Supplemental Figures 1 through 3. Denaturing gradient gel images of bacterial 16S rDNA (Supplemental Figure 1), pmoA (Supplemental Figure 2), and archaeal 16S rDNA (Supplemental Figure 3) PCR products with DNA recovered from density fractions from 12C-CH4 (left) and 13C-CH4 (right) incubations from Chicago Bog and Michigan Hollow fen. Measured densitites in g ml-1 are written vertically at the top of each lane. Arrows point to bands present in heavier fractions of the 13C samples that were absent from 12C controls and that were excised for further analysis. The 3 bands present in every sample lane of the 4 bacterial 16S rDNA gels in Supplemental Figure 1 were determined to originate from bacterial or bacterial DNA contamination of the “molecular grade” glycogen (Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ, USA) used to precipitate and purify DNA; a problem common to nearly all brands of commercially available moleculargrade glycogen from North American suppliers (c.f. Bantram et al. 2009, Nucleic acid contamination of glycogen used in nucleic acid precipitation and assessment of linear polyacrylamide as an alternative co-precipitant. BioTechniques 47:1019-1022). An X over lanes on the bacterial 16S rDNA gels was from a last, least dense 11 th fraction recovered from a much smaller volume of CsCl2 than the first 10 densest fractions that was not included in the other PCRs or DGGE gels. marker marker X 1.708 X empty lane 1.710 1.688 1.721 1.727 1.741 1.746 1.747 1.757 1.758 empty lane 1.713 Michigan Hollow 13-C 16s rDNA 1.701 1.706 1.725 1.731 1.738 1.750 1.767 1.770 1.770 Michigan Hollow 12-C 16s rDNA marker marker X 1.678 1.687 1.702 1.711 1.730 1.737 Chicago Bog 12-C bacterial 16s rDNA marker marker empty lane X 1.697 1.704 1.716 1.722 1.726 1.739 1.749 1.752 1.762 empty lane marker C2 16s rRNA 1.731 1.749 1.752 1.759 1.794 marker Supplemental Figure 1. Chicago Bog 13-C bacterial 16s rDNA Marker 1.688 1.701 1.706 1.725 1.731 1.738 1.750 1.767 1.770 1.770 Michigan Hollow 12-C pmoA Marker 1.708 1.710 1.713 1.721 1.727 1.741 marker 1.746 1.747 1.757 1.758 marker marker 1.678 1.687 1.702 1.711 1.730 marker 1.737 1.739 1.749 1.752 1.762 marker Chicago Bog 12-C pmoA marker 1.697 marker 1.704 1.716 1.722 1.726 1.731 1.749 1.752 1.759 1.794 marker Supplemental Figure 2. Chicago Bog 13-C pmoA Michigan Hollow 13-C pmoA Supplemental Figure 3. Supplemental Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree illustrating the relatedness of a single archaeal 16S rDNA sequence detected in a higher density fraction of the 13C Chicago Bog DNA but not the 12C controls (see Supplemental Figure 3). Other sequences are 16S rDNA of isolates and other uncultivated archaea from environmental samples retrieved from GenBank.