Matakuliah : fotografi 2 Tahun : 2010 Pertemuan 03 Introduction to Basic Portraiture Techniques ( with 2 point lighting) Overview of covered materials - Understanding basic lighting fundamental’s The Main light & Fill light The accessory light Basic head positions for close up portraits Basic body positions for variety portraits Basic lighting techniques for portraits Bina Nusantara University 3 Basic portrait lighting components Main Light A Main light is the main source of lighting in your picture and by right should be the most powerful light source (in intensity) in comparison to any other lighting used. All lighting that is smaller in intensity will be considered as a Fill light. Note : (Some accessory lighting will tend to have brighter intensity than the main light for special effects purposes) 4 Basic portrait lighting components Fill Light A Fill light is a smaller source of lighting that is used to fill in shadows and to create smaller contrast range between highlight and shadow detail. Fill light must be less powerful in comparison to the main light. If a fill light is measured to be more powerful than the designated main light, then the fill light will function as the main light and vice versa Bina Nusantara University 5 Basic portrait lighting components Accessory Lights Accessory Lighting can be various in types of lighting that adds details toward a photographic setting. These lighting may vary to their uses and would often time have special names such as : - Hair Light : hair area - Accent Light / Edge Light / Kickers : to separate background and subject/model - Background Light & Cookies These lights serves as dividers or separators to create more dimensions in our pictures. 6 MAIN LIGHT ( KEY) The main or key light is the primary and, usually, the strongest light. It is responsible for providing shape and form. In the example to the left, our subject is lighted solely by the main light. As this main light is quite contrasty, the image shows stark areas of highlight and shadow, and would benefit from some fill lighting. 7 FILL LIGHT The fill light provides light to "fill in" shadow areas created by other lights. In general, fill lights should provide an even, non-directional light that adds little character or shadows of its own. The fill light is nearly always weaker than the main light. The example to the left shows our subject lighted solely by the fill light. This is a very flat light. 8 MAIN & FILL LIGHTS COMBINED The image to the left shows the result of combining the main and fill lights. In this example the main light is approximately 1.25 f-stops more intense than the fill light. Used with a much lighter background, this lighting combination is useful for basic school and business photos. 9 KICKER LIGHT (RIM, EDGE) Kicker lights, also known as rim lights, accent the edges of the subject. The image to the left shows our subject lighted with the addition of a kicker to the left and right. From the camera position, kickers set to the same output as the main light will appear noticeably brighter. The kickers in this example are delivering less light than the main light, yet the area they light appears brighter than the front of the face. This occurs because the kickers are positioned such that a greater portion of the reflected light is the form of direct reflection. 10 HAIR LIGHT The hair light is used to enhance hair texture and provide separation from the background. Hair lights can add wonderful impact, but should be removed or used judiciously for people with thinning hair or bald pates. 11 Main, Fill, Hair & Background Light The background light is used to illuminate the background. Background lighting may be even or graduated, color neutral or colored with the addition of gels. In the examples above, we have the same lighting (main, fill, & hair), but in the image on the right a background light is added. Notice how the background light helps separate the subject from the background. 12 Tugas : 2 Point Lighting - buat tugas memakai 2 lampu - kombinasi =main:fill> 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8 main:hair> 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 8:1, 4:1, 2:1 main:background> 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 8:1, 4:1, 2:1 main:edge> 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 8:1, 4:1, 2:1 Bina Nusantara University 13