
Josh Shulstad
September 12, 2001
Animal rights are a big controversial topic because many people do not know
exactly what animal rights are. There are some people who are very strong animal rights
activists who do not want animals to be confined in a laboratory, and there are people
who are clueless avoid the use of slangto what is going on in the world with the issue of
animal rights. There are still other people, like the farmers and the butchers who do not
think about the welfare of their animals. Many of us know how animals are being
treated, but in this paper you will be told that animals testing should be outlawed and
ways to prevent animal testing to be stopped.The thesis has a clear viewpoint; however,
some rewording would add power to the statement.
Animal testing is wrong because all animals should have the right to be living
wherever they want to live. Be careful that this first sentence makes the issue too simple.
They are beings too, and they shouldn’t have to be under a light and penned up in a cage.
It is not fair for the animal because even though they decide whether you want to use
singular or plural are not human, scientists should not keep their animals confined in a
laboratory. I do not believe that scientists research so much information from a small
mouse or a hamster. I think that most of the information they find is irrelevant to any
disease or sickness that a human might have. These statements that begin with “I think”
or “I believe” must have something solid to support them.
Animal testing should be stopped and there should be laws made for it to be
outlawed. We need to make the public more aware about what is going on in the
laboratories because most people are clueless to what animal testing is really about.
I believe that animal testing should be stopped because all animals have rights
even though they are not human. Animals are a part of our world whether we like it or
Works Cited
Clifford, J.C. (1994). Animal rights: A reference handbook. California: Contemporary
World Issues.
Josh, your view is clear, but the essay needs more support, something specific, and I
think you should acknowledge the other side of the issue. Also, please add a
parenthetical citation – show me where you used the source listed above.