSF I-Corps Sites Teams FROM: UA NSF I-Corps Sites Administrators SUBJECT: Customer Interview Form Guide The following form is designed to help you develop questions to interview potential customers and licensees. The information below is a recap from our class discussion on finding licensees and identifying market opportunities. Please refer to this guide in filling out the Customer Interview Form. Product Market Fit Connect your Customer Segment to your Value Proposition: What jobs need to get done? o Is it a problem or a need? What is the customer segment trying to accomplish? o What is their problem or need? What customer solution or gain can you provide them? What customer problem or pain have you identified? What is the market type? Understand Your Customer in Context Identify your Users, Influencers, Recommenders, Decision Makers, Economic Buyers, and Saboteurs. Individuals vs. Companies Depending on your product, you may be talking to individuals as potential customers or companies as potential customers. Individual Customers o Purchases your product directly from you o End user Company Customers o Purchases your product from you and then sells your product to an end user or a retailer Multiple Customer Segments Each customer segment has its own value proposition Each customer segment has its own revenue stream and distribution channel One segment cannot exist without the other Helpful Hints Key Resources Lesson 3: Customer Segments o Go to Click on “Take the Class” on the right side and sign in If you do not already have a user account you will need to create one Don’t worry – it is free In the upper left use the lesson navigator pull down menu to navigate to the lesson UA NSF I-Corps Sites Customer Interview Form UA NSF I-Corps Sites Team: Entrepreneurial Lead: Mentor: Academic Lead: Customer Interviews Talk to the five (5) customers you identified in your market research within a specific Market Segment. For each Market Segment, complete one page (or more) depending on how many customers you talked with in that Market Segment. Market Segment: Customer Name: Email: Company Contact Name: Phone: Date Contacted: Title: How did your conversation change your hypothesis? Customer Name: Email: Company Contact Name: Phone: Date Contacted: Title: How did your conversation change your hypothesis? Customer Name: Email: Company Contact Name: Phone: Date Contacted: Title: How did your conversation change your hypothesis? Customer Name: Email: Company Contact Name: Phone: Date Contacted: Title: How did your conversation change your hypothesis? Customer Name: Email: Company Contact Name: Phone: Date Contacted: Title: How did your conversation change your hypothesis? Customer Name: Company Contact Name: How did your conversation change your hypothesis? Email: Phone: Title: Date Contacted: