Mata kuliah : F0922 - Pengantar Analisis Pendapatan Tetap Dan Ekuitas Tahun : 2010 ANALISIS PENDAPATAN TETAP Pertemuan 3 -mupo- ANALISIS PENDAPATAN TETAP Materi: 1. Ciri-ciri surat berharga bersifat Utang 2. Resiko 3. Peringkat obligasi 1. Ciri-ciri surat berharga bersifat Utang 1.1 A Fixed Income security is: “ a financial obligation of an entity that promises to pay a specified sum of money at specified future dates” The entity that promise to make the payment is called issuer of the security. Sekuritas berpendapatan tetap terdiri dari 2 kategori: Debt obligation dan Preffered stock. Debt obligation, the issuer is called the borrower; the investor who purchasees such a fixed income securities said to be the lender or creditor. The promised payments that the issuer agrees to make at specified dates consist of two components: interest and principal (principal represents of funds borrowed) payments. Fixed income securities that are debt obligations include bonds, mortgage-backed securities, assets-back securities Bina Nusantara University and bank loans 4 Ciri-ciri surat berharga bersifat Utang (cont’) Preffered stock represents an ownerhip interest in a corporation. Devidend payments are made to the preffered stockhoder and represent a distribution of the corporation’s profit. 1.2 Indenture and Convents The promises of the issuer and rights of the bondholders are set forth a great detail in a bond’s indenture. The identure identifies the trustee as a representative of interests of bondhoders As a part of indenture, there are: 1.2.1 Affirmative convents : o To pay interest nd principal on timely basis o To pay all taxes and other claims when due o To maintain all properties used and useful in the borrower’s business in good condition and working order o To submit periodic reports to a trustee stating that the borrower is in compliance with the loan agreement 1.2.2 Negative convenants : set forth certain limitations and restrictions on the borrower’s activities. The more common restrictive convenants are those that impose limitations on the borrower’s ability to incur additional debt unless certain tests are satisfied 1.3 Maturity The term to maturity of a bond is the number of years the debt is outstanding of the number of years remaining prior to final principal payment. - Notes : 1 – 10 years - Bonds : above 10 years 1.4 Par value The par value of a bond is the amount that the issuer agrees to repay the bond holder at or by the maturity date. This amount is also referre to as the principal value, face value, redemption value and maturity value. Bond can any par value Example : a value of “100” means 100% of par value. If a bond has par value of $ 1,000 and the issue selling for $ 900, the bond said to be sell at 90. if a bond with a par value of $ 5,000 is selling for $ 5,500, is said to be selling at 110. 1.5 Coupon rate The coupon rate, also called the nominal rate, is the interest rate that the issuer agrees to pay each year. The interest payment is called the coupon. coupon = coupon rate x par value Example: a bond with 8% coupon rate and par value of $ 1,000 will pay annual interest of: $80 (= $ 1,000 x0.08) 2. Resiko Risk associated with investing in bonds, the risk include: • Market/Interest risk Merupakan resiko terbesar fixed income securities (FIS). Harga berbanding terbalik dengan tingkat suku bunga. Pada saat interest rate naik, market price bond cenderung turun, sedangkan saat interest rate turun harga cenderung naik. FIS dengan holding period panjang mempunyai resiko relatif lebih besar. • Reinvestment risk cash flow dari return umumnya diinvestasikan kembali. Pada saat kupon diterima atau saat maturity, investor harus reinvestasi pada alternatif investasi lain misalnya Deposito. - saat interest naik, reinvesment risk mengecil - saat interest rate turun, reinvesment risk membesar - Reinvesment rate merupakan oposisi market risk. Keduanya saling meniadakan, secara tehnis disebut immunization Resiko (cont’) • Credit/default risk Resiko kebangkrutan penerbit FIS, sehingga tidak mampu melaksanakan kewajibannya Likuidity risk Untuk memperoleh cash, investor harus berusaha menjual FIS yang dipegang di pasar sekunder, usaha ini merupakan konsekuensi dari adanya likuidity risk. “ Investor jangka panjang tidak terpengaruh oleh likuidity risk Exchange rate risk FIS diterbitkan dengn mata uang sesuai dengan tempat penerbitan bond. Dalam kondisi Rupiah melemah terhdap US dollar, US bondholder memperoleh keuntungan relatif, sedangkan Rupiah bondholder mengalami kerugian sebagai konsekkuensi exchange rate risk. Inflation or purchasing power risk Event risk Resiko (cont’) • Inflation or purchasing power risk Resiko ini muncul karena Inflasi menurunkan purchasing power (daya beli) kupon dan pokok yang diterima Investor Event risk Kemampuan issuer untuk membayar kupon dan pokok dipengaruhi oleh: - Bencana alam - Take over, merger restrukturing - Krisis ekonomi. 3. Peringkat Obligasi Rating AAA Indikasi - Resiko Investasi paling rendah - Kemampuan membayar sangat baik - Perubahan keadaan ekonomi & bisnis tidak mempengaruhi resiko Peringkat obligasi (cont’) Rating AA Indikasi - resiko Investasi sangat rendah - kesanggupan membayar sangat baik - Perubahan ekonomi mungkin mempengaruhi resiko secara kurang berarti ____________________________________________________ A - Resiko Investasi cukup rendah - Kesanggupan membayar baik - Perubahan ekonomi menaikkan resiko Investasi _____________________________________________________ BBB - Kesanggupan membayar cukup memadai - Perubahan ekonomi menaikkan resiko Investasi Peringkat obligasi (cont’) Rating BB Indikasi - Ada kemungkinan resiko Investasi - Kesanggupan membayar ada, tetapi dipengaruhi kondisi ekonomi ____________________________________________________ B - Mengandung resiko Investasi - Pembayaran angsuran & pokok tidak cukup dilindungi terhadap perubahan ekonomi ____________________________________________________ C - Spekulatif dengan resiko macet cukup besar ____________________________________________________ D - Macet ____________________________________________________ Pemeringkatan dilakukan oleh Pefindo (Indonesia), Moody’s, S&P