Alison D. Kohler September 11, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Nouns Previous Assignment: Journal Entry Objectives: Students will review 3.8 paragraphs. Students will begin to be introduced to the noun. The student will be able to define the word “noun.” The teacher will observe and assess student’s ability to identify parts of speech and gauge future lessons to their ability. Materials: Red grammar books, worksheet Activities: The teacher will return corrected 3.8 paragraphs. The teacher will then reteach any and all parts of the 3.8 paragraph the students didn’t understand or comprehend by evaluating their homework. The main activity for today if for the teacher to introduce the definition of the noun and then begin to gauge student’s ability by watching and listening to them work through a worksheet on nouns and in-class work on page 43 of red book. Teacher will assign activity on page 43 and have students hand in to instructor before end of period. Evaluation: Teacher will receive verbal feedback from students by asking them to identify different types of nouns and the definition of nouns. The students will also be evaluated on how they did on page 43. Teacher will gauge students understanding of grammar during in class discussion and in class assignment and structure future grammar lesson plans on students ability to complete the first few grammar tasks. Assignment: Rewrite journal entry. Students will be asked to copy edit and check for errors in their writing. Alison D. Kohler September 12, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson Plan: Nouns II Previous Assignment: Rewritten journal entry Objectives: Students will hand in journal entry rewrite. Students will become more aware and comfortable with the idea of what a noun is. Students will understand the definition of the noun. Students will be able to write examples of persons, places, things and ideas. Students will work in groups identifying nouns. Materials: Grammar books (blue and red as needed for examples) Activities: Students will be handed back paragraphs and given feedback. Students will review the definition of a noun. Students will form groups and brainstorm ideas for persons, places, things and ideas paying particular attention to things and ideas. Teacher will facilitate throughout brainstorming. Teacher will introduce ideas of where nouns are found in sentences including relating words (prepositions) and the beginning of sentences. Teacher will introduce the ideas of pronouns and their relation to nouns. Students then be assigned blue book exercise page 4. If time remains, students will write a sentence which include nouns on a piece of paper. The teacher will collect these shuffle them and have students identify nouns in each other’s sentences. Evaluation: The teacher will evaluate individual student’s writing by reading through each journal piece. The teacher will provide feedback to each student on their writing including areas for improvement and strong points. Assignment: Do noun worksheet. Alison D. Kohler September 17, 2001 Grammar Subject and Object Pronouns Previous Assignment: Introduction to Pronouns Objectives: The students will be able to identify and choose the correct object or subject pronoun in a sentence. The student will review the 3.8 paragraph and be assigned a paragraph for tomorrow. Materials: Red book pages 210-213 Activities: Hand in noun worksheet. Review and reteach anything that wasn’t grasped from last lesson. The teacher will begin class by giving the definition of a pronoun. Students will brainstorm pronouns as teacher writes them on the board. The teacher will then write the subject/object pronoun diagram o the board. The teacher and students will discuss the terms subject, object, and person in relation to pronouns. The students will open their books to page 210. The teacher and students will read, discuss and complete exercises on the following pages through p.213. The teacher will hand out worksheet to students. Students will complete and hand in worksheet to teacher. The teacher will then review the 3.8 paragraph with the students by asking them for the 3.8 formula. The teacher will write this on the board and discuss any materials that need work/reteaching with students. Teacher will hand out homework assignment. Evaluation: Completion of Subject and Object Pronoun Worksheet. (This sheet will be handed in to the teacher at the completion of class. And teacher will evaluate and reteach material if students lack understanding..) Verbal feedback about the formula for the 3.8 paragraph. Assignment: Assigned 3.8 paragraph worksheet Mrs. Langdahl –next few days Alison D. Kohler October 4, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Friendly Letter Objectives: Students will be able to combine the different parts of the friendly letter. Students will be able to compose a proper friendly letter. Materials: Worksheets on commas, textbooks, good lined paper, text Activities: Students will begin class with spelling pre-test. Students will then correct their own comma worksheets. The teacher will then give students time to review rules they misunderstood and re-correct their worksheet in pen. Students will hand in comma worksheet. The teacher will then introduce “The Friendly Letter” in the text. Teacher will go through 5 parts of the letter, show then an example letter, and then assign them to write their own friendly letter. Evaluation: Students ability to correct their mistakes in the comma worksheet. Students ability to begin writing their “Friendly Letter.” Assignment: Finish “Friendly Letter” and hand in edited copy. Alison D. Kohler October 5, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Work Day Materials: Late work, reading book Objectives: Students will complete late work, friendly letters, or class assignments Activities: Students will work on assignments that are incomplete. Teacher will spend time re-teaching concepts to individual students that need extra help. Students will be asked to read independently when they have completed all of their work. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated upon their ability to get in incomplete work. Assignment: None Alison D. Kohler October 8, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Nouns in prepositional phrases Objectives: Students will analyze sentences and will be able to define and identify nouns in prepositional phrases. Materials: Red book, worksheet, Spelling Words Week 3 Activities: Teacher will hand out Spelling Words for Week 3 and explain Rule #4. Teacher will ask students to open their books to page 78 and focus on the prepositions. The teacher will then ask for volunteers to give examples of prepositional phrases. The teacher will write the examples on the board. The teacher will then ask students to identify the prepositions. Then they will be asked to identify the nouns. The teacher will show the correlation between prepositions and their “Objects.” Students will be introduced to the term “object of the preposition” for the nouns after prepositions. Students will be asked to read along and for the teacher through page 78. The teacher will then assign Practice A. After completion, the teacher will correct them out loud in class. The teacher will then assign a worksheet with nouns in prepositions due for tomorrow. Evaluation: Students ability to interact with class and discuss prepositions and prepositional phrases. Students will be able to define and identify nouns in prepositional phrases. Assignment: Worksheet on nouns in prepositions Alison D. Kohler October 9, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Nouns in the complete subject Objectives: Students will analyze sentences and will be able to identify and define nouns in the complete subject. Materials: Red grammar books, worksheets, spelling worksheet Activities: Teacher will hand out spelling worksheet. The teacher will give the directions and then ask students to work on the sheet when they have completed the following activities: The teacher will introduce nouns in the subject area. The teacher will give the procedure for finding nouns in the subject. 1. Identify verb 2. Put hash mark between subject and predicate 3. Identify prepositional phrases and their objects 4. Find subject-simple or compound The teacher will then assign Practice A 1-4; students volunteers will be asked to put the sentences on the board. Teacher will then review the 4 sentences with the class, checking for comprehension. Assignment for tomorrow, complete 5-8 in exercise A and work on spelling worksheet. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to pick out nouns in the subject area. Students will be evaluated on their ability to follow the procedure for finding nouns. Assignment: Exercise A #5-8 Alison D. Kohler October 10, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Nouns in the complete subject II Materials: spelling worksheet, red grammar books Objectives: Students will analyze sentences and will be able to identify and define nouns in the complete subject Activities: Teacher will reteach the procedure for finding nouns in the subject area. The teacher will then ask students to check over their #5-8 sentences for errors. The teacher will walk around the class and check for students with problems with the objective. After reteaching and discussing finding nouns, the teacher will assign page 84 numbers 15-22. The students will spend the remaining time finishing the assigned sentences and spelling worksheet. Before handing in assignment, the teacher will instruct the student that they must be checked by the teacher. The teacher will spend the remaining part of the hour checking students papers and reteaching to students who do not understand how to find nouns in the subject area. Evaluation: Students will hand in #5-8 and page 84. Students will understand how to use the procedure to find nouns in the subject area. Assignment: Finish spelling worksheet, spelling pretest Alison D. Kohler October 11, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Nouns in the predicate Materials: red grammar books Objectives: Students will analyze sentences and will be able to identify and define nouns in the predicate Activities: The teacher will give the spelling pretest. Students will self-correct test with marker while teacher monitors and respells words. Students will then be asked to turn their books to page 82. The teacher will then introduce “Nouns in the Predicate” by using three sentences for demonstration: one sentence that contains a prep phrase in predicate, one that contains only a do, and one that contains both do and prep phrase. The teacher will identify the noun as the Direct Object. The teacher will then discuss the function of the direct object. The students and teacher will read through the lesson on page 82 together. The teacher will then go through the procedure for finding nouns in the predicate: 1. identify and underline the verb 2. put a hash mark between subject and predicate 3. identify prep phrases and put them in parentheses 4. identify the op of each prep phrase 5. identify the noun/direct object by asking whom or what after the verb. The teacher will demonstrate this procedure with sentences 1 and 2. Students will then be assigned Part A #’s 3, 4, and 5. The teacher will put these on the board and go through them with the students after they have completed their sentences. The teacher will then assign Part B #10-15 for homework. Evaluation: Students will be able to begin picking out nouns in the predicate area. Assignment: Sentences #10-15 in Part B Alison D. Kohler October 12, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Nouns in the Predicate II Previous Assignment: Sentences #10-15 Part B Materials: Red grammar book Objectives: Students will spell the spelling words. Students will analyze sentences and will be able to identify and define nouns in the predicate. Activities: The teacher will start class by giving the final spelling test. The teacher will then move on to reviewing yesterday’s lesson: finding nouns, op, do, and procedure to find them. Students will be given a minute to look over their homework before correcting it in class with markers. The teacher with the help of the students will correct #10-15 on the board so students can see what the sentences are supposed to look like when labeled correctly. The teacher will then have students hand this work in. The teacher will assign Part C page 85 #’s 34-43 for homework for Monday. When the students have completed the assignment, they will read their reading books. All assignments must be checked for completion and comprehension before handing in. The teacher will walk through the classroom working with individual students on a one-onone basis. The teacher will work with and even reteach students when necessary. Evaluation: Students will be able to identify and define all nouns in the predicate of the sentence. Students will be evaluated on their spelling test grades. Assignment: Part C page 85 #’s 34-43 Alison D. Kohler October 15, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson: Identifying nouns in the subject and predicate Previous Assignment: Part C page 85 #’s 34-43 Materials: Red grammar book, Worksheet Objectives: Students will combine finding nouns in subjects with finding nouns in predicates. Students will analyze and label nouns found in the subject and predicate. Activities: The teacher will review the procedure for finding nouns in the subject and the procedure for finding nouns in the predicate. The teacher will then demonstrate how the two can be combined to find all nouns in the sentence. The students will then work with the teacher to complete sentences on the board, finding nouns in both the subject and predicate. The teacher will then ask the students to complete the worksheet. The teacher will answer questions and work with students that need individual help during this time. When the students have finished the assignment, they will hand it in. Evaluation: The students will be evaluated on their ability to find nouns in the subject and predicate. Students who are having difficulty will be evaluated on their ability to work and try to comprehend the subject matter. Assignment: Bring home both the red grammar book and review sheet and begin reviewing for 2nd major test to be given on Wednesday. Alison D. Kohler October 16, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson Plan: Review for 2nd major test Previous Assignment: Review for test at home Materials: Red grammar book, review sheet, review worksheet Objectives: Students will recall items taught in the last Unit. Students will note information needed to successfully complete the test. Activities: The students will review for the test in groups following the review worksheet. After 20-30 minutes, the teacher will ask the students to come back to their seating arrangement. The students will be given time to question and review with the teacher as facilitator. The students will write examples of each part of the test on the board. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to work in small groups to review for the test. Assignment: 2nd major test tomorrow. Bring book to read when finished. Alison D. Kohler October 17, 2001 Title of Unit: Grammar Title of Lesson Plan: 2nd Major Test Previous Assignment: Study for test Materials: Test Objectives: Students will take a test. Activities: Students will take the 2nd major test. Upon completion, they will read their out of class books. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their test scores. Assignment: Have a good weekend!