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Disease Causes in Industrial Era Worksheet

History – Medicine – Ideas on the causes of disease during the
Industrial period (1500-1750)
Main Learning
Use the information on slide 2 to explain what changed and what
continued from the Renaissance period with the ideas of he causes of
disease. Create a table like the on below to show the following:
1. Ideas which stopped
2. Ideas which continued
3. New ideas
Assess the continuations and
changes with ideas on the causes of
disease during the Industrial period
Explain the ideas on the causes of
disease during the Industrial
Ideas which stopped
Ideas which continued
New ideas
Industrial Revolution- a period of major changes in the way products are made, from
small-scale to large scale manufacturing
Microbe – Any living organism hat can only be seen through a microscope.
Decaying matter – when animals or vegetables rot.
Describe the ideas on the causes of
disease during the Industrial period
Hand in Expectations
Using paper or Word complete the
above task and add it to your Onenote.
If you can’t send it electronically bring it
into school