Capital Market Development






Mobilizing Investment

Kelle Bevine – IDB/Private Sector Dept. October 26, 2006

IDB: Financing with the Private Sector

Date of Creation:

 1995


 Project Finance

 Corporate Finance

 Capital Markets

 Trade Finance

Presence in the Market:

 Operations in 15 countries & a regional fund

 71 projects closed in financial markets

 US$17.8 billion of new investments

 US$2.7 billion of direct financing

 US$2.9 billion of commercial participations

 More than 80 banks and institutional investors

IDB has achieved highly catalytic results

IDB Approved Amounts and Total Project Costs

(cumulative 1995-2006)

Total Project Costs

$26,183 million

IDB Approved amount

$4,935 million

Mobilization ratio of total project cost is 5.3 times amount of IDB participation

IDB Track Record

Building physical & financial infrastructure to increase the region’s competitiveness & job creation – examples of tangible results from IDB private sector portfolio



# of projects

Output Outcome

Total project cost

Electricity generation 23 10,300 MW 60 million beneficiaries $6.60

transmission 13 114,000 km 98,000 MW increased capacity $3.70

Transportation tollroads 10

Water &

Sanitation distribution

Capital Markets housing



971 km

300,000 new connections up to1 million new mortgages

10% reduction in accidents over 1 million beneficiaries over 4 million beneficiaries




IDB’s New Business Model adopted in 2006

Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations:

Expanding IDB impact in the region


 New clients: state-owned-enterprises, financial institutions, subnational /municipal entities, & PPPs are now eligible for IDB financing

 Expanded Sectors: all sectors now eligible for IDB financing

 New Products: refinancing and local currency guarantees

 Increased Lending Limits: up to US$200 million/US$400 million*

 Streamlined Procedures for improved response capacity

IDB Financing: Products & Parameters

Financial Products:

 Syndicated A/B Loan Facilities

 Political Risk Guarantees

 Local Currency Financial Guarantees

 Local Currency Financing options

Financing Parameters:

 Project Finance, Corporate Finance, Structured Finance & Trade Finance solutions

 New projects, capital expansions and re-financing all eligible

 Financing up to 25-40% of total cost for Greenfield transactions

 Financing up to 50% in expansions and re-financing

 Project limits at US$200 million or US$400 million/exceptional basis

 Tenors up to 20+ years

 Market-based pricing

IDB Focus: Client Driven Financial Solutions

 Local Currency Financial Guarantees, typically without recourse to the originator, for:

 Mortgage-backed securitizations (MBS), for both residential and commercial mortgages

 Future flow securitizations for credit card receivables, trade receivables, etc.

 Warehousing facilities for accumulation of receivables (e.g. construction loans)

 Direct Credit and/or Local Currency Financial Guarantees for on-balance sheet financing via banking and/or bond markets by corporations, financial institutions, or utilities.

 Structures include issues of secured and unsecured senior and/or subordinated debt

 Direct Credit and/or Local Currency Financial Guarantees for limited recourse off-balance sheet financing via banking and/or bond markets by special purpose companies.

 Private, Public and Mixed Ownership (PPP) utility companies and project sponsors

 Debt Financing for private equity funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs)

 Debt Financing for investment funds for infrastructure, education, export-based businesses, etc.

 Unsecured loans to leading financial institutions, for on-lending to importers and exporters.

Facilities mobilize commercial bank funding through B-loan participation

 First generation of deals focused on largest banks in Brazil; second generation is expanding to smaller banks throughout the region


IDB Financing: Questions & Answers

Questions Raised during July 13, 2006 meeting:

 Can IDB provide re-insurance to national development banks?

 Can IDB assist in attracting monoline insurers to companies in Latin America?

 Additional questions
