PAPRN+ Network Call – 7/30/2015 Roll Call: [See Amanda’s Notes] CDC Updates: Last week Tom presented on PAPRN+ to the administration and they are happy with the direction that the Network is going and are really excited and hopeful about the Working Groups. Updates from Field: Amanda: ALR abstracts are due August 28th. We will actually have working group posters at the conference – each Working Group will have a poster to advertise what they are doing within the PAPRN+ Network. Stephenie Lemon: Paper from last round of PAPRN is being featured next month on a webinar. The webinar is on August 26th. When she receives final details she will send it over to us to put out to the Network. Jamie: A while ago we got a call for volunteers to work with us on doing our aerial photography coding. We are wrapping up the training materials and will touch base with people who expressed interest previously soon. Guest: Scott Bricker, Executive Director of America Walks - In 2014 America Walks did a survey of local organizations that reported out doing work on walking or walkability. 532 organizations reporting from every state. We found that the majority of these organizations are understaffed and underfunded (1 full-time staff member and an immediate budget of about $7000) o Highlights emphasis on need for partnership and reaching out to highlight these organizations o America - Case studies from around the world hosted on their website online - Ongoing webinar series – all recorded and available online o Provided at different levels (from 1 on 1 to Advanced) - Developed a new program called The Walking College o Working with 25 independent advocates to build their soft skills and help them better communicate their ideas and advocate for the cause o Compendium of curriculum materials will be out at the end of the year o All fellows and 12 mentors will be attending National Walking Summit - America Walks provides other local technical services o Currently delivering state and health transportation workshops in 4 states - - Piloted an elected officials training in Mississippi this year. Looking to provide more trainings like this. Everybody Walks Collaborative Working with PAPRN+ and ALR on putting forward an NIH grant application for Advancing Dissemination and Implementation Research on Walkability Working on organizing 2nd National Walking Summit o Urges PAPRN+ members to attend o Washington, D.C. on October 28-30, 2015 Leading 2nd Walk the Hill Day o Lobbying congress around walkability Surgeon General’s Call to Action on Walking & Walkability Q&A Amanda: Can you talk to the rural settings working group about specific issues or walking advocacy groups that work in more rural areas that they could tap into? Scott: I would encourage you to look at the small town aspects of rural settings. If I was going to be looking at rural and small towns, I would focus on main streets and the importance of having places that are connected and how that is important to our society culturally and how that has dissipated and the revival of that. There are small towns making a “comeback” instead of letting their populations die out. One of the most recent polls I’ve seen said that many young people are OK living in small towns and suburbs, but they are concerned about walkability. Safer Schools have also done stuff stuff around bussing and getting children to school safely. Those are some of the areas I would look at. Jenn Carroll: Have you tried to target communities that are most in need of interventions using other sorts of data? Scott: I would say that we have not done that level of analysis. The general analysis is that NYC is better off than upstate NY from a standpoint of being represented – the metropolitan centers are more likely to have more robust efforts going on around walkability (when compared to smaller towns or even midsized cities). When we were selecting our Walking College fellows we specifically aimed to have participation from different states, different sized towns and cities, different perspectives, and people at different stages in their careers. Who from PAPRN+ is going to the walking summit and try to coordinate a meetup. Working Group Updates Amanda: Thank you all who stepped up to be leaders for the Working Groups. We just wrapped up the calls with the leaders and will soon be distribute the Working Group survey to the leaders for their approval before we send it out to the entire Network for a response. This should all be done by next week.