
Students will express their understanding of the previous short
Students will prepare for their upcoming test on this unit.
Students will bring their stories to class.
Teacher will have all of the discussion questions and vocabulary
worksheets still in his or her possession.
1. Students will come to class with their stories. Students will read
their story aloud to the class. This can be done on a volunteer
basis until they need assistance. Each student will read aloud and
then turn their story in for credit. (20-25 minutes)
2. Comments and questions will be allowed after each story.
Depending on the student’s stories, this could be effective to
enhance choice words and phrases in writing.
3. Teacher will return all of the students’ discussion handouts and
vocabulary worksheets from the units that are still in his or her
4. Question and Answer period to review for the test – Students are
allowed to raise their hand and ask questions about their test.
When there is 5-10 minutes left of class, or when questions are
answered, finalize the review by reminding them of:
a. Vocabulary
i. Including short story vocabulary and elements of
vocabulary. Review worksheets.
b. Review short stories. Any stories not read-read them. Go
over their discussion questions for each short story read in
5. Make sure that all of the student’s stories are handed in to the
teacher at the end of class to include them in their working
Students will receive credit for reading their story out loud and
handing it in at the end of the period.
Study for test.