September 23, 2015

Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting
9:30 am
Attendance: Rick, Kevin T, Ron, Fred, Jessica, Kelli
1. Current Projects
a. Vangstad
i. Working on the front entryway- building the walls.
ii. Plumbing in air handler unit.
iii. Change orders for electrical.
iv. We will need a furniture list so we can do a competitive bid.
v. Jessica will be meeting with Mark Kay (BEST) on 10/6 to set up the key schedule
for the building.
b. Flood Wall
i. Phase 1 of the walls are poured and completed along College Street.
ii. Prepping the street for curb and gutter to be installed this week.
iii. There is an update meeting this morning- should have more information
c. Climate Control Upgrade
i. Tony should be here tomorrow and if all goes well, we can remove from agenda.
d. Wellness Center
i. No major updates
e. Heat Plant
i. Will be closing on the 3rd house on 10/5. Will cost about $30,000 to demolish
the properties we purchased.
ii. Wesley will be meeting with the Appropriations Committee in Bismarck
tomorrow to discuss the Heat Plant Replacement Project.
f. Training Room Accreditation
i. Field House
1. Wick is ready to come in Dec. 10th to start the project.
g. Housing
i. Still working on U.H.
ii. Rick is requesting communication on when to get back in to paint before the
new floor goes in.
2. Future Projects
a. Projects ON HOLD
i. Back Alley
ii. Field House Addition
iii. Student Center Upper Lounge (Summer ’16)
iv. McCoy Guest Suite
v. Circle Hall Interior
vi. Fine Arts Building (funding).
3. Events
a. Squash Harvest/Day of Service tomorrow
b. Inauguration and Homecoming next week- keep an eye on your schedules. Kelli has
scheduled set ups and tear downs very specifically so please pay attention and THANK
YOU in advance for all your help.
a. One-time security funding
i. Wesley sent in our revised budget. We are looking at getting $70,000 and are
going to try and focus on lights and cameras- but will have a meeting and
include Tech. Services to get their input, too.
ii. Card access in Rhoades
b. State Fleet training- everyone in the department is required to complete that training.
Please watch for the reminder today in your email.
a. Provided updates on the SOWs, Cloud upgrade and app.
Building Services
a. Closed the positions and was scored yesterday. Should be able to call today to schedule
a. Need a new crew rep- please decide who of that group would be willing to do that and
let Jessica or Kelli know.
b. The work orders that were assigned to Ray will be prioritized and re-distributed.
Power House
a. Starting Monday they will be doing filters to prepare for fall.
a. Staff Senate needs another Facilities representative. Watch for an email from Kelli
today. Please nominate someone if you feel they would be a good representative or
nominate yourself if you are willing.
b. Breakfast with Dr. Mason tomorrow morning- please make sure to respond to the email.
I am only ordering food for those that respond!
c. Please ensure everyone responds to the market value email so we can bring the correct
information forward.